Shi Qingfan settled for Jiang Xuenian and went back to his seat to sit down. Gong Linglang turned around with an unhappy face and gave Shi Qingfan a small note-because she was yesterday Shouting hurts my throat and can't speak yet.

Shi Qingfan took the note.


The words were full of dissatisfaction and rebuke to Jiang Xuenian.

Shi Qingfan stared at the small note for a while, not knowing how to reply to Gong Linglang.

If she told the real reason, Gong Linglang would definitely explode.

Gong Linglang didn't hear back from Shi Qingfan, she turned around and looked at her suspiciously, her posture was firm, and sometimes Qingfan rushed over to ask questions without answering.

"I heard your reading sound getting quieter and quieter outside the classroom. Why are you so uninspired in the morning? What did you do last night?" Qingfan's small crisis.

Gong Linglang was a little afraid of Tan Ying, Tan Ying called her parents no less than ten times because she didn't like studying, and she was terrified.

Hearing Tan Ying's voice, Gong Linglang immediately turned around and took the book and read it with her lips.

Tan Ying walked to the podium and was about to urge him to watch the video of the game when he suddenly saw a stack of neat composition papers on the podium.

Tan Ying felt novel, she sat down and took Gong Linglang's review and read it carefully. The full text is about 1,600 words and shared four pieces of writing paper. The handwriting is clear and the writing is smooth. Sincere feelings, is a rare masterpiece.

, The school does not know how many people are motivated by the game.

Tan Ying stood up and clapped her hands twice, "Classmates, be quiet."

The sound of reading gradually stopped, the students raised their heads and looked at Tan Ying, surprised to find that Tan Ying was actually laughing.

Tan Ying has laughed a handful of times since the beginning of the school year. Is there anything that makes her happy today?

Everyone is curiously waiting for what Tan Ying will do next.

Tan Ying got off the podium and walked to Gong Linglang.

Gong Linglang suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next moment, Tan Yingdao said: "The task of watching the video of the city's league games arranged last night, I wonder how everyone has completed it?"

"Teacher, we have so much homework, how can we have time to write the afterthought."

"I wrote a third."

"Teacher, I don't know how to write my afterthought, can I not?"

Some people see Tan Ying in a good mood and strive to fight for their right not to write about the aftermath.

Tan Ying listened to their words, her face remained unchanged, she took the after-view written by Gong Linglang in front of her, and turned around for everyone to see.

"I canceled a physics class yesterday, the physics teacher didn't leave homework, there were two less papers than usual, and I still couldn't finish writing a review in two papers? excuse."

After speaking, Tan Ying smiled and looked at Gong Linglang, "Speaking of which, I have to praise Gong Linglang. As we all know, Gong Linglang rarely completes the I never did the homework and the extra tasks assigned by the school, and I didn’t know how many grades I was deducted, so I called my parents many times.”

Gong Linglang: "..." This doesn't sound like a compliment at all.

"But." Tan Yingdao, "This time, Gong Linglang is very positive, not only writing, but also writing very seriously and sincerely, using four compositions. Paper, expresses deep admiration for Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan in the text. Overall, this is a review that is worthy of being published in the campus newspaper. I hope students can learn from Gong Linglang. Feelings must be written well, carefully, and not perfunctory.”

Everyone looked at Gong Linglang at the same time.


Gong Linglang covered her face with her hands, and slowly put her head parallel to the table top, her ears burning.

God knows how early she woke up today, so she put her review on the table before everyone came, just because she didn't want others to find out that she wrote the review for Jiang Xuenian .

She just writes whatever she thinks. Usually, an 800-character composition can be held for two hours. I never thought that the post-view I wrote would be so good that I could be published in the campus newspaper.

If it was published in the campus newspaper, wouldn't it be a shame to throw it all over the school? ? ?

"Gong Linglang may be a little shy when she is praised for the first time. Let's applaud her and encourage her, shall we?"

