After Breaking Off The Engagement, I Was Pursued By Supreme Grade Saintess

334. Chapter 334 Do You Dare To Fight With Me Again?

Chapter 334 Do you dare to fight with me again?

Space Great Dao began to surge in Xia Mingtian's palm. Because he had been immobilized by these divine power locks for a long time, the divine power in his body felt somewhat blocked.

Coupled with the wounds one after another, Xia Mingtian's condition looked particularly bad.

Xia Feng hesitated for a moment, and then life appeared in his palm and Great Dao pressed on his arm: "Grandpa, please be patient."

A large amount of life force penetrated into Xia Mingtian's body from Xia Feng's palm and began to slowly treat the hidden wounds on Xia Mingtian's body.

At the beginning, the vitality that penetrated was not that much, and Xia Mingtian only felt that the wounds on her body were itchy.

But after Xia Feng confirmed that he had adapted, he suddenly increased the amount of vitality delivered.

The rich divine power was transformed into life force and penetrated into Xia Mingtian's body, making him miserable for a moment.

The reorganization of vitality is like breaking a human bone and then healing it again. This healing process will not be easier than the pain of breaking a bone.

But although Xia Feng has more and different ways to heal Xia Mingtian's injuries, there are not many opportunities for such reorganization.

Taking advantage of this time, Xia Feng thoroughly cleaned up the hidden wounds in Xia Mingtian's body.

Presumably after this treatment, Xia Mingtian will be like a different kind of marrow cleansing, and her future breakthrough will definitely be easier.

After Xia Feng treated Xia Mingtian, Xia Mingtian looked like she had just been fished out of the water.

Even when he was punished before, he never felt so painful.

But after thinking about it for a while, he could guess why Xia Feng did this.

Dots of black light surged in the palm of his hand, and strands of space Great Dao instantly appeared in his hand.

This time, the movement of divine power did not have the same sense of obstruction as before. It appeared directly under his control, and was then applied to the body of the Void Cauldron.

The Void Cauldron was originally Xia Mingtian's Divine Weapon. After it was returned to its original owner, the cauldron made buzzing sounds from time to time, seeming to be happy.

But occasionally I would fly in the direction of Xia Feng, as if I was reluctant to let go of Xia Feng, and wanted to continue to rub against Xia Feng.

Xia Feng glanced at Void Cauldron angrily: "Every time I hit you so hard, you are still thinking about me?"

"Continue to work hard with your original master."

The Void Cauldron cauldron trembled slightly, then turned into a black light and penetrated into Xia Mingtian's body.

It's just a little bit reluctant to part with it, after all, Xia Feng has a lot of Great Dao, and following Xia Feng can always eat some weird Great Dao rules that it has never eaten before.

Especially the power of a certain star, which is rich and delicious, making it want to eat it again.

That's why he was nostalgic for the days when he was with Xia Feng.

Xia Mingtian didn't know what Void Cauldron was thinking. If he knew, he would just mumble something about foodie.

As the Void Cauldron reentered his body, the rich space Great Dao seemed to surge from all directions and then converged into Xia Mingtian's body.

I don't know if it's because Xia Feng has cured him and the hidden diseases in his body are gone, or because the return of Void Cauldron has made his whole body glow with more divine power again.

In short, he actually broke through in this situation.

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment and immediately began to protect Xia Mingtian.

However, his breakthrough speed this time was very fast, and it seemed to come naturally. In the blink of an eye, he had climbed to the Realm of Yellow Rank Ninth Stage Martial Sage.

Xia Feng turned to look at him and felt that he was continuing to accumulate divine power, as if he wanted to break through to Mysterious Rank First Stage Martial Sage in one fell swoop.

The surrounding divine power was constantly vibrating, and because of the special walls of the dungeon, no one noticed it for a while.

But this situation will definitely not be hidden for long, Dongfang Changming will probably be called over soon.

If Grandpa is still in the breakthrough state by then, he can easily be interrupted and cause a backlash.

After all, the strength of this Second Stage breakthrough is not as natural as the breakthrough to Yellow Rank Ninth Stage Martial Sage. It seems that more energy needs to be accumulated.

Xia Mingtian himself also noticed this, and the divine power that was still surging in his body gradually calmed down, and he concentrated on consolidating his current divine power.

Xia Feng paused and comforted: "It's okay, Grandpa, we will have more time when we get out."

Xia Mingtian opened his eyes, and the Great Dao flashed across his eyes. He showed a smile and said, "I'm fine. I'm very happy to be able to be freed from the restraints."

"It's an unexpected surprise to be able to break through Realm now. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good or bad."

After finishing speaking, he patted Xia Feng on the shoulder: "It's great to have children and grandchildren."

"When are we leaving? If we delay any longer, we may be discovered by other guards."

The corners of Xia Feng's lips raised slightly: "What I want is for them to find out. If they don't respond, I will feel a little regretful."

He clenched the Heaven Burying Sword hard, with a stern look on his face: "They dared to do this to you during this time, no matter what, they must take this revenge back."

Xia Mingtian paused for a moment, with a worried look on his face: "But this is a huge family, and the patriarch of this branch has the Cultivation Base of Mysterious Rank Ninth Stage Martial Sage. We might as well avoid the edge for now."

Xia Feng's eyes were particularly firm: "I only believe in a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. I avoided it this time. What about next time? What about the next time?"

"Is it possible that we have to avoid it for the rest of our lives?"

"Grandpa, why do you become so intimidated when you come to Divine Domain?"

"This is not your previous temperament and style. Where was your God of War style back then?"

Xia Feng's words sounded like thunder in Xia Mingtian's ears, making him unable to help but reflect on himself.

Indeed, as Xia Feng said, although the punishment imposed on his body these days could not kill him, it still damaged his state of mind.

This made him a little timid, and he didn't dare to do many things as boldly as before.

If this state of mind is not corrected, I am afraid that even if he can continue to practice, it will be difficult for his state of mind to increase.

Xia Feng glanced at the space in the distance, and suddenly opened the Space Great Dao against a wall of the prison, and then sorted out a small space.

He turned to look at Xia Mingtian behind him: "Grandpa, do you dare to fight with me again?"

The first moment Xia Mingtian saw the space, he knew that Xia Feng wanted to ambush the Dongfang clan leader.

This attack method is the same as the battle in which Xia Mingtian became famous, using the weak to defeat the strong and defeating the many with less.

His body trembled slightly, he took two steps forward and patted Xia Feng on the shoulder, and then went into the void with him to wait for Dongfang Changming's arrival.

(End of chapter)

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