The two of them were very happy.

Jiang Han was also surprised to see Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei, "Didn't you go to Shanghai? Why are you back?"

"We went to Shanghai, and we bought these pear paste candies from Shanghai." Ma Xiaomei said.

"Jiang Han, you encountered such a thing, why didn't you come to us." Ma Xiaomei was a little unhappy.

This kind of thing can be clarified by them explaining it.

Jiang Han smiled indifferently, in fact, it would be fine if they didn't make this trip.

This kind of thing, it would be fine if it spread in the village for a few days. He didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

He really didn't expect that they would come here to clarify because of his affairs.

"Thank you."

"Why are you being so polite to us? You've treated us so warmly. This is what we should do."

Ma Xiaomei saw what Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai brought, "Are you going to the sea? Take us with you."

"Even if we go to the port now, we won't be able to catch the last boat."

Jiang Han agreed, of course.

Although the harvest will be much less if he takes them with him. But they came here because of him.

It's his duty to accompany them to the sea as a host.

Besides, he was just going there casually today, so it really didn't matter whether he harvested more or less.

"Where are you going to the sea today?" Ma Xiaomei asked.

"To the beach."

As soon as they arrived at the beach, Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei exclaimed.

"Wow, what a beautiful beach."

"Jiang Han, there is such a good place, why don't you take us with you."

Jiang Han felt so wronged, how did he know they liked such a beach?

And compared to other places, villagers really don't come here to catch the sea.

He just wanted to try his luck here today because he was close.

What he didn't expect was that he met Wang Xiaobao and Li Xiaoya here.

When Wang Xiaobao and Li Xiaoya saw Jiang Han, they thought of the scene when Jiang Han caught zebra mantis shrimp last time.

They always felt that the way Jiang Han looked at them was mocking their inexperience.

They unconsciously carried the buckets and moved a little further away from Jiang Han and his group.

Ma Xiaomei smiled with curved eyebrows, "You don't seem to be popular with children."

Jiang Han's mouth twitched, "You are generalizing."

Just because these two little brats don't like him, it doesn't mean that all children don't like him.

Because the weather was hot, Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei simply took off their shoes and socks and stepped barefoot on the sand.

The sand rubbed the soles of their feet, which was a little painful and a little itchy, but very comfortable.

At this time, two big birds flew in from a distance.

Ma Xiaomei exclaimed, "Oh my god, what a big bird, its feathers are so white."

Jiang Han looked over, isn't this a egret?

This is a bird that is often seen at the seaside.

"You know flamingos, but you don't know egrets?" Jiang Han was a little surprised.

"My bed sheets are decorated with flamingos, so of course we know flamingos."

Jiang Han didn't expect this to be the reason.

At this moment, Ma Xiaomei excitedly shouted again, "Oh my god, there are crabs here!"

Now Jiang Han's vision scanning range is very large, with a scanning range of 90 meters.

It can be said that he can see clearly within 90 meters.

The crab was really not seen.

Is there something wrong with his eyesight?

He looked at Ma Xiaomei and saw Ma Xiaomei pointing at a small crab that crawled over her instep and exclaimed.

"This crab is so cute."

Jiang Han didn't know what to say. Isn't this inviting North Korea?

"Jiang Han, why are the claws of this crab so big and small?"

"The claws of a fiddler crab are always one big and one small."

The fiddler crab is so small that the one crawling over Ma Xiaomei's instep is only the size of a fingernail.

For Jiang Han, seeing a fiddler crab is like seeing an ant.

At first glance, he really didn't think of the fiddler crab as a seafood.

Jiang Han looked carefully and saw that there were quite a lot of fiddler crabs here.

"Do you like crab sauce?"

"Crab sauce?"

The first time the two sisters ate this thing, their father brought it back from the beach.

They thought it was delicious.

But after that jar of crab sauce was finished, the taste of other crab sauces was no longer the same.

At this time, their eyes lit up. This is a small island. The crab sauce here should be very authentic, right?

"Jiang Han, can you make crab sauce?"

Jiang Han shook his head, "There are many ways to make crab sauce, but I haven't made it.

You can make it according to the tutorials on the Internet. "

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei were a little disappointed after hearing this.

Then Jiang Han said, "To make crab sauce delicious, the ingredients must be good. This kind of fiddler crab is the most suitable for making crab sauce."

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei suddenly seemed to have found the key point.

Their crab sauce was not delicious later. Could it be that it was not because of the method, but because of the ingredients?

Looking at the cute fiddler crabs crawling on the golden beach. They felt that it must be like this.

Ma Xiaomei stretched out her hand to catch the fiddler crab, but the fiddler crab was very sensitive. Once it felt someone catching it, it hid in the sand.

Ma Xiaomei looked at a loss. What should she do?

Jiang Han felt that it was really difficult for the two girls to catch fiddler crabs.

This thing is not easy to catch for people who have lived by the sea for a long time.

Wang Xiaobao and Li Xiaoya have been here for so long, and they have only caught two Only fiddler crabs.

Jiang Han looked around again. After his field of vision widened, it was indeed much easier to scan.

What he didn't expect was that this beach that he had always looked down upon actually had a lot of Lugu shrimps hidden underneath.

Jiang Han handed the shrimp extractor on his back to Ma Xiaomei, and asked Zhang Haidai to hand the shrimp extractor on his back to Ma Xiaomei.

He used a sand shovel to shovel off some of the sand on the top, revealing the vent below.

Then he told them how to use the shrimp extractor.

Ma Xiaomei and Ma Xiaomei were very smart and learned it right away.

Ma Xiaomei first drew a bucket, and a Lugu shrimp was drawn up with sand, mud and water.

"Mantis shrimp." Ma Xiaomei exclaimed.

"This is not a mantis shrimp, it's a Lugu shrimp. It looks a bit like a mantis shrimp, but smaller than ordinary mantis shrimp. Some parts are very similar to crayfish. "

Jiang Han found that whenever he was with the two sisters, he would act as a commentator.

The two girls heard what Jiang Han said, and it was true.

This thing really looks like a combination of crayfish and mantis shrimp.

Ma Xiaomei pointed to the vent that Jiang Han had shoveled out, "There won't be all these Lugu shrimps under this vent."

Jiang Han was stunned, he almost gave himself away, "It should be. You guys just draw here, Zhang Haidai and I will go catch fiddler crabs."

The two girls immediately understood that Jiang Han was leaving the simple things to them.

They also realized that they were too noisy last time, so Jiang Han and his team caught less things.

The two girls immediately patted their chests and promised: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

The two girls immediately got to work and did a good job.

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