The two of them were so busy that they had to eat together.

Cooking is a woman's strong point, and Ma Xiaomei got the hang of it right away.

She winked at Jiang Han and smiled at him, "Have you eaten?"

Jiang Han didn't eat either, he had originally wanted to catch up on his sleep first.

Ma Xiaomei immediately said, "I'll cook yours too, let's eat together."

Jiang Han didn't refuse, he had invited them to stay and even contributed the things at home.

Eating a meal cooked by them, isn't it too much?

While Ma Xiaomei was washing rice, Jiang Han went out before the typhoon really came.

He went to Aunt Guihua's house and asked Aunt Guihua for some vegetables.

When Jiang Han wanted to give her money, Aunt Guihua refused to take it.

But Jiang Han still stuffed the money into Aunt Guihua's pocket, "If you don't want to take it, I won't ask you for it next time."

When he appeared in the kitchen with underdeveloped cucumbers and underdeveloped lettuces.

Ma Xiaomei couldn't help laughing.

Knowing that her behavior was inappropriate, she quickly apologized.

"The land on the island is definitely not as fertile as inland, and the vegetables I grow are not grown with chemical fertilizers, but with farmyard manure. The appearance is definitely not as good as the vegetables you buy in the supermarket."

Ma Xiaomei suddenly felt that she was superficial. She and her sister traveled to many places.

But in many aspects, there was still a blank.

She looked at the green, watery thing that Jiang Han put in the bowl.

"What is this?"

"Astragalus tofu."

Ma Xiaomei felt that this thing really looked like tofu. "Isn't Astragalus a Chinese medicine?"

"It is a Chinese medicine. But it can also be made into food, which has the effect of cooling and detoxification. Aunt Guihua went to pick it early in the morning."

Ma Xiaomei couldn't help but want to take a bite. After she took a bite, she couldn't help but take another bite. "This is too delicious. Sweet and cool, there is nothing like this in big cities. And the taste is no worse than the desserts in the dessert shop."

"Sister, sister!" Ma Xiaomei called Ma Xiaomei down again to eat Astragalus tofu together.

The two sisters ate with smiles on their faces.

Jiang Han handed the things left yesterday to the two sisters.

The two sisters looked at these shellfish and found them very strange. Some of them they could name, and some they couldn't name.

They had a lot of questions, and Jiang Han had no choice but to tell them one by one.

When the two sisters saw the hermit crabs, their eyes lit up.

"How can we eat hermit crabs when they are so cute?"

Jiang Han: "..."

"Jiang Han, can we take these five hermit crabs back home?"

"They are really cute. We want to raise them."

Jiang Han waved his hand, "Whatever, I don't care."

There are a lot of hermit crabs on the beach, and he was too lazy to pick them up. These few were picked up by Zhang Haidai.

The sisters were very happy to hear Jiang Han agree.

The sisters were not very good at cooking seafood, so Jiang Han asked them to boil it in clear water.

The sisters didn't believe it. How could it be delicious if it was just boiled in clear water? What's the difference between this and boiled meat?

But they still did what Jiang Han said.

"Wow, it's so fresh!"

"I almost swallowed my tongue."

"The seafood restaurant over there is famous for its freshness, but the same thing, the taste can't be compared with yours."

They really just boiled the things in water, using the most primitive and rough cooking method.

"The taste of farmed seafood is definitely different from that of wild seafood. No matter how fresh your seafood is, it has been kept for several days using various high-tech methods. What they call freshness is just to keep the seafood alive before cooking."

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei ate a lot unconsciously.

They usually don't get to eat this kind of pure wild seafood. If they really eat it, a few dishes like this may cost thousands of yuan.

Even the underdeveloped vegetables brought by Aunt Guihua are delicious.

According to their saying, this is called organic vegetables. In the supermarket, they are sold one by one with labels.

The price is also several times that of ordinary vegetables.

It was the first time for the two sisters to eat so much at once.

Jiang Han thought he could finally sleep well at night, but he was woken up by knocking on the door again.

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei hugged the pillow and looked at him pitifully.

Ma Xiaomei: "Jiang Han, the typhoon is so scary."

Ma Xiaomei: "Yeah, so scary."

The place where they are sometimes affected by the typhoon

The wind affected them, but that was the last of the typhoon.

At most, it would rain a little and bring some not-too-strong wind.

But just now they saw a tree outside the window being uprooted.

They were really scared.

Jiang Han was speechless. It was only level 10.5.

If it was a super typhoon today, the two girls would have to crawl into his bed.

"So what do you want?"

"Jiang Han, can you chat with us?"

Anyway, it was impossible to sleep. If there was a boy to chat with them, they would feel much more at ease.

Jiang Han had no choice but to accompany them to the living room on the first floor.

But he had no common topics with them.

After a few words, he fell asleep against the wall.

He woke up at noon the next day. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was not in the room, but in a tent filled with the smell of rose water.

"Jiang Han, you're awake. Yesterday, we two sisters carried you into the tent."

Jiang Han's mouth twitched. Did he sleep so soundly?


That's not the point.

The point is why did they carry him into their tent?

He checked his clothes immediately. He was dressed quite completely. It seemed that he had thought too much.

The living room was already filled with the smell of food.

Ma Xiaomei smiled and said to Jiang Han, "We checked some videos of cooking seafood. Today, we didn't boil it with water. We used the method on the Internet."

Jiang Han took a look and saw garlic clams, beer-boiled mussels, and clam vermicelli soup.

Jiang Han's phone vibrated. People in the class group were tagging him again.

【Liu Bohong: @Jiang Han, I heard that there was a typhoon over there. Are you okay? 】

【Hu Danzhen: @Jiang Han, the typhoon on the island must be very strong. 】

【Tian Chengwen: @Jiang Han, will there be a shortage of supplies when the typhoon comes? ]

[Li Feiyue: @Jiang Han, do you have anything to eat now? Have you had breakfast? ]

Jiang Han took another photo and posted it in the group.

[Jiang Han: My breakfast. ]

The group went wild again.

[Yu He: Is the breakfast also a seafood feast? ]

[Liu Bohong: It’s okay to eat seafood in a restaurant last time, but is your family so extravagant? ]

[Hu Danzhen: It looks delicious. Just look at the presentation, it’s not worse than the restaurant. ]

[Li Feiyue: This meal must cost hundreds of dollars, Jiang Han, you spend hundreds of dollars on breakfast? ]

[Liu Bohong: What’s across the table? Women? Two women? And they’re wearing the same silk pajamas? ]

[Tian Chengwen: Jiang Han, are you that extravagant? ]

Jiang Han looked at the photo carefully. He didn’t include Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei’s faces, but he also included half of their bodies when he took the photo of the food.

[Jiang Han: Don't talk nonsense, these are twins.]

[Yu He: woc]

[Li Feiyue: woc]

[Hu Danzhen: woc]

[Liu Bohong: woc]


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