"Okay!" Jiang Xuenian's tablemate, her current little fan brother Yin Yan, was the first to coax.

Then the classroom burst into applause.

Tan Ying nodded in satisfaction, "Gong Linglang, look up and see everyone's encouragement."

"..." Mr. Tan, I know I'm wrong, can't you let me go?

The yelling while watching the video yesterday can be regarded as being too excited, she can continue to hate Jiang Xuenian, but after watching it, she will hate Jiang Xuenian no more It became duplicity.

Who will believe that she really hates Jiang Xuenian in the future?

Gong Linglang is glad that she has a dark complexion, no one should be able to see her embarrassed blushing.

She slowly raised her head, seeing the surprised and admiring eyes of the whole class, she felt very sad.

What do you admire about me? Do you admire that I can no longer stand on the moral commanding heights and guard my perfect childhood Qing Brahma!

Tan Ying asked the whole class to praise Gong Linglang, but she wanted Gong Linglang to read it for herself, so Gong Linglang racked her brains to find a reason to refuse.

After finally getting to the end of the morning self-study, Gong Linglang immediately received Tang Xiuran's ridicule: "Linglang, I took a high look at Jiang Xuenian in the face of Qingfan, you What's going on? Don't boycott Jiang Xuenian?"

Not only Tang Xiuran, but the people who usually play with her come to ask her if she has defected and agreed with Jiang Xuenian to pursue Shi Qingfan.

"I said why the squad leader is so good to Jiang Xuenian today, it must be the squad leader who is hesitating to see that you have changed his attitude towards Jiang Xuenian, so he let go of his closed heart !"

Gong Linglang opened her mouth to explain, but found herself hoarse.

It's really "hard to say"!

Early self-study everyone's attention was on Gong Linglang, Jiang Xuenian took the opportunity to sleep, and did not recover until the first class. Shi Qingfan) was completely unaware of the matter of writing the afterthoughts.

I went to dinner with Shi Qingfan at noon. Jiang Xuenian found out that Gong Linglang, who usually treats her nose is not nose and eyes are not eyes, dodged and didn't dare to look at her at all.

Jiang Xuenian took advantage of Gong Linglang to buy food and asked Shi Qingfan and Tang Xiuran: "What happened to Gong Linglang? You didn't even stare at me today."

Tang Xiuran covered his mouth and smiled, Shi Qingfan briefly summarized: "This morning, the teacher praised Gong Linglang."

"Huh?" This is strange. When Tan Ying usually sees Gong Linglang, who is too lazy to study, he starts the mode of hating iron.

Jiang Xuenian opened his mind: "Could it be that Gong Linglang fell in love with learning because of watching yesterday's video? The love of learning is influenced by me, so I am embarrassed to face my former enemy. ?"

Tang Xiuran was stunned and gave Jiang Xuenian a thumbs up, "You can really think. If watching the video of the competition can make Linglang fall in love with learning, she would have been influenced by Qingfan long ago."

"Her performance just now was because she was the only one in the class who wrote the video of the city's league games and was praised by Teacher Tan."

Shi Qingfan's eyes showed a faint smile, "Linglang doesn't actually hate you that much, she didn't let me help you make up the class yesterday, because she was afraid that you and my voice would disturb her after writing the viewing. feel."

Jiang Xuenian: "???"

Gong Linglang bought her own food and came back with a tray, receiving three gratified eyes.

"...?" Gong Linglang, speechless, expressed her confusion with her eyes.

Jiang Xuenian knew that Shi Qingfan had always hoped that she and Gong Linglang could ease the relationship.

Now Gong Linglang is so active in writing her afterthought, expressing the best kindness that her character can express, she should also take the initiative.

Jiang Xuenian smiled softly, with a friendly face, and said, "I already know, I will treat you as a friend in the future."

Gong Linglang: "???" No, who wants to be friends with the person who kidnapped me? ? ?

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