The fish was cooked, and the soup was very delicious.

Meng Guo also helped to order a portion of fried squid, a portion of shrimp soup, and a portion of salad cucumber.

This was Jiang Han's second time eating at the Haolaiwang Restaurant.

The more he ate, the better he felt that the restaurant's cooking was.

When Meng Guo brought the last portion of salad cucumber, Jiang Han stopped her and said, "Can your restaurant do processing? I bring seafood myself, and you can help me do it."

"Of course. Processing is the price of processing, and we have a clear price list!"

Jiang Han just asked casually, but he didn't expect that they really had this project.

"Can I see the price list?"

Meng Guo quickly brought the price list.

After looking at the price list, Jiang Han felt that their restaurant was more standardized. The processing fee for each type of seafood is clearly written within a certain weight.

If you are a tourist from outside the city, you don’t have to worry about being ripped off.

For shellfish alone, the prices for six different processing methods are listed.

For shellfish under two kilograms, boiling is five yuan per portion.

Stir-fried with spicy sauce and steamed is ten yuan per portion.

Sautéed with soy sauce and mixed with green onions is twenty yuan per portion.

Fried with oil is twenty-five yuan per portion.

Jiang Han pointed to the lobster and king crab, "Is there any difference between eating it once, twice, or three times?"

Meng Guo pointed to the small words below, "It says here that there are many ways to eat it, such as spicy, salt and pepper, garlic, porridge, and steamed eggs."

"If you only want to eat the lobster in one of the ways, then it will be counted as one way. If you want to mash the shrimp body with garlic and cook the shrimp head with porridge, then it will be counted as two ways. If you also want to use a certain part to steam eggs, then it will be three ways. The price for three ways is one hundred and fifty."

Jiang Han understood.

If he brought fresh seafood here for processing. As long as there is no particularly complicated process. A few dozen yuan is enough for three kinds of seafood.

For things like sea urchin steamed egg, they only charge a processing fee of ten yuan per portion. Simple steaming and blanching are five yuan per portion.

Often the fresher the seafood, the less complicated the process.

Compared with other seafood that have to be cooked and washed after returning from the sea, it is better to sell seafood here and directly take the remaining ingredients to process and eat them here.

"If I bring a lot of seafood and can't eat it all at once, can you help me store it?"

He saw that their restaurant has oxygen generation equipment and refrigeration equipment when he came last time.

It is easier to keep the caught seafood alive than to keep it at home.

Meng Guo covered her mouth and laughed, "Of course others can't do it, but you are different."

Seeing that Meng Guo loves to joke so much, Jiang Han also joked, "Why am I different?"

Meng Guo choked, she didn't expect Jiang Han to ask her back.

"Anyway, it's different. You give us such good seafood. We are strategic partners." Meng Guo ran away after saying that.

Zhang Haidai scratched his head. Is Feijie's sister so talkative?

Jiang Han ate and drank enough, so he went to pay.

After giving him a discount, the total was 1,200 yuan. After all, with such a large lobster, the price was really reasonable.

After eating, Jiang Han found that his hair had grown longer.

So he went to the barber shop opposite the restaurant to get a haircut. He got the most standard buzz cut.

When he came out, he bumped into Meng Guo who was seeing off a guest.

Meng Guo blushed and hid back in the restaurant.

The Internet says whether a boy is handsome or not, just look at whether he is handsome when he has a buzz cut. If he is handsome when he has a buzz cut, then he is really handsome.

Jiang Han obviously belongs to the category of really handsome.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai went to the Internet cafe to play games for a while.

When they went back, the door of the car dealership was still open.

There is no car dealership selling cars on the small island of Jiaowa Island.

The cars in the car shop in front of him were either bicycles, battery-powered cars, or motorcycles.

There was also a kind of three-wheeled vehicle for agricultural use, also called a three-wheeled vehicle.

He couldn't always ride Zhang Haidai's second-hand bicycle.

And it was tiring to ride a bicycle like this all the time.

Anyway, he would have to go to the town to sell goods frequently in the future, so he might as well buy an electric three-wheeled vehicle that could carry goods.

It could not only deliver goods, but also be used for transportation.

In addition, the three-wheeled vehicle was small in size, so it could be driven in smaller alleys and flatter mountain roads.

It was very practical.

Things on the island were expensive, and after bargaining, Jiang Han still spent 5,300 yuan to buy the three-wheeled vehicle.

When he drove the three-wheeled vehicle back, it was already very late.

The villagers went to bed early.

It was quiet all the way to the village.

I don't know why, but after lying down, I couldn't fall asleep for a while.

I remembered that when I was catching octopuses, the eel pliers slipped several times.

He wanted to look online to see if there were any good pliers.

There were indeed more things online than in the fishing tackle store in town.

There were also a variety of pliers.

Finally, he chose a pair of pliers with rubber anti-slip function. A pair of pliers cost 60 yuan, and he bought two.

The boss also recommended a lighter pair of pliers to him.

Heavy pliers are better for catching octopuses and the like. But using such pliers all the time will make your hands sore.

If you are picking up shells and sea cucumbers, lighter pliers will do.

Light pliers are still very cheap, only 15 yuan a pair.

Jiang Han bought two more.

It was a pity to learn that this product could not be delivered to the town.

Fortunately, the goods in this store will not be placed at the coastal port, but at the district port.

It takes three hours to get to the coastal port by boat, and only more than 40 minutes to get to the Puqu port.

If people in the village are sick, if the town health center can't cure them, they will go to the district hospital for treatment.

The district here is equivalent to a county.

The facilities in the district are much better than those in the town.

Thinking that he had to go there anyway, he looked at other things in the store.

There is an advantage to buying things from the same store, all the things can be delivered together, and he only needs to go to get them once.

Seeing that there are crab cages, he bought a few crab cages.

He went to the village to ask, although it was the sea closure period, no one would care if an individual put a few small crab cages.

He also bought two simple fishing rods. Because they were too complicated, he didn't know how to use them.

I saw that their store also had children's fishing rods.

I don't know if my sister's two children like fishing, and seeing that the price is not expensive, I also bought two.

When I was about to turn off my phone, Meng Guo sent a message.

He thought it was something important.

As a result, I saw a photo of him riding a three-wheeled motorcycle.

Unexpectedly, Meng Guo took a photo of him riding a three-wheeled motorcycle.

He said thank you, then threw his phone aside and went to sleep.

Meng Guo on the other end of the phone was a little stunned. Why did he send her a thank you message?

Doesn't he think it's funny to see him riding a three-wheeled motorcycle?

He has such a handsome face, but he rides a three-wheeled motorcycle.

I heard from my sister that Jiang Han is a college student from a prestigious university. Do college students from prestigious universities have this kind of brain circuit?

Jiang Han slept until noon the next day.

After waking up, he saw Zhang Haidai sent him a message, asking him if he would go to the beach today?

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