The more the seaweed was buried, the more it was buried.

Jiang Han saw several conches under the kelp over there, but they had not yet completely buried themselves in the sand.

Zhang Haidai could find them if he looked carefully.

Zhang Haidai took a sand shovel and walked over, turned over the kelp and saw a conch trying to lie in the sand.

He looked in other places and found two more conches.

Jiang Han was much more relaxed here. Although many of the conches on his side were buried in the sand, his extreme scanning system allowed him to see the situation under the sand and mud clearly.

In this short while, he picked up five or six conches, and each weighed about half a pound.

Jiang Han felt that he had found a conch nest today.

"Jiang Han? Did you find conchs? So many?"

When Jiang Han turned his head, he saw a person who was wrapped up tightly. There were only two holes on his face.

It was noon and the sun was very strong.

People who came out to the sea were basically dressed like this, and he and Zhang Haidai were also dressed like this.

He really didn't recognize who the person in front of him was, and it was hard for the other party to recognize him.

Auntie Bucktooth pulled down the cloth around her face a little, revealing her buck teeth.

"It's me, Auntie Bucktooth."

"Auntie Bucktooth, are you here to catch sea too?"

Jiang Han was surprised. This place was far from their village, and he really didn't expect to meet Auntie Bucktooth here.

"The coast near our village is always hard to pick up. People say there are a lot of things here at Sizhamen, so I'll take a look here."

Jiang Han wanted to say that there were also a lot of things on the coast over there in their village. But now that he was here at Sizhamen himself, it was difficult to say such a thing.

This area did allow him to encounter a lot of big stuff.

"Jiang Han, you are here too." Another figure appeared.

Jiang Han blinked, but still didn't know who this person was.

Aunt Guihua smiled and pulled off the cloth on her face, "I am your Aunt Guihua. Ouch, conchs."

Aunt Guihua's eyes almost popped out when she saw the conchs in Jiang Han's bucket.

"Everyone says you are lucky, but I didn't expect you to be lucky all the time."

Aunt Guihua unconsciously reached out to Jiang Han's clothes while speaking.

But she always had to save face, and in the end she only pulled on Jiang Han's clothes.

Jiang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was he here to try his luck again?

Aunt Bucktooth was not very polite, and the muddy hand was about to wipe Jiang Han's clothes.

Jiang Han took a step back in fear. Although his clothes were also stained with mud, he really didn't want to be touched by Aunt Bucktooth like this.

Seeing that they had almost finished searching this area, Jiang Han said to Aunt Bucktooth and Aunt Osmanthus, "We're going to another place. You guys take your time to search."

With kelp and conch, Jiang Han's bucket was already full.

Fortunately, he and Zhang Haidai each brought two buckets.

Zhang Haidai was so excited, "Brother Han, I never make mistakes when I follow your instructions. Look, we've made a fortune from conchs today."

Jiang Han was also very happy, as conchs are also considered valuable seafood.

This trip was indeed the right one.

Jiang Han took Zhang Haidai to a place with a lot of mud.

"Brother Han, are we going to catch crabs?" Zhang Haidai remembered that they caught a lot of big blue crabs near here last time.

"Catch whatever we can."

Zhang Haidai felt that Jiang Han was right, and he just asked a stupid question.

As the two talked and walked, Jiang Han walked to the place where he saw that thing last time.

Now that thing is gone.

I don't know if it went to some other place or was caught by someone.

He looked into the distance, and now his visual scanning range was 120 meters. He could see many places clearly at a glance.

Just where his visual range was about to disappear, he saw the tail of the thing.

Jiang Han hurried to that place and saw the whole picture of the thing.

When he arrived at that place, he found that there were also such things in several places nearby.

Jiang Han took out the shovel he had prepared in advance, "Take out your shovel, and dig together."

Zhang Haidai immediately took out his shovel.

The two of them started digging together.

Although Zhang Haidai didn't understand why, he was strong and could bring out a lot of mud with one shovel.

Maybe their hole was dug too deep, and many villagers nearby gathered around.

These people also covered their exposed skin, leaving only their eyes exposed.

"Young man is also here to catch the sea?"

"It's not the weekend, young man, why don't you work well in the factory and go to the beach to waste time


"Just go for the sea fishing, it's not like there will be goods just because the hole is dug deep."


Jiang Han looked around, these people should not be from their village, their voices sounded strange.

Jiang Han smiled at them kindly, "Uncles, aunts, my brother and I are just here to have fun. It doesn't matter whether there are goods or not."

The villagers nearby shook their heads even more after hearing this.

They don't work, and they don't go for the sea fishing properly. These two young people are really outrageous.

"You two big guys, can't you do something serious?"

"You are idle every day like this, your parents will be so sad!"

"This hole is almost two meters deep, you are still digging, so much strength is nowhere to be used, just move bricks to make money. ”


Jiang Han was still very calm, but Zhang Haidai couldn’t listen any more.

If he had cotton balls on him, he would have used them to plug his ears.

The hole had been dug two meters deep, and when it was almost two and a half meters deep, Jiang Han suddenly stopped.

Zhang Haidai also stopped.

The two of them had gone to the sea together so many times that they had a tacit understanding.

Many times, Jiang Han didn’t need to say anything. As long as Jiang Han gave him a look or a move, Zhang Haidai would know what to do.

Zhang Haidai squatted down to observe, but didn’t find anything at first.

Until Jiang Han kicked twice on one side of the earth pit, a smooth head appeared.

Zhang Haidai quickly caught the thing.

“Oh my god, it’s an earth dragon!”

“Oh my god, it’s an earth dragon.”

“No wonder they had to dig such a deep pit, there’s an earth dragon!”

“There’s an earth dragon here!” ”


The villagers were all agitated when they saw what Zhang Haidai was holding.

Just now they were talking about these two young men.

While they were still talking, they caught a dragon!

Catching a dragon is worth half a month’s salary.

Just as they were thinking the same thing, Jiang Han pulled out a long dragon from the hole.

This dragon was even bigger than the one in Zhang Haidai’s hand.

The dragon hole usually has two openings.

There are actually two dragons at the entrance!!!

Oh my god!

What kind of wealth is this?

“The current dragon is worth three or four hundred yuan, and these two weigh almost six kilograms.”

“Young man, did you know there were dragons here before you dug such a deep hole?”

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