The boat was still a little empty, but the fuel tank was still empty.

Perhaps the uncle was not happy to hear that the fuel was too little.

But he still dragged a pipe out.

"This boat originally had no engine, and my father later modified it. It is 1,000 liters when it is fully filled with fuel." Zhang Qi said to them.

Jiang Han calculated that it would cost 8,000 yuan to fill up the ship with fuel.

This is a small boat like theirs.

Some ocean-going ships cost tens of millions to fill up with fuel. If the profit is not good, they can't even make back the fuel cost.

Jiang Han jumped off the boat while refueling and paid the fuel cost.

Zhang Qi was still a little embarrassed.

At this time, the tide had risen.

Jiang Han jumped back on the boat.

Zhang Qi waved at them, "I won't go with you."

He thought that when Jiang Han and Jiang Wenshan were testing the boat, they should discuss whether to buy the boat or not?

If he was there, it would be inconvenient for them to talk.

Jiang Wenshan was his comrade-in-arms, and he hoped that his brother-in-law bought the boat because he really liked it.

Jiang Wenshan could drive a boat and had a license. He drove the boat away from the dock, "Brother-in-law, your comrades-in-arms are pretty good."

"Yeah. My comrades-in-arms are all pretty good."

He has worked in his factory for several years. The relationship between colleagues for so many years is still not as good as the relationship between comrades-in-arms for two years.

Jiang Wenshan had worked on a ship before, but the work on the ship was unstable, and there was no insurance and fixed holidays. Considering the two children, he chose to work in the factory.

But in terms of experience, he is much richer than Jiang Han.

He looked at the draft of the boat and said, "There are probably more barnacles under the boat."

Neither he nor Jiang Han is heavy. Logically, the two of them on the boat should not be enough to make the boat sink that much.

Accumulated over the years, the barnacles under the boat are probably as heavy as two Jiang Hans.

"If you want this boat, you should shovel these barnacles off for me."

"Brother-in-law, what do you want these for? They are not edible. I saw that there is paint on the boat. Paint is poisonous. All the paint was absorbed by these barnacles."

Jiang Wenshan wanted to say that Jiang Han did not know how to cherish at such a young age.

When he had money, he only knew how to spend it recklessly. When he ran out of money, he and his wife would have to pay for it.

But he opened his mouth and still did not say this.

What Jiang Han said was right. It was not good for the barnacles to be absorbed by the paint of the boat.

"Brother-in-law, does this boat have enough horsepower?"

"It's OK. Aqi said the engine is very old. Judging from the model and other things, it is indeed very old. But this engine seems to have been used only a few times. The quality of the things is good. It has been stored for so many years, and it is still as good as new now."

Jiang Han also thinks that the power is sufficient.

This is only 100 liters of oil. If the oil is filled up and the barnacles on the boat are shoveled off, the performance will be even better.

"I heard from Aqi that his father left the island a long time ago to do business. I guess this boat has really not been driven many times."

It's just that it has been stored for a long time and has become an old boat.

The feeling of driving this boat is better than he imagined.

Jiang Wenshan looked at the boat board again. He came to see the boat at night that day, and it is different now in the daytime.

He helped Jiang Han analyze, "This boat has been stored for so many years, and there is no sign of corrosion. One reason is that the boat was painted with anti-corrosion paint on the hull, and the other reason is that the wood is really good. It must have cost a lot of money to build this boat."

Jiang Han's opinion is similar to Jiang Wenshan's, but he doesn't have that much money now.

He called Shen Ren and asked him if he had received the lightning-struck wood.

This old man put the express package sent by Jiang Han together with a bunch of express packages, and didn't realize that his lightning-struck wood had arrived.

Shen Ren opened the package and checked it. He was surprised to confirm that it was real lightning-struck wood.

He immediately transferred the remaining 260,000 to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han's mood immediately improved.

"Brother-in-law, let's go back."

"So fast? Do you want to drive a little longer?"

"No, I am very satisfied with this boat."

He went to the shipyard to see that those comfortable 12-meter iron fishing boats with sheds and toilets cost about two million.

This boat is second-hand, with no shed or toilet. In addition, it is old, so it is definitely not worth 700,000 or 800,000 yuan, but it can still be sold for 400,000 or 500,000 yuan.

Zhang Qi's initial offer was relatively market-oriented.

But now he is in a hurry to sell it, and with the pressure from the village committee,

Even if he didn't buy it, if he sold it to someone else, no one would give him 500,000.

Just like buying a house, when you are in a hurry to sell it, a house worth one million can be sold as 500,000.

Jiang Han and Jiang Wenshan arrived at Zhang Qi's house, and Zhang Qi personally brewed tea grown by his mother for them.

"Brother-in-law, how much are you willing to pay?"

Zhang Qi was already thinking that Jiang Han would give a very low price.

Jiang Han thought for a while, "Brother Qi, can this boat be sold for 180,000?"

Jiang Han didn't lower the price too much, after all, this is his brother-in-law's comrade-in-arms. And they have a very good relationship.

Zhang Qi is so sincere, he can't ask for more.

Zhang Qi didn't expect Jiang Han to be willing to give so much, he even suspected that he had heard it wrong, "Yes, yes, definitely."

If this boat is dealt with by the village committee, he may not get a penny.

"Brother Qi, do you have all the certificates for this boat?"

"Yes, yes." Zhang Qi took out all the certificates.

The price with and without a license is also different.

It was easy to get a license in their time.

After Zhang Qi's father finished making the boat, he got all the licenses done.

Even if it was modified, there were no difficult procedures.

It would not be so easy now.

Jiang Han and Zhang Qi signed the contract, and Jiang Han immediately transferred 180,000 to Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi was shocked, "Wenshan, is your brother-in-law so capable?"

180,000, just give it as you say.

Jiang Wenshan didn't expect that Jiang Han had 180,000 on him.

I heard that the class Jiang Han was studying in was full of rich second-generations. Just now on the boat, he didn't hear clearly, but it seemed that he was talking to his classmates on the phone.

This money is probably borrowed from his classmates.

Jiang Han and Zhang Qi went through the remaining procedures, and the boat completely belonged to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han was a little excited, he was now a boat owner.

When he arrived at the dock, he immediately paid 7,950 yuan and filled the boat with oil.

Seeing Jiang Han so happy, Jiang Wenshan didn't want to pour cold water on Jiang Han.

Oil is really too expensive now.

There is no cost to catch the sea, but there is a cost to sail out to sea.

Don't make up for the oil money by then.

It was already evening when Jiang Wenshan helped Jiang Han drive the boat to the dock of Xiajiang Village.

Some people in the village started to eat.

Jiang Feng also called to inquire about the situation.

After Jiang Wenshan hung up the phone, he looked at Jiang Han, "It's so late, let's go to our place for dinner."

"No. Zhang Haidai has already prepared dinner for me."

In fact, Zhang Haidai has already returned to town, and he just doesn't feel comfortable to bother his sister.

"Brother-in-law, this boat needs to be dealt with tomorrow, come and help. I'll calculate your wages."

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