After Jiang Han said that, he stopped talking.

Jiang Wenshan said nothing after hearing what Jiang Han said, "Indeed, the teacher said Lingling's eyes are on the verge of myopia."

"That's right, brother-in-law. Let them out to play from time to time. It's not good for girls to wear glasses when they are so young."

Jiang Wenshan thought it made sense, "You should take a break after finishing a test paper in the future."

Just as the two children were about to be happy, Jiang Wenshan immediately said, "Ten minutes."

The two children's faces fell again.

"Brother-in-law, they did a good job on the test paper today, so reward them to play for a while."

Jiang Wenshan nodded and stopped talking.

Jiang Han glanced at the place where Jiang Wenshan was fishing, "Brother-in-law, there are no fish here!"

Jiang Wenshan glanced at Jiang Han, "Fishing depends on patience, you are too young and don't understand."

He looked at the two daughters again, "You should also be patient when doing things, you know? As long as you are patient, you can wait for what you want to wait for."

"Got it." The two little girls answered crisply.

Jiang Han was speechless. Others waited for rabbits by the tree, but he waited for fish by the rod.

There were no fish in this area, how could he wait for fish?

Fish are not stupid, they will hang on his ditch by themselves.

Jiang Han's current scanning range is 520 meters.

He took the two little girls and sat down more than 200 meters away from Jiang Wenshan.

Afraid that the two little girls' fair skin would be tanned, he specifically told them not to take off their hats.

He divided the fishing rods between the two little girls.

Jiang Wenshan's voice of complaint came from 200 meters away, "You just spoil them, how can these two children fish?"

"Brother-in-law, fishing is like doing exercises, you will learn it if you practice more. And how can you know if you don't try it?"

Encouraged by Jiang Han, the two little girls hung the chopped fish pieces on the hook according to Jiang Han's instructions.

Lingling put the fishing line down first, and when Jiang Han felt it was almost done, he asked her to stop putting the line down.

Wanwan is two years younger than Lingling. There are some things that Wanwan can't handle, so Jiang Han patiently teaches her step by step.

There are more yellow-legged bream in the area where they are.

This thing is also called yellowfin bream. The color is not bright, but its fins and tail will be a little golden.

The price is about 20 to 30 yuan per catty, which is a very common home-cooked dish for people living by the sea.

Jiang Han saw a yellow-legged bream circling Lingling's hook.

It doesn't bite the hook directly, but sucks water desperately.

It wanted to suck the fish into its stomach by this way of absorbing water.

I don't know if it found something, but it stopped sucking halfway.

Jiang Han felt it was a pity, this yellow leg fish was relatively large in this area.

Jiang Han could only ask Lingling to reel in the fishing line a little more.

Jiang Wenshan looked at them. They had just sat down and started to adjust the line. They must have no fish this time.

I don't know if the two little girls will cry when they go back.

"Wow, fish!" Lingling shouted in surprise.

With the help of Jiang Han, Lingling lifted a half-pound yellow leg fish.

"Dad, yellow leg fish. Don't you like to eat yellow leg fish very much?"

"Mom's fried yellow leg fish is the most delicious. Take this one home and let Mom fry it for you."

Jiang Wenshan's eyes twitched, "Thank you, Lingling."

It seems to be true that novices are lucky.

"Lingling, it's just a temporary good luck, don't be proud."

"Okay, Dad."

"Wow, I caught a fish too." Wanwan also exclaimed.

When Jiang Han helped Wanwan lift the rod, there was also a yellow legged fish on the hook.

This yellow legged fish was slightly smaller than the previous one, but it was also about three taels.

Jiang Han put the bait on them again, "Lingling and Wanwan are really great, let's catch more fish, okay?"

"Okay." The two little girls said in unison, and the crisp sound was like an oriole.

Jiang Wenshan felt that they were too naive. How could a person have such good luck and catch fish as soon as he said he would.

He has been sitting here for two hours and has not caught a single fish.

But children love to play.

It's rare for the two children to relax, so let them do it.

With the help of Jiang Han, the two children put down the rod in a proper manner.

This time, the two children lifted the rod almost at the same time.

Lingling was very smart. Jiang Han didn’t help her this time, so she lifted the rod up by herself.

On their hooks, they both had a yellow-legged mullet. Both fish were not heavy, weighing between 3 and 5 liang.

Even so, Jiang Wenshan was envious.

The two little girls put the fish in a bucket.

"Dad, we have four fish, so mom can fry four yellow-legged mullets."

"Dad, are we awesome? Dad, how many fish have you caught?"

Jiang Wenshan: "..."

"You two are great, I wish you could be so good at studying."

Jiang Wenshan mentioned studying at this time, and the two little girls were in a bad mood again.

Jiang Han felt a little strange, why did he feel that his brother-in-law was jealous.

Jealous of his own daughter?

Because the fish only bite his daughter's hook, not his hook?

Normally, I don't think my brother-in-law is such a petty person.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you come here to fish? There are more fish here."

"No. I think my side is good. There will definitely be big fish in a while."

Jiang Han didn't think there were big fish, anyway, he didn't see any big fish in his sight.

At this time, a group of small green-banded male fish swam over from his brother-in-law's side.

But the small male fish was too small, weighing only about 20 grams each, so it was useless to catch it.

And even if it was a small male fish, it wouldn't bite his hook.

"It's a yellow-legged mullet again." This time Lingling pulled up a yellow-legged mullet weighing 70 to 80 grams.

"Sister, the fish you caught this time is so big."

After she finished speaking, Wanwan's fish hook was also bitten. With the help of Jiang Han, Wanwan pulled up a yellow-legged mullet weighing nearly one pound.

"Wow, this fish is bigger than my sister's."

"Dad, dad, you said you want to catch a big fish, do you want to catch a bigger fish than mine?"

Jiang Wenshan: "..." He really didn't want to talk.

"Yes, Dad wants to catch a big fish. As long as you have patience, you will definitely catch a big fish."

The wind was a bit strong at this time, and they were far away, so Wanwan didn't hear Jiang Wenshan's words clearly.

"Dad, what did you say? Can you say it again?"

Jiang Wenshan: "..."

Jiang Wenshan: "I said I will definitely catch a big fish."

Wanwan: "What?"

Jiang Wenshan: "I will definitely catch a big fish!"

Wanwan: "Then Dad, you must catch a big fish, otherwise it will be too embarrassing for you to lose to a little kid like me."

Jiang Wenshan: "..." I really want to cover her mouth, what should I do?

Jiang Wenshan threw a lot of green fish pieces into the place in front of him.

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