The next day, just after dawn.

Yang Ling woke up on a bench in the park.

It was too late last night, so it was not suitable to find a temporary house or go back to school.

Fortunately, it was summer, so Yang Ling went directly to the park and found a bench to spend the night.

He got up and faced the morning sun and the morning breeze.

Yang Ling felt energetic, so he began to get ready and started practicing the Blue Star Basic Body Refining Technique that almost everyone on Blue Star knew.

However, Yang Ling practiced the advanced version that had been further improved in his previous life.

I don’t know if it was because he was reborn and got rid of that suffocating home.

Yang Ling slept well last night, and when he woke up in the morning, his injuries were mostly healed.

He even fought several times easily at this moment.

“How could this happen?”

The strength of his body was almost visible to the naked eye.

Yang Ling immediately opened the system panel without any hesitation:

Name: Yang Ling

Gold Element Talent: SSS Level

Innate Talent Skill: Devour

Combat Power: 125


After one night, his combat power actually doubled several times.

Yang Ling immediately finished the Blue Star Body Refining Technique again.

While wiping his sweat, he looked at the panel in front of him.

Combat Power: 135

Sure enough, it seems that after awakening his SSS-level talent and his innate talent skills, his training speed has really taken off.

If he absorbs energy objects, won’t his combat power increase even faster?

Thinking of this, Yang Ling thought about buying a life core today to try it out.

He opened his phone and looked at his savings over the years, and there were less than 30,000 left.

Let’s buy a first-level gold life core first and try it out.

Daydreaming is useless, Yang Ling directly washed his face with river water, and left the park with his bag on his back!

In the Yang family villa.

“Qianqian, is Yang Ling back?”

Chen Ruomei came home after finishing her morning class and saw her little daughter Yang Qianqian practicing in the living room, and asked casually.

Yang Qianqian snorted coldly. "How should I know? I just came back from the martial arts hall!

Besides, what does it have to do with me whether that bastard comes back or not? It's better if he never comes back. It's annoying to see him!"


On weekdays, Yang Ling and the servants at home prepare breakfast together in the morning, and then prepare all the things she needs to practice when she goes out.

She took them and went out.

But this morning, he was busy for a long time, and the anger in his heart was not released at this time. That's why she came back from the martial arts hall not long after practicing.

She thought that when she saw Yang Ling, she must beat him up to vent her anger.

But she didn't expect that Yang Ling didn't come back at all, so she just felt that she had a lot of anger but had nowhere to vent.

"Didn't come back? Humph... You're so brave that you ran away all night and didn't come home!"

While speaking, she turned to the housekeeper standing not far away and said:

"Yang Ling, that bastard, is back. Let him stand in the yard as punishment. He dared to give me a cold shoulder. When he comes back, I'll beat him up!"

After saying that, he waved his hands directly and went into the house to rest in anger.

When the middle-aged housekeeper heard this, he shook his head.

Working in the Yang family villa, she naturally had a deep impression of the young master that the Yang family brought from the orphanage three years ago.

But... hey, as a servant, he naturally couldn't say much about the master's affairs.

All he could say was that everyone has their own destiny and things in the world are unpredictable!


Yuanguang City Riverside.

Yang Ling sat cross-legged on the stone platform by the river.

Because it was noon, there were few people passing by here.

It was just right for Yang Ling to try to see if he could absorb this first-level gold life core.

This is 10,000 yuan.

But it didn't matter. Even if he couldn't absorb it, Yang Ling had awakened his SSS talent now. He only needed to quickly improve his combat power and condense the battle pattern to truly become a warrior.

After all, it is actually very difficult for many people to condense elemental marks.

There are many ways to improve combat power.

But there are only a few ways to condense elemental marks.

So Yang Ling is not worried at all.

He immediately held the first-level gold life core in his hand.

He activated his innate skills.


Immediately, a mysterious force directly rolled up the gold life core and sank it directly into his mouth.

