The fish was so delicious that it was hard to catch fish.

"Brother Han, this is amazing."

"Well, we'll go fishing here after we finish eating."

Butterflyfish are also flat. Unlike flounders that swim lying down, butterflyfish swim upright like other fish.

Butterflyfish don't have much fishy smell, so steaming is the best choice.

But they don't have the conditions now!

It's good to eat grilled fish.

"Brother Han, I think it's good to put some salt when grilling fish next time."

Jiang Han also thinks he should put some salt.

He also has a deformed broken pot at home. The bottom of the pot is not worn out, so it can still be used, but it doesn't look good, so he bought a new one.

This old one will be put in the cave, and then some seasoning will be brought over.

There are limited branches here, how about putting some more charcoal here next time?

Zhang Haidai was the first to finish eating. After eating, he wiped his mouth and went to the boat to bring the tools for fishing.

When I went out to get these, I felt it was redundant, after all, they were here to fish today.

I didn't expect it to be really useful now.

I saw a jellyfish desperately running into the deep sea with the receding tide.

Zhang Haidai ran over and covered the jellyfish with a net bag.

"Brother Han, hurry up, I can't hold it down anymore."

This jellyfish is very big and looks very heavy.

Zhang Haidai can only cover it with a net bag, and there is no way to hold it up.

Jiang Han came over with the largest bucket, and the two of them worked together to put the jellyfish into the bucket.

Once the jellyfish was put in, the bucket was full.

"Brother Han, isn't this too heavy?"

Heavier than the fish they caught today.

Jiang Han lifted the bucket and said, "I estimate it's about 70 kilograms. Luckily you didn't use a scoop net to pick it up."

Otherwise, the pole of the scoop net would break.

"It's so heavy!" Zhang Haidai sighed.

"Jellyfish are very heavy. The heavier jellyfish in the deep sea weigh hundreds of kilograms."

"Brother Han, how are jellyfish sold now? With such a heavy jellyfish, are we going to get rich?"

Zhang Haidai actually has no idea about the price of many seafood. In his mind, the heavier the better, the more expensive.

Jiang Han thought about the situation at the seafood market that day, "I saw them selling it for eight yuan per kilogram in the market. This is wild, so it should be doubled."

Zhang Haidai tried hard to calculate, but still couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Han put the bucket aside. There was no one else in this place, so there was no need to worry about it being taken away.

"Anyway, this one should be able to sell for 1,000 yuan."

Hearing Jiang Han say this, Zhang Haidai was relieved. Sure enough, the heavier the things, the more valuable they are.

It was so cool to catch 1,000 yuan worth of things with this net.

"Brother Han, sea cucumbers!"

Zhang Haidai almost laughed out loud. The tide receded little by little, and the beach below was exposed more and more.

So many sea cucumbers were lying on the sand for people to pick up.

If it were in other places, the old people would run faster than anyone else when they encountered such a thing, and it would never be their turn.

But now, Zhang Haidai took a bucket and picked up all the way.

While picking up, he smiled foolishly with two rows of teeth showing.

This was his easiest time to catch the sea.

In this large area, Jiang Han's system could not scan the farthest place.

Now the sea water gradually receded, and Jiang Han saw another hole exposed.

The hole was at the end of this beach.

Originally, he just wanted to try his luck. If this seawater is not connected to the seawater outside, then even at low tide, the beach here will not be exposed.

Now it seems that although this beach is surrounded by rocks, one of them is connected to the outside world.

It’s just that gap, which can only be seen at low tide.

The appearance of that gap allows a lot of light to enter this cave.

As the tide recedes, even Zhang Haidai found something attached to the rock on the side.

"Brother Han, why are there so many barnacles on this rock?"

Such a large rock is densely packed with barnacles.

And they are all sparrow-billed barnacles.

Many barnacles are inedible, just like the barnacles scraped off his boat that day, only a small part of them are edible.

But that small part was also processed by Jiang Han because it absorbed paint.

And these sparrow-billed barnacles are all edible.

At this time, Jiang Han saw a crawling sea turtle.

Jiang Han picked up the turtle directly.

"Brother Han, that can't be eaten. Let it go quickly."

Jiang Han smiled, "Even you know that this thing can't be eaten?"

"Do you still remember A Mao from the next village? He caught a turtle and was reported. Fortunately, the turtle was not eaten and only fined 3,000 yuan. Otherwise, he would have been in jail longer than me."

Zhang Haidai looked at Jiang Han holding a big turtle and began to feel scared. He didn't want Brother Han to get hurt.

Jiang Han took out the Swiss Army knife he carried with him and pointed it at the turtle's head...

Just when Zhang Haidai wanted to rush up to stop him, he saw Jiang Han pry off a barnacle next to the turtle's head.

Zhang Haidai approached and saw that the turtle was covered with barnacles.

These barnacles caused serious damage to the turtle.

Especially the barnacle next to the head, which may break the turtle shell over time.

Unlike the barnacles on the rocks, the barnacles on the turtles look like turtles.

"Is this a turtle barnacle?" Zhang Haidai had heard people say that the barnacles that look like turtles are called turtle barnacles.

"I don't know." This kind of barnacle is rare. "Anyway, it's not a good thing."

Jiang Han cut several knives on the barnacle meat that he pried off to make sure that the barnacle was killed.

Jiang Han went to pry the barnacles on the turtle's back again. Every time he pried a barnacle off, he would use a knife to mash the barnacle meat.

Until all the barnacles on the turtle's back and belly were cleaned.

He washed the turtle with sea water and sent it back to the sea.

I don't know if the turtle knew that Jiang Han helped it. It turned around and looked at Jiang Han for a while.

Jiang Han waved to it, "Let's go. It's low tide now. Go home quickly."

The turtle seemed to understand and began to swim to the depths of the sea.

Zhang Haidai started picking up sea cucumbers again, and soon he filled a bucket.

He picked up another empty bucket and started picking, "Brother Han, are we going to pry all the barnacles off the rocks? Anyway, these are not good things."

If these things were not edible, he would not bother to pry them off. Since they were edible, he wanted to pry them off.

He could make money and do good things at the same time.

"Brother Han, I heard that this thing has a strong vitality. It won't die if it doesn't touch water for a few days."

Jiang Han's eyelids twitched, "What did you say?"

He was thinking about other things just now and didn't hear clearly. He felt that he missed something important.

Zhang Haidai was a little confused, "I said these barnacles are not good things."

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