The white sea urchin is really beautiful. It is said that the more beautiful something is, the more terrifying it is. Zhang Haidai subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with this thing. It was also the first time that Jiang Han saw a white sea urchin. "It shouldn't be." He didn't know about sea urchins, but he knew that crabs also had white ones. It's just that white crabs are very rare. It's a mutant species. To put it more scientifically, it's because the body lacks astaxanthin. I don't know if the white sea urchin is also a mutant species, or it's caused by the lack of some substance in ordinary sea urchins. Old man Zhang glanced at the white and beautiful sea urchin. "It's not poisonous, but the price is just like that."

Jiang Han's eyes lit up, "Do you know this thing?"

Jiang Han gave Zhang Haidai a look, and Zhang Haidai handed him another cigarette.

Old man Zhang took a puff of Huazi, and in the young man's expectant eyes, he felt awesome again.

"Old Luo also picked up one of this thing two years ago, and he also thought he had picked up a treasure at that time. As a result, he took it to Jiang Ermao, and Jiang Ermao said that the thing was edible, but it was no different from ordinary sea urchins. The price he gave was the same as ordinary sea urchins."

Zhang Haidai thought that it was the same price as ordinary ones, so it was nothing. At least it could still be sold.

If it was poisonous, it would not be sold.

Jiang Han didn't think that Old Man Zhang was lying, but this matter couldn't be just what Jiang Ermao said.

After several contacts, he knew Jiang Ermao's character too well.

Maybe the people in the village knew it too, but they had no way.

The people who collected seafood in the town did not collect their personal seafood.

Going to other villages to sell, it breaks the rules again.

Under Jiang Ermao's monopoly, Jiang Ermao's words are naturally the truth.

Old man Zhang saw Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai were studying the white sea urchin. He quickly ran to the place where Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai had caught the sea urchin to touch it.

As a result, there was nothing there.

All the sea urchins were caught by Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai.

Seeing that the tide was about to rise, Jiang Han finally used a scoop net to pick up some shrimps.

Old man Zhang was dumbfounded again. He could only catch two or three shrimps at most with one scoop net.

But Jiang Han's scoop net actually caught more than ten shrimps.

The same place, the same scoop net that costs ten yuan, is Jiang Han lucky?

Jiang Han did not forget to turn his head and smile at Old man Zhang, "The tide is about to rise, we have to leave."

After speaking, he caught another king crab at his feet.

Old man Zhang's mouth twitched, what kind of luck is this?

It's so annoying!

It was already 3:30 in the morning when Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai got home. They were so tired that they just lay on the bed.

Jiang Han learned from Zhang Haidai that the Holiwang Restaurant would open at 8:30.

So he set an alarm for 7:30.

When they woke up, they thought Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei were still sleeping.

But they had already woken up.

Ma Xiaomei didn't use the induction cooker and suddenly wanted to tinker with Jiang Han's wood stove. Jiang Han was overwhelmed.

"I'll keep those wood for power outages. If you use them, I won't be able to cook the next time there's a power outage."

"Do you always have power outages here?" Ma Xiaomei was curious.

"Anyway, there are more power outages than in your big cities. After all, we are a small island, and energy is definitely more scarce than in big cities."

Ma Xiaomei stopped moving immediately, and even felt that her behavior of using a wood stove was too much.

"Did you go fishing last night? You didn't take us with you." As soon as they woke up, they saw a lot of seafood in the pool.

Jiang Han's mouth twitched. If they took them with them, how could they find so many good things?

"Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I couldn't bear to wake you up."

The two girls were suddenly very moved, thinking that Jiang Han was a good man who could make money and cherish women.

They worked harder to make breakfast.

The final product was a bowl of seafood handmade noodles for each person, plus a free-range egg.

Some shellfish and mixed shrimps brought back in the middle of the night were put in the noodles. Even if there were no high-end seafood, it was still delicious.

Such a bowl of pure wild seafood handmade noodles, with a free-range egg, would cost at least 70 or 80 yuan a bowl.

Jiang Han looked at the time. It was already 8:10.

Just as he was about to call a taxi, Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei put on their backpacks and stood in front of Jiang Han.

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei had two identical faces, smiling at Jiang Han, "Are you going out too? Let's go together."

"Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, we have to go somewhere else."

Just when Jiang Han was curious about how they were going to leave the village, a private car stopped at the door of Jiang Han's house.

It even honked twice outside the door.

"This master brought us here when we came. We saved his number on the way. I called him while cooking." Ma Xiaomei winked at Jiang Han playfully.

If possible, they would also like to stay a few more days.

But their itinerary was arranged early in the morning.

As one of the members of the couch surfing. They have made reservations for couch surfing in various places.

It would be very troublesome to change it.

Jiang Han felt that the two sisters were also smart at times, which saved him from calling a taxi.

Jiang Han took the seafood that needed to be sold out of the pond, and the four of them got into the private car together.

Because the two sisters needed to transfer to the port in town, they got off the bus with them.

Meng Fei arrived earlier today, and she had already opened the door when Jiang Han and his friends arrived.

Meng Guo saw them and waved to them, "Hi, Zhang Haidai and Zhang Haidai's friends, you really brought seafood."

Jiang Han was speechless.

Meng Guo couldn't help laughing when she saw Jiang Han's depressed look, and then made a very standard welcoming gesture to him: "Welcome, Jiang Han."

Jiang Han was stunned, "Do you remember?"

Meng Guo smiled cutely and sweetly, "How could I not remember what happened yesterday. I also noted your number with a name."

Seeing that Jiang Han and his friends brought three buckets, she leaned over to take a look.

One of the buckets contained tied crabs and some shellfish and snails. Another bucket contained chitons and sea urchins.

The last bucket was covered with a piece of cloth.

Meng Guo looked at Jiang Han curiously, "Can I open it?"

Jiang Han nodded, "I'm going to sell these things to you, and I'm waiting for you to open them. But I have a request, I hope you don't let others know what's in this bucket."

Meng Guo glanced at Jiang Han, who was so mysterious.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

She was suddenly so excited that her hand holding the cloth trembled a little, as if she was opening a blind box.

When she opened the cloth, she was stunned. This... turned out to be earthworms?

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