Then, in Yang Ling's stunned state:

[The first-level gold life core was swallowed successfully, and the current gold power of body refining reached 50%]

Then Yang Ling's eyes showed the current system panel again.

Combat power: 520

"Basic combat power has directly reached the late stage of body refining?"

Yang Ling was immediately excited.

The basic combat power of the body refining realm is divided into 100, 300, and 500 respectively. When the basic combat power reaches 999, it will achieve the peak of body refining.

At that time, you must condense the first battle pattern to continue to improve your combat power!

The realm of body refining is to lay the foundation for the practice of the physical body before becoming a real warrior.

By sensing the power of various elements between heaven and earth, the body is tempered, so that the body and the power of elements are absolutely compatible.

In this way, the element mark is finally condensed, and after the battle pattern is successfully condensed, the warrior certification can be obtained through the battle test, and become a real warrior.

Yang Ling had previously browsed some evil geniuses' cultivation on the Internet. From the early stage to the late stage of body refining, it takes at least ten days and a half months.

This is still under the unlimited supply of huge cultivation resources.

And it only took him a few minutes.

Others are using special methods to sense the elemental power between heaven and earth to guide it into the body to strengthen the body, while he directly completes it by swallowing the life core.

This... is not just a genius.

It's completely a super plug-in.

Thinking of this, Yang Ling did not hesitate at all.

He stood up and felt the strong and sharp power all over his body.

The injuries all over his body have basically healed.

He jumped up more than ten meters and landed on the riverside road, looking at the Yuanguang City Martial Arts Association located not far away.

Now he needs money to buy life cores for cultivation, and the only way is government rewards!

Yang Ling could hardly suppress his excitement, and he headed for the Martial Arts Association in a flash.

Yuanguang City Martial Arts Association.

As long as you step into the threshold of cultivation, you can come to the Martial Arts Association for martial arts certification.

However, there is an age limit for obtaining government-rewarded certification.

You must be under 18 years old.

From physical training to entry-level martial artists, there are corresponding rewards.

And now Yang Ling is not yet 18 years old, which just meets the requirements.

There are many people in the certification hall. Yang Ling took a number and waited in line for a long time before it was his turn.

"Is this your first certification?"

Yang Ling nodded.

"ID card!"

The clerk was a middle-aged woman, and she handled the matter impartially.

Yang Ling handed it over.

"Well, you are under 18 years old?"

Yang Ling nodded.

Then the middle-aged woman smiled slightly, and then stood up and took Yang Ling to a large testing machine.

"Put your hand on the operating table, and then operate the elemental power you have sensed, and light up six petals to be considered a successful first certification!"

Yang Ling said "Hmm".

This knowledge is common sense for people on Blue Star.

The certification of the physical training realm is based on the standard of perceiving the power of elements and lighting up the petals, of course, the auxiliary combat power test is for archiving.

There are a total of nine petals lit up for the test.

Lighting up six petals represents the early stage of physical training, and the initial perception of a certain elemental power.

Seven petals represent the middle stage of physical training, eight petals represent the late stage of physical training, and nine petals represent the peak of physical training.

Yang Ling did not hesitate.

He directly pressed his palm on the operating table, and as the power of the gold element continued to burst out from his body.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the petals in front of him began to light up quickly.

The golden light was dazzling, and six petals lit up directly.

"Golden Body Refining Early Stage, Certification Success!"

"Congratulations on the successful certification, you will receive a reward of 10,000 yuan, please provide... um?"

Almost before the middle-aged female staff member finished speaking, the seventh petal also lit up with golden light.


Yang Ling did not intend to hide it, because there was no need.

He came to the Wushu Association for certification to get government rewards and then buy a life core.

According to the previous swallowing of a life core, he could directly reach the late stage of body refining. Yang Ling thought that swallowing one or two life cores might allow him to become a real warrior, and then he would be certified as a real warrior.

He knew that if a first-grade warrior under the age of 18 was successfully certified, there would be a million-dollar reward.

