The old man was so angry that he was not as good as his parents.

Compared to his parents, his uncle was simply a good person.

For Zhang Haidai, his uncle was his only relative.

"This is not good." Jiang Han looked at Zhang Haidai and said.

Zhang Haidai immediately lowered his head, "Brother Han, I just said that. Don't get me wrong. These barnacles must be sold."

Jiang Han was speechless. His brother had been with him for so long, why didn't he have a brain!

"What I mean is that it's not enough to just take these barnacles. Sea cucumbers are more nutritious and are good for older people. You should also give them some sea cucumbers."

Zhang Haidai was stunned for a long time, "Brother Han, do you mean I can give them barnacles?"

"Yes, give them some barnacles and sea cucumbers."

"Don't give sea cucumbers, just give some barnacles." Sea cucumbers are really too expensive, "Uncle is old now and not in good health. Even if he wants to eat something, he doesn't have the energy to go to the sea. I'll get some barnacles to satisfy his craving."

Jiang Han thinks Zhang Haidai has made progress.

He knew his uncle was in poor health before, but he could still ask his uncle for money. Now at least he can give him something.

"I usually give my sister the things we get from fishing. Since you treat your uncle as your relative, you should treat her better. Besides, you picked up all these sea cucumbers today. It's only right that you give your uncle the things you picked up."

Zhang Haidai couldn't argue with Jiang Han, and he was convinced by every word that Han said.

"Okay, I'll give some."

The two chatted while shoveling barnacles.

Jiang Han looked at the beach and saw many Hokkaido scallops that were bigger than his head.

Originally, he wanted to dig these Hokkaido scallops, but now he thinks it's more important to shovel these barnacles.

When the four buckets were full, they transported the things to the boat and took the empty buckets to fill them.

After going back and forth several times, they didn't know how many barnacles they had shoveled.

Until their arms were sore and the tide began to rise.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai retreated to the small beach where they had eaten grilled fish.

They had eaten a butterfly fish at noon, and now they were tired and hungry. Both arms didn't feel like their own, and they were very sore.

"Brother Han, are we going back now?"

"Let's take a break." The scenery here is beautiful and quiet. Resting here is no different from resting at home.

And he didn't want to drive the boat now.

The two of them just lay there with their arms and legs spread out in a place where the sun couldn't reach.

The sea breeze blew through the hole and blew on them, which was more comfortable than turning on the air conditioner.

After recovering some strength, Jiang Han found that there were still many dead branches on the beach.

"Let's eat something before going back." Jiang Han said, and lit the fire again.

"Brother Han, what should we eat?"

"Let's eat barnacles." There were so many barnacles, and he wanted to taste them.

Zhang Haidai also took action immediately, "Brother Han, there is a wire mesh on the boat, I'll take it."

The wire is 50 cm long and was originally left on the boat.

Because it was next to the storage bin, they didn't find it when they cleaned the boat at first, but saw it when they released the fish today.

Jiang Han said not to throw garbage into the sea casually, so Zhang Haidai didn't throw the wire mesh into the sea.

He thought he would deal with it after returning, but he didn't expect that he could recycle it now.

Zhang Haidai put some big stones next to the fire and put the wire mesh in the middle of these stones.

The barnacles they pried off were placed on the wire mesh with the mouth facing up to roast.

The barnacles soon sizzled and emitted a fragrant smell.

Jiang Han put the roasted barnacles aside to cool.

Then roasted new barnacles.

"Brother Han, how do you eat this barnacle?"

The mouth of this barnacle is too small, and the first thing you see inside the mouth is a sharp thing like a sparrow's beak.

You can't grab it with your hands.

If it's at home, they can use tweezers to pick out the meat inside.

There are no tools here now, do they have to use stones to smash the shell open?

In this way, the soup inside is gone.

The soup inside the barnacle is a must-try.

Jiang Han gave him his Swiss Army knife, "First, cut off a little bit of the shell, and then use the knife to pry the meat out."

Zhang Haidai did as Jiang Han said, and indeed pried the meat out.

The shell was no longer hot at this time, but the meat was still steaming.

Zhang Haidai took a bite and was so delicious that he was about to smoke

"Brother Han, it's really delicious."

He drank the soup in the shell like drinking water.

This soup with the taste of natural seawater concentrates the essence of the bird's mouth barnacles, which is simply indescribably fresh.

"Brother Han, everyone says that gooseneck barnacles are expensive. They say that gooseneck barnacles are delicacies from hell. I think delicacies are a matter of opinion. I think gooseneck barnacles are not as delicious as bird's mouth barnacles."

Jiang Han became interested, "Have you ever eaten gooseneck barnacles?"

That thing is a rare commodity. It is basically not seen on the market. Even if you see it, the price is ridiculously expensive.

Even he has only heard of this kind of thing, but has never eaten it.

"I used to live a lazy life. One of the people I used to live with got a gooseneck barnacle."

"He didn't have the idea of ​​making money, so he just shared it with a few brothers. It's fresh, but the aftertaste is not good, a bit bitter."

Jiang Han was shocked, "Is there something wrong with your tongue? Such an expensive thing is bitter?"

"Then I don't know, anyway, it was bitter when I ate it."

Jiang Han didn't know how to comment, he had never eaten this thing, and he didn't know what it was like.

Jiang Han also got a barnacle to eat, and it tasted really delicious.

The sparrow-billed barnacles here are more delicious than any he has ever eaten before.

This time, he is more confident in his goods.

They will definitely not lose money if they sell them for 60 yuan per catty.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai ate several barnacles in a row.

These barnacles are all with shells, and they look big, but there is actually not much meat inside.

The two grown men can't be full just by eating barnacles.

Jiang Han picked out a few more sea cucumbers.

He used a Swiss Army knife to cut a hole in the belly of the sea cucumber, and then took out the internal organs.

Then he strung two sea cucumbers together, a total of 12 skewers, and made barbecue.

After the barbecue, he and Zhang Haidai each took six skewers to eat.

That is, each person ate 12.

"Brother Han, will we be bad if we eat like this?"

I heard that sea cucumbers are very nutritious. Many people who eat sea cucumbers all year round only eat one every two or three days.

I don't know if I will have a nosebleed at night if I eat twelve at once.

"I don't think so. I have already picked out the smallest ones."

One of those big ones is equivalent to three or four of these.

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