The cost of the goods was very low.

Jiang Han really didn't reduce the cost.

"I'll give it to you, just keep it." The profit of 10% was not high.

Jiang Han told them the courier fee required by each person.

Soon, Jiang Han collected all the courier fees.

Jiang Han felt that he was wasting time doing such trivial work.

I don't know if my sister is willing to do this kind of thing.

If my sister is willing to do it, he is willing to pay her.

I'm afraid that my sister will not accept the money.

At this time, the sea water has slowly begun to recede.

I tried several tools yesterday, and finally I felt that using a shovel was the most labor-saving.

Among these rock walls, there is a section that cannot be exposed to the sun.

Anyway, there was no one else to see.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai simply took off their clothes and started working shirtless.

After yesterday's work, their arms were already very sore. At this time, they really gritted their teeth and held on.

They worked for an hour or so, drank a sip of water, rested for a while, and continued to work.

Yu He was afraid that Jiang Han would not pry the barnacles for him, so he called to urge him.

Jiang Han got angry, "Be quiet. If you keep nagging me, I will ship to others and not to you."

Yu He hung up the phone immediately and dared not disturb Jiang Han again.

After Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai finished their work, they lay on the beach as if exhausted.

"Brother Han, the tide is rising."

"Yeah." Jiang Han would not move either.

Looking at the still densely packed barnacles on the rock wall, Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai were a little confused.

They felt that they had pried enough.

But compared with the total amount, it is just the tip of the iceberg.

"How many barnacles are there here?"

Last time, he thought there were several tons of barnacles here, but he still felt it was too little.

Maybe there are more than ten tons, or even more.

"Brother Han, if no one has discovered this place, can we continue to make money from the barnacles here?"

"Yeah." It seems that their lives will not be too bad in the short term.

The two rested for more than an hour.

When the tide receded just now, Jiang Han still didn't have time to pick up the Hokkaido scallops hiding under the sand.

Fortunately, Zhang Haidai hurriedly picked up six sea urchins and brought them back.

Jiang Han put instant noodles in his bag.

Now they were both hungry, so they simply put two packs of instant noodles in the broken pot and cooked them.

While cooking the noodles, they cut the sea urchins with gloves on.

Of the six sea urchins, two were purple sea urchins and four were horse dung sea urchins.

Jiang Han brought salt and vinegar, but forgot to bring mustard.

So he simply poured the yellow bile roe of the purple sea urchin into the cooked instant noodles.

Zhang Haidai also imitated Jiang Han and poured the bile roe of the purple sea urchin into his instant noodles.

Although the taste of the purple sea urchin is more like crab roe, it is a bit fishy. The sea urchins they got from the four gates last time were basically this kind of purple sea urchins.

The strong taste of the instant noodles can just neutralize the fishy smell of the purple sea urchins.

The horse dung sea urchins are delicious, and the price is much more expensive than the purple sea urchins.

The horse dung sea urchins can be eaten raw directly.

Jiang Han forgot to bring chopsticks and spoons. Although there were not many dead branches nearby, it was still possible to gather two pairs of chopsticks.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai each took two branches as chopsticks to eat instant noodles and sea urchins.

The retail price of such a large horse dung sea urchin is estimated to be 100 yuan per piece.

The two of them had a seafood instant noodle meal with an average price of more than 200 yuan per person.

Although the taste of purple sea urchin is not as good as horse dung sea urchin, it is also very delicious when mixed with instant noodles.

Eat a few mouthfuls of instant noodles and then a few mouthfuls of horse dung sea urchin, the taste is so refreshing.

"Brother Han, I heard that there are a lot of horse dung sea urchins in Xiaorizi, and the price is more expensive than here. I wonder how it tastes."

Jiang Han ate the yellow bile leisurely, "Xiaorizi's things are expensive because they are imported. Some people just like to use imported everything. In fact, the taste is not as good as domestic ones. If nothing else, at least domestic ones are fresh."

"Think about that kind of fruit. Imported fruits are extremely expensive, but the taste is almost the same as cheap domestic fruits."

Zhang Haidai thought about it and it seemed that it was not imported, and the expensive ones were good.

He ate another mouthful of horse dung sea urchin raw. It tasted so delicious that he didn't believe that the ones in Xiaorizi would be better than what they ate.

When they went back, the boat was loaded with many more barnacles.

Jiang Han thought about it and decided to go with Jiang Feng.

She talked about the barnacles.

"Sister, is it convenient for you to go to town? I'm really too busy, so you can help me register, collect money, and sort the goods. I can give you 10%."

"Are you really that busy? Then wait for me, I'll go to town now. No need to pay." Thinking of her brother's anxious look at noon today, she really believed that her brother was very busy.

"If you don't charge, I won't need your help. I'll give others 100 yuan an hour and let them help me."

Jiang Feng was scared when she heard it, "How can you waste money like this? Okay, 10% is 10%, I'll take your money."

Jiang Han breathed a sigh of relief, "Are Lingling and Wanwan okay?"

"They're fine. Aunt Wang next door is free, I can ask her to help me look after it."

Jiang Han felt relieved when he heard Jiang Feng say that.

Jiang Han created a new group and put the QR code of his group in [Group 5 of Couchsurfers from All Over the World].

After all, Ma Xiaomei's group is a couchsurfer group, and it's not good for him to always sell seafood in this group.

He named his own group [Seafood Free Shopping Group], and he also pulled his sister Jiang Feng into the group.

[Jiang Han: Those who have booked barnacles, please move to the Seafood Free Shopping Group. ]

Soon, more than 200 people entered the group.

Some people who had not booked sea urchins also came in.

Jiang Feng was shocked to see that the group, which originally had only a few people, suddenly had hundreds of people in it.

A system message popped up for each person who came in. Her phone kept vibrating.

Jiang Han waited until few people came in, so he took a photo of the sea urchin and put it in the group.

[Jiang Han: Today's newly-opened barnacles, if you still want to buy them, you can place an order. I saw that there are many friends in the group who did not book yesterday. Today's quantity is still limited, please place an order first for friends who have booked, and the extra ones will be distributed to other friends. ]

The group became lively again.

Jiang Han's phone started to vibrate again.

People in the group who were selling two, one, four, and five kilograms started to report the weights again.

Some of them were different from the reservations, so the current quantity was the standard.

Jiang Han asked Jiang Feng to do the statistics, and when the statistics were done, Jiang Feng was stunned.

The total number of barnacles needed was 920 kilograms.

And after those people reported the weights, they transferred the money in the group.

Jiang Feng calculated that the price of barnacles sold by her brother was 60 yuan per kilogram.

Yesterday, their family ate ten kilograms.

Oh my God!

They spent 600 yuan on one meal!

And the total price of 920 kilograms was 55,200 yuan.

Her brother said he wanted to give her 10% of the money, and 10% of 55,200 yuan was 5,520 yuan.

Jiang Feng was stunned. How could there be so much?

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