"It lit up again, eight petals, golden body refining late stage!"

The certification staff was shocked.

After all, Yang Ling looked like an ordinary child from the way he was dressed, but he lit up eight petals in his first certification.

If it was the rich young masters of Yuanguang City, he would definitely not be too shocked.

But it is very difficult for a child from an ordinary family like Yang Ling.

"Sir, you have been certified to the late stage of body refining, and you have received a total of 90,000 government rewards."

Yang Ling nodded with satisfaction.

He withdrew his hand.

Then Yang Ling tested his combat power again, and also fully met the basic combat power of 500 combat power in the late stage of body refining.

Then after entering the file, Yang Ling received the government reward and then bought three first-level gold life cores in the Warrior Association Mall before leaving with satisfaction.


It got dark quickly.

Yang Family Villa.

On the sumptuous dining table.

Chen Ruomei was picking up a piece of fierce beast meat that was cooked to a crispy outside and tender inside for Yang Haoxuan.

"Is that kid back?"

Yang Zhanfeng, who had already eaten and put down his chopsticks, asked.

Naturally, several people knew who the kid Yang Zhanfeng was talking about was.


Chen Ruomei replied.

"No? He hasn't been home for a day and a night. Is he going to make a fuss?"

Yang Zhanfeng's words were a little angry.

"Dad, don't worry, he can't stay outside. We have everything he wants at home. It will be a problem for him to eat and live outside!"

"That's right, Dad, that bastard can't last a few days outside. We don't care about him. If he doesn't kneel down and beg for forgiveness, I will never let him enter our house!"

Yang Qianqian and Yang Wanru spoke one after another.

They were all very angry.

Chen Ruomei was also a little angry at this time:

"It's all because of the lack of education in normal times. When he comes back this time, I won't be named Chen if I don't beat him to his knees and beg for mercy!"

And now he put down his chopsticks, wiped his greasy mouth and said with some worry:

"Mom and Dad, sister, will my brother give up on himself and not take the college entrance examination? And the college entrance examination is coming soon. If my brother commits a crime outside..."

Yang Haoxuan is very smart and only speaks half of his words.

He knows that everyone in his family is smart.

"That's right. That bastard is used to stealing and cheating at home. If he causes trouble outside, it will affect our family! I can't afford to lose face!" "Haoxuan is about to go for martial arts certification. If Yang Ling causes trouble and affects our family, it will be a big loss!" Yang Qianqian said with some concern. "It's nothing for me. In fact, I have already condensed the battle pattern a few days ago. I just want to improve my combat power as much as possible. In fact, as long as the certification is successful before the college entrance examination, it will be fine. Yang Zhanfeng nodded with satisfaction when he heard about his adopted son. S-level fire talent. S-level wind talent. The first prodigy of this year's Yuanguang City senior high school. And now the combat power has already exceeded 1,000, and the battle pattern has been condensed. It is already a genuine first-class martial artist! "Haoxuan, Wanru, Qianqian, you three come to the martial arts hall tomorrow. I will personally teach you to practice for a few days, strive to greatly improve your combat power, and then go to the martial arts association for certification together! "

"In addition, after the college entrance examination, Haoxuan will definitely have a place in the military youth training camp! You sisters must also strive for it, and you can't give up. It's not that you don't have a chance.

Remember that your goal is to stand out from the holy academies of Yongsheng, Tianyuan, Kunlun, and Changsheng, and attract the attention of the military. Only in this way can you obtain more cultivation resources and go further!"

"From now on until the college entrance examination, all the cultivation resources in our family will be provided to you three unconditionally. Don't think about anything else, just focus on cultivation and improvement!"

The three of them nodded.

"I know, Dad, I will definitely not let you down, and then I will strive to impact the Shuchuan champion!"

Yang Haoxuan immediately spoke with confidence.

"Okay, okay, my son is really promising!"

Chen Ruomei immediately hugged Yang Haoxuan in her arms again.

