The whole face of Aunt Li was relaxed, "Jiang Han, your air conditioner is so good. It's better than the air conditioner in the village head's house. No wonder the town supermarket uses the same air conditioner as yours." "You are wrong, Jiang Han and the town supermarket use the same air conditioner." Aunt Jinju corrected her. "What does it matter? It's the same thing." Aunt Li said indifferently. Ye Tiantian also noticed the changes in Jiang Han's family. Because they studied in the same university, they used to come back together every time. She knew the situation of Jiang Han's family best. Although Jiang Han's family was not small, he was poor and could not afford anything. It was not much different from theirs. Now, the broken rocking chairs and broken tables and chairs in the hall are still there. Other things haven't changed much, but there is a vertical air conditioner that has suddenly appeared.

And a small refrigerator.

She saw this kind of refrigerator when she went to her classmate's house in the city.

It is specially used to store drinks and ice cream.

Ye Tiantian frowned. Her mother told her about Jiang Han buying an electric three-wheeled motorcycle on the phone.

So yesterday, she was not surprised at all when she saw Jiang Han riding an electric three-wheeled motorcycle.

And the electric three-wheeled motorcycle is not a car.

Jiang Han rode the electric three-wheeled motorcycle on the road, and his whole body was full of earthy temperament. It was obvious that he would not be able to get ahead.

But why did he buy a vertical air conditioner and a refrigerator?

Where did he get the money?

Especially this kind of refrigerator, who would buy this kind of thing without spare money?

Ye Tiantian thought about it and felt that she might be wrong.

He might not buy this kind of refrigerator to cool drinks and ice cream. It's just because this kind of refrigerator is cheaper than those big refrigerators.

Maybe it's all vegetables frozen inside.

The more Ye Tiantian thought about it, the more she felt that this was the reason.

She wanted to tear off Jiang Han's disguise, so she deliberately said, "Jiang Han, I'm so thirsty. Do you have water in the refrigerator?"

Before Jiang Han answered, Ye Tiantian walked to the small refrigerator.

She opened the refrigerator as if she was familiar with him.

She didn't see the various messy seafood and vegetables she wanted to see.

What she saw was a row of neatly arranged drinks.

There were two or three bottles of each flavor.

She opened the refrigerator below, and there was no frozen meat or frozen seafood.

There were only ice creams of various flavors.

Just now, when the master was installing the air conditioner, Jiang Han saw that the installer was sweating profusely, so he went to the store to buy a lot of ice creams.

What the installer didn't finish, he put in the refrigerator.

He also put some drinks of various flavors bought from the town supermarket some time ago into the refrigerator.

"Wow, so many drinks!" Aunt Li exclaimed.

"And so many popsicles and ice creams. It's so hot, you can even sell popsicles." Aunt Jinju said.

Jiang Han was amused by them, "I bought this from the small shop. If I sell it more expensive than the small shop, you won't come to buy it. If I sell it cheaper than the small shop, not only will I lose money, but Aunt Meihua from the small shop will come and beat me up."

Thinking of this scene, Aunt Li and Aunt Jinju laughed.

"Tiantian, this air conditioner is very comfortable, isn't it? When will you buy one for your home?"

Aunt Jinju felt that Jiang Han's air conditioner was so comfortable that she felt much better.

"I still have to study, and now is not the time to enjoy it."

Aunt Li and Aunt Jinju both reacted, "Yes, you are already a graduate student. After you graduate, you must be very good."

"Of course." Ye Tiantian raised her head proudly.

So what if Jiang Han enjoys it now?

He was just a loser who graduated from college and couldn't even find a job in a big city.

From the moment she was admitted to graduate school, Jiang Han and she were no longer people of the same class.

Ye Tiantian went to the bathroom, and unexpectedly saw a washing machine and a water heater in the bathroom.

The water heater was always powered, unlike some people in the village who bought electrical appliances just for decoration.

When she saw the faucet in Jiang Han's bathroom, Ye Tiantian smiled.

Even schools don't use such simple faucets.

Even if he bought so many home appliances, so what? Just a few home appliances.

This cement floor, there is not a single floor tile. The ceiling is only painted white, and there is no ceiling.

Other places are even more simple.

Ye Tiantian's mood

Walk out very well.

The cement floor of the bathroom is at least the smooth one. The cement floor of the hall is the original rough floor.

The smile on Ye Tiantian's face became more sincere.

She walked to Jiang Han with her chest and head held high, "Jiang Han, you are not young anymore, you can't always ask your sister for money."

"What did you say?" Jiang Han was confused.

"Your set of home appliances will cost a lot of money, right? Your sister has two daughters to support, and life is not easy enough. It's unreasonable for you to ask her for money again."

After hearing what Ye Tiantian meant, Jiang Han just felt funny.

How blind was he before, he actually liked such a two-faced woman.

Ye Tiantian had taken a fancy to a mobile phone worth more than 5,000 yuan. He didn't have the ability to buy it for her, and he just wanted to work another job and buy it for her when he had money.

But she couldn't wait that long, and kept urging him to ask his sister for money.

Fortunately, at that time, although he had been licking Ye Tiantian, he was not shameless enough to use his sister's hard-earned money to buy a gift for his girlfriend.

Moreover, Ye Tiantian's mobile phone was fine, she just wanted to compete and must buy that new mobile phone.

Just then, Jiang Han's mobile phone rang.

When Jiang Han took out his mobile phone, Ye Tiantian felt that the mobile phone looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Maybe Jiang Feng's voice was too loud, or maybe the living room was too quiet.

Jiang Han didn't press the amplifier, but Jiang Feng's voice was still clearly heard by Ye Tiantian and the two aunts.

"Ahan, the master has installed the air conditioner at home. I didn't know it before, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to use. Once the temperature in the room came down, I was not so irritable."

Jiang Feng thought of something and asked weakly, "Is this thing very power-consuming?"

The hydropower resources of Jiaowa Island are not scarce, but they are definitely not abundant.

The electricity bill has been rising over the years.

If it consumes too much electricity, she would not dare to use it.

"Sister, if you think it consumes too much electricity, I will pay for your electricity bill in summer."

"How can I let you pay for the electricity bill? I won't tell you anymore, another technician is coming to install the water heater for me."

Jiang Feng hung up the phone, and Jiang Han could tell that his sister was still very happy.

During this period, he had been sending things to his sister's house.

His sister's words made him understand that sending things to his sister blindly could not solve the fundamental situation of his sister's family.

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