Fang Xiaoya, who was following her, handed over her lunch box.

The master glanced at Fang Xiaoya, scooped up a large spoonful of vegetables and poured it into the lunch box.

"Did you see, why do people eat so much? This is what they earn through their own labor.

You really think you can go back after hanging out at the construction site for a meal. What I thought was beautiful. "

Zhao Hong's face turned red, she took the lunch box and turned around to leave.

Fang Xiaoya and Li Jinhui sat in front of Xia Zhi and Liu Qianjin with their lunch boxes.

The two looked at the sumptuous meal.

The two of them said thank you with some gratitude.

"Thank you for nothing, we all came together.

Anyway, keep your attitude correct. Although the conditions are indeed not good, this is our choice.

Food relations have been transferred here, and it is absolutely impossible to go back.

Just think about it, I can eat white flour steamed buns here every day, and I can fill my stomach. At least it is better than being hungry at home. "

Fang Xiaoya nodded.

“Indeed, although our family eats supplied food, we also eat whole grains every day.

It’s hard to get white noodles, and even if there is white noodles, I have to stick to my brothers and sisters at home to eat them. "

"Now I can finally have a full stomach. I'm a little tired, but it's worth it."

Li Jinhui also agreed with this statement.

“My father is the only one in my family who eats and supplies food. My mother and I eat at the same time as my father’s food. All three members of the family have to tighten their belts.

But now you can see that you can eat white steamed buns every time, and I am satisfied. "

What Li Jinhui didn't say, she also had a grand goal, if she could earn more work points in exchange for food.

Sending it home can also relieve parents' tension.

"I am also content. I can eat enough every meal, and I can also eat big white steamed buns and big fat meat. My mother is right, it is indeed better to live outside than at home."

Liu Qianjin ate his food without forgetting to show that he made the right choice.

The three people looked at Liu Qianjin and laughed.

Liu Qianjin smiled and touched his hair.

"Why are you laughing? Isn't my mother right? It's better outside than at home."

"Your mother is right, so work hard and make sure you have enough to eat every time in the future."

Xia Zhi feels a little sorry for Liu Qianjin. Liu Qianjin's intelligence can only be understood as his parents are doing it for his own good.

Little did he know that giving up on him was a very helpless choice for his parents.

When working in the afternoon, the remaining four female educated youths had obviously accepted the lessons learned in the morning. They were no longer as lazy when working in the afternoon as they were in the morning.

However, the four people obviously had complaints about the four of them, and they were clearly divided.

Not only did he not pay attention to them at all when he was working.

If you see them while walking, avoid them.

As if they were gods of plague.

Xia Zhi didn't care, Liu Qianjin was just a child and didn't know how to look at other people's faces.

On the contrary, Fang Xiaoya and Li Jinhui felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, these female educated youths were chatting and laughing with them at the beginning, and we all became friends for a few days.

I didn't expect that such a trivial matter would cause such a fuss.

After finishing their work in the evening, everyone went back in the truck.

It was different from when we came. When we returned, Xia Zhi, Liu Qianjin, Fang Xiaoya and Li Jinhui had already become one with Sister-in-law Guixiang and her gang.

At this moment, they are not separating themselves from others, but sitting among these sisters-in-law, talking and laughing.

The other four female educated youths obviously hugged each other and stayed far away from this group of people.

From time to time, they glared at Xia Zhi with resentful eyes. It was obvious that they didn't hate Fang Xiaoya and Li Jinhui that much, but instead blamed Xia Zhi for all their mistakes.

Xia Zhi received this look, but didn't take it seriously.

You can't just do anything because of other people's eyes.

Back at Diwozi, Liu Zhiyan actually made dinner for them with one hand.

Although they just made a pot of pimple soup, at least they had ready-made hot meals when they entered the house.

And from this incident, we can see that human potential is unlimited. Liu Zhiyan has been hanging her arms for the past two days, looking like she can't do anything and is very weak.

But being able to cook today proves that nothing is impossible.

Seeing the dusty Xia Zhi walking into the nest, unable to lift her feet, Liu Zhiyan hurriedly pointed to the basin.

"I've mixed it with warm water and washed my face quickly to get ready for dinner."

Just looking at Xia Zhi's appearance, I can hardly see anyone.

Xia Zhi washed her face.

The conditions here are such that bathing is absolutely impossible.

Hearing Liu Zhiyan's words, he said with a wry smile.

"You escaped, but you will be like me in a month."

Liu Zhiyan patted Xia Zhi on the shoulder from behind.

"I'm lucky, I can still hide for a month."

But unexpectedly, a painful groan came from Xia Zhi.


Liu Zhiyan was so frightened that she jumped away.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Xia Zhi frowned, her facial features twisted together.

Although she had done all these jobs in her previous life, her body in this life was still very delicate.

I'm afraid I've already developed blood blisters on my shoulders from picking stones all day long.

Liu Zhiyan helped Xia Zhi take off her outer clothes and cotton-padded jacket. The autumn clothes inside were already soaked with blood.

Seeing that Xia Zhi's right shoulder was almost covered in blood, Liu Zhiyan was so frightened that tears fell down.

"How could this happen? Aren't you going to build roads today? Why did your shoulders become like this?"

Xia Zhi himself couldn't see the blood blisters on his shoulders.

But you can guess that it was probably the carrying pole that broke the blood blisters.

"Stop crying, crying is of no use. Find a needle from the sewing box, burn the tip of the needle on the fire, and help me pop the remaining blood bubbles and squeeze out all the blood.

Otherwise it will hurt even more tomorrow. "

Xia Zhi knows that there are blood blisters on his shoulders for the first time. When he works for a long time, calluses will gradually form on his shoulders and his shoulders will not be injured so easily.

There are no good medical treatments now.

They don't even have disinfectants here.

After hearing this, Liu Zhiyan hurriedly rummaged through the two people's baggage and finally found the needle and thread.

This was still the summer solstice, when I brought the quilt from Zhou Zhengan, it was a gift from Zhou Zhengan.

Holding the needle and burning it on the fire, Liu Zhiyan couldn't put her hand down when she looked at the two blood bubbles the size of pigeon eggs.

He started crying from behind.

"Xia Zhi, no, I really can't do it."

Xia Zhi sighed and turned sideways to face the mirror.

The problem is that the distance is a bit awkward, and there is absolutely no way I can break the blood blister with a needle.

At this moment, a knock on the door was heard outside.

"Xia Zhi, are you back? I am Zhou Zhengan."

Xia Zhi hurriedly gathered Qiu Yi to her chest.

"Zhou Zhengan, don't come in yet."

Liu Zhiyan opened the door of the underground house a crack and stuck her head out.

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