"I know, Dad, this year my sixth sister and I will work harder!"

Enjoying the doting of his mother Chen Ruomei, Yang Haoxuan's eyes turned and he immediately spoke tentatively:

"That's right, I can't let my brother go out during this period. If someone knows that my brother is only in the early stage of physical training, I'm afraid others will gossip...

Otherwise, let's find my brother back.

After all, he is our family, and the college entrance examination is coming soon. I want my brother to take the college entrance examination with me, so that I can help him during the college entrance examination. Maybe..."

Before Yang Haoxuan finished speaking, Yang Qianqian yelled.

"Brother Haoxuan, don't you know what kind of person Yang Ling is? He is not one of our family members!"

"That's right, he'd better not cause trouble outside. If he reveals his relationship with our family and embarrasses us, I will beat him to death!"

Yang Wanru rolled her eyes and snorted angrily:

"Hmph, I should have broken his legs last night!"

At this moment, Yang Zhanfeng was a little annoyed when he heard about Yang Ling, and he was even more disappointed with his son.

"Afu, take a few people to find Yang Ling, take him home and lock him up!"

A burly man in black standing not far away and waiting respectfully immediately took the order and turned around and left the villa.

Hearing this.

Yang Haoxuan, who was held in Chen Ruomei's arms, had a hint of imperceptible playfulness and teasing in his eyes.

"Yang Ling, you are my biological son, so what? You still want to use the stupid method of running away from home to attract the attention of my parents and sisters.

It's really ridiculous.

When I catch you back, I will definitely kill you, haha..."


Yang Ling didn't know that the Yang family had sent people to find him and bring him home.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the rooftop platform of a very shabby rental house.

This is a rental house that Yang Ling found temporarily in the afternoon.

Although it is very shabby, it is very cheap, and there is a small platform here.

Yang Ling was sitting cross-legged on this rooftop platform at this moment.

Take out a gold life core and swallow it directly.

Instantly, the life talent skill automatically started to work.

The next moment, that familiar feeling instantly filled the whole body.

[The first-level gold life core was swallowed successfully, and the current gold power body refining reached 100%]

Then Yang Ling's eyes showed the current system panel again.

Combat power: 999

"That's it, the peak of gold body refining?"

Yang Ling immediately stuffed another life core into his mouth without any hesitation.

As a warm current filled his body.

The next moment Yang Ling could clearly feel the improvement of his strength.

On the panel in front of him, the combat power was also constantly improving.

But the speed of improvement was much slower than before.

And the progress after swallowing still remained at the peak of body refining.

After swallowing the last gold life core again, it was still the same.

Yang Ling stopped.

He knew that if he wanted to truly break through and become an entry-level warrior, he must condense the elemental mark at the peak of body refining, and then compress this elemental power to form a battle pattern.

Only by compressing the elemental power into a series of battle patterns through the elemental mark can he truly possess the aura of a warrior.

It seems that it is a bit unrealistic for him to break through the realm simply by swallowing the life core.

It seems that I have to go back to school tomorrow and use the school's training room to condense the battle pattern.

Only in this way can I become stronger as soon as possible.

Yang Ling, who was reborn, knew that there were many evil geniuses on Blue Star.

Some descendants of big families have been certified as first-class warriors at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Some evil geniuses have been working in the military since they were in their twenties, entering various secret realms to practice, exploring various void cracks, and even entering the depths of these cracks to fight fierce beasts, and truly improving themselves through actual combat.

After all, he knows that only after experiencing life-and-death struggles can one become truly powerful.

Otherwise, one will always be a flower in a greenhouse.

When encountering a real life-and-death struggle, there is only one way to die.

So in this life, Yang Ling's goal is also very clear.

Fight for resources, fight for all opportunities to strengthen oneself!

Only when one's own strength is strong can one truly master the right to speak in this world, and can one truly step onto the top of the world to see a wider and more beautiful scenery!

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