The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two of them were sitting on the ground.

Jiang Han pulled him and saw that there were no seats left, which made him feel a little unfortunate.

This newly opened restaurant really didn't expect that its business was so good.

Jiang Han didn't rush to leave. Zhang Haidai wanted to come here so much that even if they had to wait for others to finish eating, they must have this meal today.

The proprietress came over with a smile, and there was a faint smell of cherry blossom perfume where she passed by.

"Haidai, you're here? There are no seats downstairs. I'll take you to the private room upstairs."

Jiang Han was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhang Haidai was quite familiar with the proprietress.

"Your restaurant is not small!"

There are only small restaurants on this island, and there are only a few tables in a restaurant.

The space downstairs is quite large, but she didn't expect there is an upstairs.

"On Jiaowa Island, we just live a sloppy life." The proprietress took Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai upstairs.

Jiang Han found a seat by the window and sat down. He could see the scenery below, and the feeling of sitting there was more comfortable than sitting downstairs.

The proprietress pointed to the QR code on the table, "What do you want to eat? You can scan the QR code and order it yourself. If you want to order manually, that's also possible."

Is it so advanced?

This way of ordering food can be seen everywhere in the city. But it is the first on their island.

"I, I don't know how to order, so just prepare a few of your good dishes for me and Brother Han." Zhang Haidai usually doesn't speak fluently, but at least he is not restrained.

At this moment, the whole person is tense, and he looks so nervous that he is almost sweating.

The proprietress smiled brightly and generously, "If you say so, then I really have to be casual."

She blinked after saying that.

Zhang Haidai's face suddenly turned red, "Whatever, whatever."

After the proprietress left, Zhang Haidai saw Jiang Han looking at him, and explained, "I happened to eat at her place on the day she opened. I was her first customer, and I helped her move some goods."

Zhang Haidai scratched his head uncomfortably, "At that time, I didn't have a serious job, and I came to her place every few days to eat egg fried rice. I got used to it after eating a lot."

Jiang Han looked at him in shock, "This is a seafood restaurant, why do you come to her place to eat egg fried rice?"

"I didn't have money at that time."

Jiang Han thought it made sense, and at the same time thought that this proprietress was very nice.

Zhang Haidai came to her place to eat egg fried rice every day, and she didn't drive him out.

After a while, a sweet-looking girl came over with a baking tray.

"Table 27. This is your sea bass."

Jiang Han looked at her. The girl had a good figure, but she was not as aggressive as the proprietress. It was a pure desire.

"We only have one sea bass?"

The girl smiled sweetly, "There are other dishes. I'm afraid you two can't finish them, so my sister only prepared three dishes and a soup for you. If you want more, just tell me."

"What are the other two dishes?"

"Pickled pepper fish skin and scallion oil clams. Pickled pepper fish skin is very delicious. The soup is dried clam soup, very fresh."

Jiang Han felt that the boss lady was even better. She didn't want to rip him off just because Zhang Haidai asked her to serve any dish.

If she had served a big lobster, Zhang Haidai wouldn't have said anything.

The dishes she asked the girl to serve were all very affordable and in the right quantity.

"Are you the boss lady's sister?"

"Yes, they all say that I don't look like my sister."

Yes, but we each have our own flavor.

The sister is more pure and lovely.

"Didn't your sister say you were studying? Why are you helping out in the store?"

"It's summer vacation now. I'm here to work as a summer intern."

So that's how it is.

"Your sister arranged it very well. We are very satisfied. Thank you for us."

The girl smiled, "Okay, I will definitely pass it on for you."

Jiang Han found that the taste of this store is really good. No wonder the business is so good.

And the service attitude is also very good. They also gave them a small fruit platter.

Jiang Han's phone vibrated. Liu Bohong tagged him again in the group.

[Liu Bohong: @Jiang Han, what are you doing? ]

[Jiang Han: Eating. ]

[Hu Danzhen: What are you eating? ]

Jiang Han felt that these classmates in his class were really boring.

Do you have to ask what to eat for lunch?

Jiang Han still took a picture of the dishes on the table and sent it to the group. Because his hand was shaking, the photo was still a little blurry.

[Yu He: Are you kidding? Is this your lunch? ]

[Jiang Han

: Eating at a restaurant with friends. ]

[Jiang Han: What, Master Yu looks down on our poor family's lunch? ]

After a while, Yu He sent his lunch to the group.

A sandwich and a bottle of yogurt.

The surrounding environment is still a square.

[Yu He: (crying) My family is a small company, the company is short of staff, so my father pushed me out to distribute flyers. ]

Hu Danzhen also sent her lunch, which looked like a work meal that didn't seem to be very appetizing. Especially after it was packed in a takeaway box, it was even less appetizing.

[Hu Danzhen: What kind of plain life are we living? Jiang Han is living too well. ]

Jiang Han was depressed. He just went out to eat casually, how could it be worth their enlightenment?

From this perspective, the lives of these rich second-generations didn't seem to be anything to envy.

When Zhang Haidai went to pay, the boss lady only charged them 180 yuan.

If this meal was in a big city, it would cost at least 250 yuan.

Jiang Han planned to go back. The tide will not start to recede until 8 o'clock tonight, and the tide will rise at midnight.

He planned to go back and take a nap, fearing that he would not be energetic when working at night.

"Brother Han, you go back first. I'm going to the Internet cafe."

"Then I'll go back first."

There are many numbers posted on the outer wall of the supermarket in the town. Many of them are the numbers of private car owners.

They live in the town and don't have any serious jobs.

If someone calls them, they will come out to drive.

It's just that the price is a bit expensive. From the town to the village, it takes eight or nine minutes to drive, and they can ask you to charge thirty or forty yuan.

Jiang Han drove the electric car back, but he didn't rush to return the electric car, but charged the electric car first.

He took a nap and the battery was fully charged.

When he went to return the car, Aunt Guihua wanted to keep him for dinner.

Jiang Han refused, so he just made a meal for himself.

When leaving, Aunt Guihua's grandson ran over. The little thing was still trembling when he ran. He ran behind Jiang Han and touched Jiang Han's butt.

Aunt Guihua was shocked, "You little bastard, what are you doing?"

"Grandma, didn't you say that? Jiang Han is lucky. You should build a good relationship with Jiang Han and get some luck."

The little thing rubbed his hands that had touched Jiang Han's butt. He was just trying to get some luck now.

Aunt Guihua blushed, "Xiao Han, don't listen to the nonsense of the child. Aunt, how could I have such an idea!"

Aunt Guihua didn't even believe it after she said it.

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