"First beat an egg in a container, then pour some fine sugar, then start mixing with a mixer, pour in some low-fat flour, cocoa powder, and continue to mix..."

Su Zhe kept talking while holding his hands.

He is making chocolate cake.

Just now when Lin Shiqing was promoted to a bloodline, he promised her to make chocolate cake.

Now we have to bite the bullet and prepare.

To be honest, he really doesn't know how to make chocolate cake.

These so-called processes were all strategies he found online.

If something goes wrong, the chocolate cake won't come out right.

Because he has no experience, he is very cautious.

With the palm of his hand flying, he had already handled it well.

Highly focused and methodical step by step.

Outside the kitchen, Lin Shiqing was looking forward to it.

"How's it going?"

It's really strange that Su Zhe didn't let her see it.

Is he trying to pull some trick?

The reason behind this is that Su Zhe boasted too much before, saying that he could do it himself and did it very well.

In order to maintain her image as a baking expert, Lin Shiqing naturally couldn't let Lin Shiqing see her searching for tutorials on the Internet.

"It'll be ready soon, just wait a moment." Su Zhe shouted while continuing to prepare.

Su Zhe felt nervous when he put the container of cake batter into the baking box.

This is my first attempt, so it shouldn’t fail, right? !

After putting the things away, Su Zhe adjusted the baking time for an hour.

Then he walked out of the kitchen.

"Why are you so mysterious? You won't let me see it." Lin Shiqing said angrily.

"The main reason is that if someone is around, I might not be able to do it well." Su Zhe quickly explained.

Returning to the kitchen an hour later, Su Zhe took out the cake and looked at it.

The cake has been formed and looks pretty good.

Sprinkle a little chocolate sauce on top and garnish with a few small cherries.

It looks very good.

Su Zhe didn't like this kind of tooth-dropping cake. He didn't like sweets.

As for why Lin Shiqing likes to eat sweets, Su Zhe got the answer: because eating sweets makes her happy.

In order to prove her point of view, Lin Shiqing also cited some scientific evidence.

Scientific research shows that sweet foods can help promote the synthesis of dopamine, endocannabinoids and other hormones in the brain. These hormones can make people feel happy, satisfied, excited, and happy.

I believe it, isn’t it okay if I believe it?

Lin Shiqing was rare and rigorous, which made Su Zhe change his view on Lin Shiqing.

It seems that this kid is not the ferocious and brainless type.

After bringing the chocolate cake to the table, Lin Shiqing clapped her hands.

"It looks really good! I just don't know how it tastes..."

Lin Shiqing's eyes flashed and she looked at Su Zhe.

Su Zhe said confidently: "The taste is definitely not bad, you will know after one taste."

Sometimes he was so confident that when Lin Shiqing looked in pain, he realized that he had put too much cocoa powder...

"Su Zhe, I'm suffering so much that it's almost killing me. Do you want to murder me?"

In a moment of pain, Lin Shiqing's face turned pale, and even Zhebao couldn't cry out.

It feels like taking a bite of bitter melon directly, or chewing it slowly...

Su Zhe panicked and quickly ran to the water dispenser and got a glass of water.

After rinsing her mouth several times, Lin Shiqing returned to her usual demeanor.

"It seems that I still trust you too much..."

Lin Shiqing put a large piece of cake into her mouth at once, which undoubtedly expressed her trust in Su Zhe's baking skills.

But unfortunately, Su Zhe failed her.

Su Zhe looked apologetic: "When I practice again, I will definitely be better in the future."

"I swear, I must let you take a bite first, otherwise I will never dare to eat."

After learning from the pain, Lin Shiqing said slowly.

"I asked why the chocolate cake you made is so dark. It feels a little wrong."

The corner of Lin Shiqing's mouth twitched, and the bitter taste just now came to her heart. She felt that she had a shadow on chocolate cake, and she was about to lose interest in chocolate cake.

Su Zhe sighed.

"It's still a bit overwhelming..."

Unexpectedly, it was an unexpected turn of events.

But if you practice more in the future, there should be no problem.



Early the next morning, Lin Shiqing asked Su Zhe to take her to Xu Hongmei, the old woman who made sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and Su Zhe's landlord.

"I just remembered that the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from before was buried under the ruins at the old villa. I want to eat it again. Let's go find that old lady together." Lin Shiqing requested.

Su Zhe nodded when he heard this: "Okay, I haven't visited Grandma Xu for a while."

Time flies, and it’s almost a month.

It’s also the National Day holiday.

Many people in their circle of friends have begun to announce plans for the National Day.

And Su Zhe... currently has no intention of traveling because he is too weak.

To be honest, he really wanted to go outside and play with Lin Shiqing.

But now that the Western Vampires have penetrated into the Kingdom of China, you might be able to encounter some during your travels.

At that time, his strength will not be able to protect Lin Shiqing, and he will regret it for the rest of his life.

The fluctuations of the Vampires cannot be recognized by humans, but for the powerful Vampires, it is not difficult to identify the same kind.

Su Zhe could transform into a human to evade tracking, but Lin Shiqing couldn't. As long as she appeared outside, there would be certain blood fluctuations.

This is also the source of the danger.

She had just changed places, and Lin Shiqing didn't buy a car, so she could only drive her mother Lin Wen's.

Lin Wen now likes Su Zhe a lot because she can feel that he really takes care of her daughter and that he is a very good boyfriend.

Lin Shiqing also appeared very happy, and Lin Wen was already very satisfied.

Lin Wen's car was a red Maserati Ghibli. Lin Shiqing had no problem driving it, but it was not as showy as the original pink Maserati.

Putting some small poisonous insects into Xiaofen's lunch box, Lin Shiqing touched its head and comforted it softly.

"I'm going out for a while and I'll be back later. You are at home and be well."

Su Zhe looked on.

Although this little fan is a spider, I have to say that he can really understand Lin Shiqing's words, and he can understand her words.

Xiaofen nodded, swung her eight long furry legs, and stretched out her front two legs, as if waving goodbye to Lin Shiqing.

Su Zhe also stepped forward and touched its little head. Over the past few days, they had become more and more familiar with it.

Xiaofen also seems to regard him as his own. He is very well-behaved and listens to his words. They have become partners.

Su Zhe rubbed Xiaofen's little head and suddenly had an idea.

If Xiaofen also sucks some of his blood, will it also make it stronger?

Maybe it’s really possible!

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