"Are those vampires from the west attacking again?" Su Zhe asked.

Hearing Su Zhe's words, Lin Shaohua shook his head.

"They won't be coming for a while. At this time, they have too much to take care of themselves."

"Too much trouble to take care of?" Su Zhe was confused.

"Werewolves began to spread in the west. Many vampires were attacked, and some large families were seriously hurt."

Lin Shaohua turned his head and looked at Su Zhe.

"You probably don't know about the existence of werewolves, right? I've only seen them once. There are basically no traces of werewolves in the country.

The West is the birthplace of werewolves, who rely on absorbing moonlight to strengthen themselves.

In the past hundreds of years, werewolves have been in a dormant state, but now they have strong power and dare to openly confront the vampires. "

Su Zhe has always imagined the extraordinary power in this world. He has heard of werewolves from many movies or novels, but he did not expect that they still exist in reality.

Sure enough, novels and movies may really be projections of reality.

"What does a werewolf look like?" Su Zhe asked curiously.

"More than a hundred years ago, I met a werewolf.

It was a moonlit night, and the werewolf's silver hair was disheveled, his face looked like a wolf, and his muscles stretched out his clothes, which was very exaggerated.

He walked upright, the claws on his hands were very sharp, and he was extremely fast.

I don’t know why the werewolf appeared in Silver Moon Mountain. Fortunately, his strength was not too strong. Several vampires from the family stepped forward and killed him. Lin Shaohua said.

Su Zhe swallowed.

Werewolves are the natural enemies of the vampires, and now the situation in the west is bound to become tense.

Perhaps because he read a lot of fantasy novels and animations in his early years, Su Zhe became excited about the existence of werewolves.

He hadn't fought for a long time, and the blood in his body was flowing again.

We must improve our strength quickly to have the confidence to fight.

"Besides werewolves, are there other powerful beings?" Su Zhe couldn't help but ask.

"Of course there are, there are magicians, witches and the like in the West, but they are not that many. I have never seen them at all. I only heard them mentioned by the elders of the older generation.

There are also zombies and monsters in the country, but the number is not too large, and they are in a state of mutual checks and balances with the vampires.

In today's world, human civilization is the mainstream, and we, the rare ethnic groups, are hidden in invisible places. "

After Su Zhe heard about zombies, he was immediately interested.

Zombies can be called Eastern vampires. They also suck human blood and can be transmitted by biting humans.

However, due to stereotypes, zombies generally do not look very good-looking.

By the way, Su Zhe suddenly remembered that when Zhang Zilin played the game called Yuanshen before, he said that one of the characters was a zombie.

She is also a zombie loli, apparently named ‘Qiqi’.

Maybe there are some good-looking ones among the zombies?

It's not impossible...

"They say zombies may not be very intelligent. Is that true?" Su Zhe asked.

After hearing this, Lin Shaohua explained: "From lowest to highest, zombies are purple zombies, white zombies, green zombies, hairy zombies, flying zombies, wandering zombies, prone zombies, and non-bone zombies. In the early stage, the intelligence of zombies is indeed very low. Basically It's a beast.

But as the level increases, around Fei Zheng, the intelligence will be comparable to that of humans.

As for advancing further, the intelligence will only become stronger and stronger. "

Su Zhe nodded suddenly.

So that's it.

Under Lin Shaohua's introduction, he felt that his understanding of the world was much deeper.

The Vampires are not alone, there are all kinds of strange ethnic groups hiding in the darkness in this world.

Su Zhe was suddenly curious about a question.

He asked: "With so many strange creatures, why is it so safe in the city? There are basically no attacks.

Are these events well hidden? There is some other reason why it is not known to the world. "

Lin Shaohua heard this and replied: "Human safety is not that simple.

It’s not like humans don’t have countermeasures. Since the Creator has created so many ethnic groups, he has given them great power.

As humans, the leader of all things, how can the Creator not give some gifts? "

After a pause, Lin Shaohua continued: "Human potential is infinite, but it is extremely difficult to realize full potential.

If the potential development process is compared to opening a lock, it is the way for human beings to become stronger.

This is the potential lock. The Creator places a shackle on the human body. If you want to become stronger, you must break the shackles.

As the development potential gradually increases, some special functions will even be born.

The world calls him: Extraordinary. "

"Extraordinary ones!" Su Zhe was surprised, "There are no immortal cultivators in this world, right?"

Lin Shaohua couldn't stand it anymore and said with a smile: "Do you really wonder if you have read too many fantasy novels?

You have to know one thing, to cultivate immortality you must at least have spiritual energy, right? But now, there is no spiritual energy on Blue Star.

Now is the veritable age of the End of Dharma. Maybe there were traces of immortal cultivators a long time ago, but now, there is absolutely no such thing as one. "

Su Zhe understood.

There are many extraordinary and powerful beings in this world, but there is no imaginary civilization of cultivating immortals.

Su Zhe became interested in this human group of extraordinary beings.

"So according to you, it's the supernatural beings who protect humans secretly?"

"Yes, there is a paranormal organization across Blue Star, which is the Paranormal Association.

As a balancer for all special ethnic groups in the world, the Extraordinary Association has signed treaties with all special ethnic groups thousands of years ago, prohibiting the massacre of humans on a large scale.

Once a similar situation occurs, the Extraordinary Association will unite with other special ethnic groups and attack in groups. "

Su Zhe realized the implication.

"If there is no large-scale massacre... then a small-scale massacre will be enough?"

"A small number of humans is fine. After all, the Extraordinary Association doesn't have that much energy to track down. As long as they look passable on the surface," Lin Shaohua replied.

"Actually, the top leaders of various countries are well aware of the Extraordinary Association and other special ethnic groups."

"Really!" Su Zhe was surprised again.

"But you can understand it as a secret that cannot be told, otherwise it will trigger a large-scale human panic riot, and in the end there will be no fun." Lin Shaohua said.

"Without humans, who will make things? Who can provide blood to the vampires? Who can build buildings?

Without humans, there would be no such advanced and developed science and technology as modern times, mobile phones would no longer exist, and there would be no electricity. It would be equivalent to returning to the farming era all of a sudden.

Which is more comfortable, the agricultural era or modern society? It must be modern society.

Without mobile phones and various means of transportation, everything would be a problem.

This planet cannot be without humans. "

Su Zhe's eyes flickered.

Countless special ethnic groups are like worms, constantly sucking blood from humans.

But this is normal.

The law of the jungle is the cornerstone of the entire natural world.

Human beings are sucked by these special ethnic groups, and they are the victims.

But everyone knows that humans are also killing animals. Second Brother, Zhiyin, fish, cattle, sheep, and all kinds of animals on the dinner table have been killed in captivity or hunted.

Do those animals deserve to be eaten by humans? Obviously not.

Just like human beings do not deserve to be killed and exploited by special ethnic groups.

The strong want to dominate the weak, which makes no sense.

The Holy Mother was probably unbearable at this time, and even wanted to stand on the side of humans, raising her arms and shouting that all special ethnic groups should not exploit humans.

Su Zhe is not a holy mother. He feels that this is how it should be. It's not that he is cold-blooded, but that this is the nature of the world.

Giving up childish ideas and facing reality is the only way to maturity.

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