The more you go, the more you will be hurt.

Jiang Han naturally wouldn't blame Zhang Haidai for such a thing.

He had clearly told them not to touch anything.

As a result, they didn't want to grab the general's cap on the rock properly, but chose to grab the worthless clams below.

This kind of clam will naturally use its shell to pinch people when it finds someone touching it.

They clearly had eel tongs in their hands, but they didn't use them, and they didn't wear gloves.

They just grabbed with their bare hands.

Jiang Han didn't know whether to say they were stupid or brave.

If it was him and Zhang Haidai who were pinched, they would only feel pain for a while because they were thick-skinned. But the girl's skin was tender, and she was pinched until she bled.

Jiang Han looked at Ma Xiaomei, "Why don't you let Haidai take you back?"

Ma Xiaomei immediately shook her head, "I won't go back, I'll just bleed a little, it's okay. And I haven't seen the puffer fish yet."

"You're crazy! Wild puffer fish are highly poisonous, you're going to die. If you really want to eat it, buy farmed ones." Jiang Han could only say that the ignorant are fearless.

Ma Xiaomei was almost crying with grievance, "I didn't say I wanted to eat it. I saw many bloggers at the beach using puffer fish to wipe their shoes, and I also want to use puffer fish to wipe my shoes."

Jiang Han: "..."

He could only say that women's hearts are like needles in the sea, and he really couldn't understand their focus.

The purpose of going to the sea is just to use puffer fish to wipe shoes?

Zhang Haidai couldn't understand it either, these girls' brain circuits were really crazy.

Because of the toxicity of puffer fish, no one would catch puffer fish to eat.

So there is a high possibility of encountering puffer fish when going to the sea.

Jiang Han scanned the area and found pufferfish in several puddles.

If you want to polish your shoes, a smaller pufferfish is better. The spines are not so hard and are more dense.

He walked over and caught the smallest pufferfish.

Pufferfish will inflate when they are under stress.

Jiang Han scratched the chin of the pufferfish with his hand, and the pufferfish really inflated itself into a ball.

"Wow! Jiang Han, how did you do it? How did it inflate into a ball?"

When Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei looked at Jiang Han, their eyes were already full of stars.

Jiang Han threw the inflated pufferfish to the sisters.

When it came to Ma Xiaomei's hand, the pufferfish deflated again.

"Hold the sides of the cheeks with two fingers, and scratch its chin with another finger."

Ma Xiaomei did as she was told, and the pufferfish really inflated itself again.

When it was inflated, it would make a "crackling" sound, which made the two girls melt in love.

Ma Xiaomei used the puffer fish to brush her sneakers, and then handed the puffer fish to Ma Xiaomei.

Ma Xiaomei also used the method taught by Jiang Han to make the puffer fish inflate and then brush her shoes.

This experience was really novel.

When they released the puffer fish, they felt that their trip was worth it.

Although the stains on the shoes were not wiped off.

After all this trouble, an hour and a half had passed.

Jiang Han felt that his time was wasted by the two sisters.

And the octopus he had just seen was gone.

Jiang Han could only look for something else.

When scanning the surrounding rock reefs, he actually scanned two conger eels.

He quickly reminded the two girls, "Don't walk around, there are conger eels here."

Being bitten by a conger eel is not as simple as bleeding.

When he was young, he saw someone's finger bones broken by a conger eel because of carelessness.

Since then, his sister has not allowed him to catch conger eels.

Now that he has grown up, Jiang Han is still a little afraid of this thing.

The old fisherman dared to catch it with his hands, but he didn't dare.

He took out the eel pliers and put them into the rock hole.

He clamped it once but didn't clamp it, and he clamped it twice but didn't clamp it.

This thing is too slippery and powerful, it's really not easy to catch.

His scanning function can only help him see the seafood, not help him catch it.

Facing such a species, he still needs to practice more skills.

"Brother Han, try to clamp the head. If you clamp the head, it can't get rid of it." In this regard, Zhang Haidai is obviously more experienced.

Jiang Han thought it made sense. If you clamp the body, the head can break free with a little force. If the head is wrapped around his hand, his hand will be useless.

Clamp the head, even if the body swings around, its force will be relieved. And it is safer.

Although he could see it clearly, it was still difficult to clamp the eel's head accurately.

He tried several times and finally clamped the eel's head.

In order to prevent him from breaking free, he put more strength.

When he clamped it out of the cave, he quickly put it into the bucket again.

He was sweating all over at this time.

It was really not easy to clamp a conger eel.

Thinking of the other conger eel, he drank a sip of water and tried again.

He looked at his eel pliers. Although these pliers were also anti-slip, they were not enough for something as strong and flexible as a conger eel.

There were not many things in the fishing tackle store in town, so he would go online to see if there were better ones.

If there was really a handy tool, even if it couldn't be delivered to the island, it would be worth it for him to take a boat to get it.

When he clamped the second conger eel up, Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei applauded him with all their might.

The conger eel was frightened and showed its sharp teeth to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han was startled and almost let the conger eel slip out of the clamp.

Did he bring two spectators with him?

The kind that will turn into cheerleaders at any time.

Ma Xiaomei's eyes fell on a starfish, but she learned from Ma Xiaomei's lesson and didn't dare to catch it casually.

"Jiang Han, there is a starfish over there, so beautiful, let's catch it."

Jiang Han glanced at the starfish, "Yeah, I saw it."

Then he turned around and went to find other seafood.

Ma Xiaomei was stunned, why is it this reaction?

She ran behind Jiang Han, "Let's catch it and sell it."

Jiang Han began to popularize science to Ma Xiaomei again, "Although the starfish in some places can be eaten, the starfish here can't be eaten?"

"Why can't we eat it?" Ma Xiaomei blinked her watery eyes, with a strong desire for knowledge.

Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, it can't be eaten, how can he know so many whys?

He is not an encyclopedia.

Perhaps because Jiang Han looked unhappy, Ma Xiaomei immediately changed the subject, "It's really beautiful, can I catch it and play with it for a while?"

Jiang Han looked at her and chuckled, "Catch it if you want."

Ma Xiaomei felt something was wrong, "This thing won't be poisonous, right?"

"No." If it was really poisonous, he wouldn't dare let her touch it.

"Will it bite people?"

"Just wear gloves and don't touch its thorns." Starfish won't attack people actively.

Ma Xiaomei felt relieved when she heard this, she put on gloves and went to catch the starfish.

Before she started playing, she threw the starfish back into the sea.

The starfish is so beautiful, and she has seen people use starfish as specimens.

But no one has ever told her that starfish smell so strong!

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