After eating, Zhou Zhengan continued to carry Xia Zhi on his back and walked forward. However, after walking for a few hours, both Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi felt weak.

Zhou Zhengan looked at the sky.

"Stay here, I'll find us a safe place to rest. There's going to be a storm soon. We may have to stay away for a while, and it's too dangerous to walk here at night."

Sitting under the tree on the summer solstice.

Zhou Zhengan disappeared quickly.

Xia Zhi looked at the sky.

The wind is going to rise as Zhou Zhengan said.

Zhou Zhengan came back soon, and this time he carried him to a small high ground in the distance.

The location is very pleasant, with a lot of bushes in front.

At a glance, the bushes obscure the place.

Zhou Zhengan actually had a knife on his body. He pulled out the knife and cut down some small branches, clearing a small open space.

I don’t know where I got a lot of red yeast branches.

A small tent was cleverly set up.

Of course, from the outside, it looks like a relatively dense bush.

"Climb in and find a comfortable position. We will rest here tonight."

Xia Zhi stared dumbfounded at his almost miraculous movements. This man was really powerful. His ability to survive in the wild was much better than his own.

But following orders at this time is definitely something she can do.

Xia Zhi climbed in because the place was too narrow and could only accommodate two people lying flat on their backs.

It's a little difficult to sit up.

I have to admit that Zhou Zhengan's understanding of this place is indeed not much worse than his own.

She has experienced it for more than ten years, but Zhou Zhengan has been able to reach this level with a complete novice of three years, which is already very powerful.

Zhou Zhengan also got into the space and blocked the entrance with branches from the outside.

Both could hear the wind blowing through the branches.

The wind and sand gradually became stronger.

There was constant wind and sand blowing in from between the branches.

Xia Zhi is a little doubtful. If this continues, will I have a stomach full of sand when I wake up tomorrow morning?

But don't even think about looking for a gauze scarf right now.

That thing exists in dreams.

Zhou Zhengan moved rustlingly in the darkness, and his arm bumped into Xia Zhi.

"What are you doing?"

Both of them were in the dark and their hearing was extremely sensitive.

Listening to this voice, Xia Zhi felt that Zhou Zhengan was taking off his clothes.

I felt a little nervous.

Although she trusted Zhou Zhengan, Zhou Zhengan did do this.

It's hard to believe that this is what you should do right now.


"Why...are you taking off your clothes for...?"

Xia Zhi only felt that her face suddenly turned red in the darkness.

This man answered really directly.

The suspicion was confirmed, and the small space was instantly filled with ambiguity.

"You'll find out soon."

Zhou Zhengan is still making moves.

Xia Zhi could feel that he had taken off his cotton-padded jacket and seemed to be still taking off his clothes.

Hearing in the dark makes one's nerves extremely sensitive.

Xia Zhi's face was burning hot.

"You, what on earth are you going to do?"

Zhou Zhengan probably didn't know what he was thinking of, but suddenly a joking laughter came from the darkness.

"What are you thinking about all day long with your little brain?"

"It's now time for me to become such a beast."

Zhou Zhengan's joking voice made Xia Zhi blush even more.

"Who's thinking this? I'm just a little weird."

I feel like my voice isn't even remotely convincing.

It seems to be a little delicate and soft.

Xia Zhi was a little unable to hold back. She felt like she was acting coquettishly, not like questioning.

After a while, the sound finally stopped.

Zhou Zhengan threw a piece of clothing over.

"This is a must-have. This is my fleece underneath. Let's wrap our heads up later, otherwise, we will have to bury them in the sand when we wake up tomorrow morning."

Zhou Zhengan has much more experience in surviving in the wild than Xia Zhi.

When Xia Zhi heard this, she felt a little guilty for a moment, wondering what nonsense she was thinking.

In such a cold weather, Zhou Zhengan took off his fleece jacket, knowing that it must be very cold.

The reason why I took off this fleece jacket was to make the two of them feel better.

Xia Zhi groped in the dark and laid the fleece clothes above the two people's heads.

In the darkness, the two people moved their heads to the fleece jacket, then buttoned the fleece jacket and tied the sleeves of their arms into knots.

The two people became head to head and stuck together tightly.

Although it is warm and sand-proof, the atmosphere seems to be more ambiguous.

Xia Zhi felt a little embarrassed and wanted to change her position.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhengan suppressed her hair, and there was an exclamation immediately.


"Stop moving. If you move around, you will feel uncomfortable in the end. Just lie down like this. Don't worry, I won't do anything."

The smile in Zhou Zhengan's voice made Xia Zhi even more embarrassed.

But soon there was no way to be embarrassed, because the wind outside became stronger.

The wind and sand hit the branches.

In addition to being cold during the summer solstice, they could feel the sand falling on their bodies.

My stomach also started to feel hungry.

This really helped me feel cold and hungry.

Soon Xia Zhi yawned,

"I'm going to sleep!"

Xia Zhi announced and yawned again after closing her eyes.

Although Zhou Zhengan couldn't see him in the dark, he could imagine that he must be yawning like a kitten.

My grandma had a cat that was fat and yawned like a summer solstice cat.

It's so easy to spend the summer solstice sleeping on such a cold and hard ground in such a small space.

There were no complaints. Accepted it all calmly.

Zhou Zhengan lay calmly in the darkness, and the wind blew stronger and stronger, enough to cover up any traces they left.

It's impossible for those people to find them at this time.

Unless those people are crazy.

They should be able to get a good night's sleep and rest their tired bodies.

He didn't know when the rescuers would arrive, and he didn't know if his men could guess his route.

Jiang Yifan should understand his own thinking.

Zhou Zhengan felt that Xia Zhi's head had turned to his shoulder.

Even warm breath hit his neck.

You can feel the kitten-like breathing in your Adam's apple.

Zhou Zhengan also leaned his head towards her.

Without yawning, stretching or sighing, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

He did this to ensure that he could protect Xia Zhi at the first moment of any danger.

Xia Zhi felt cold and shivered in her sleep, and instinctively approached the heat source next to her.

So warm and safe.

Xia Zhi sighed softly and fell asleep deeper against Zhou Zhengan.

I don’t know when the sandstorm stopped.

Zhou Zhengan woke up the moment the wind stopped, as if there was a switch that he would activate immediately.

His consciousness immediately became alert, and he didn't understand until he was about to jump up.

They are huddled in this small space with the summer solstice around them.

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