The two children were addicted to fishing yesterday.

"These two kids got addicted to fishing yesterday. After dinner, they asked to go out to sea with you tomorrow."

"So you agreed?" Jiang Han felt incredible.

"How can that be possible? Wenshan said that if they could finish two test papers at night, they would be allowed to go the next day. As a result, they really finished two test papers at night."

Jiang Han: "..."

"They have already finished two test papers. They worked until very late, but they woke up earlier than me in the morning. They started to clamor to go out to sea with you again."

"Sister, you and brother-in-law must keep your promise. Since you promised, you must do it. Otherwise, they will have no motivation to do the test papers in the future."

Jiang Feng also thought this was reasonable, "Then wait for us, we will come right over."

Five or six minutes later, sister and brother-in-law came over with a battery car each and a child each.

Jiang Feng pulled the two little girls over, "Let Wenshan go with you. When you get on the boat, you can do your own things and let Wenshan take care of the children."

She knew that her brother and Zhang Haidai went out to sea to make money. It would be bad if the two children were delayed.

"It's even better with my brother-in-law."

"Sister Feng, aren't you going?" Zhang Haidai asked.

"Me? I'm not going."

In the early years, women were not allowed to go on fishing boats, as it was considered unlucky. They thought it would affect their fortune and increase the risk at sea.

It was fine if the two children went on board, but Jiang Feng herself didn't dare to go on board.

Even though the times have changed, Jiang Feng still didn't dare to go on board.

She accompanied them to the dock, looked at the boat, thought about it, and said, "Are you really not going to invite the ship's official Bodhisattva on board?"

In the past, people would make a shrine on the boat to place the ship's official Bodhisattva. Or they would carve a ship's official Bodhisattva on the boat.

"Sister. Didn't you invite the ship's official Bodhisattva last time?"

"That's different." I always feel more at ease with a real object.

"I think I don't need it on my boat." Putting a Bodhisattva in the boat is like having an invigilator watching you all the time to see if you're breaking the rules.

"Besides, my boat doesn't even have a shed. We can't let the boat officer Bodhisattva bask in the sun with us."

Jiang Feng thought about it and realized that if the boat officer Bodhisattva was exposed to the wind and sun, he would probably be angry.

Jiang Wenshan carried Lingling onto the boat, and Jiang Feng carried Wanwan onto the boat.

"Sister, it's rare that everyone is here. You should go with us. If you go, brother-in-law can also go fishing."

Jiang Wenshan rarely agrees with Jiang Han, "Ahan is right, everyone is here, you should go and have fun too."

Seeing that everyone welcomes her, Jiang Feng begins to hesitate.

Jiang Han reaches out and pulls Jiang Feng into the boat.

When Jiang Feng's feet stand on the bed board, the uneasiness in her heart magically disappears.

The two little girls cheered happily again, "Great, mommy is going with us too."

Because Jiang Wenshan is here, Jiang Han gives the task of driving the boat to Jiang Wenshan.

I sat comfortably on the boat with everyone and enjoyed the sea breeze.

It was cloudy today, and there was not much wind on the sea, but you could feel the wind when the boat was sailing.

Compared with the sunny days, today was really comfortable.

Even the two little girls felt comfortable.

Jiang Feng started to distribute fruits to everyone when she got on the boat.

At this time, she saw some things on the boat.

There were pots, wire mesh, and barbecue forks. I saw pots last time, but this time there were more things than last time, and even a lot of tableware.

Even a lot of charcoal was brought.

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Han in surprise, "What do you usually do?"

Jiang Wenshan also saw these, he didn't say anything, and continued to sail.

He always thought Jiang Han was unreliable, and he was indeed unreliable.

Since you make a living by the sea, you should go out to sea seriously.

He doesn't look like a serious fisherman.

Jiang Han coughed uncomfortably, "Sister, didn't I tell you last time? I just put it on the boat. If I need it, I'll take it out."

Jiang Feng thought it was right, so she didn't say anything else.

As they got farther and farther away from the village dock, the surrounding scenery became different.

The two little girls became more and more excited.

"Ahan, where have you been fishing these days?"

"Brother-in-law, we don't count. We go wherever the boat goes."

Jiang Han has been observing all the way here.

Although there have been fish all the time,

But they are not concentrated.

Generally, fish will be relatively concentrated in places where there are schools of fish or where big fish die.

I don’t know how long it has been.

“Brother-in-law, stop.” Jiang Han saw another place where fish are concentrated.

This time, Jiang Han saw a sunfish.

A group of fish bit a sunfish. This sunfish weighed more than 100 kilograms and was half bitten. It was still swimming in the water, blinking its eyes.

Sunfish are very strange.

It is so stupid that it will not run away even if bitten. But because of its unique structure, it can survive even if it is half bitten.

Although it has many natural enemies, it has a strong reproductive capacity. In addition, its meat is very unpalatable, and humans basically don’t eat it.

This stupid fish has been able to keep a certain number of people alive tenaciously.

“Brother-in-law, let’s fish here.”

It is said that when a whale falls, all things come to life. A whale’s death can feed many, many fish.

Although this sunfish cannot be compared with a whale, it is not small, and there are many fish around it.

He has found a natural nesting spot.

Although Jiang Wenshan thinks this place is not good, the boat belongs to Jiang Han, so he can't say anything.

What's more, the main purpose of his trip is just to accompany his two daughters to play.

Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai have taken out their fishing rods. With the help of Jiang Feng, the two little girls also took out their fishing rods.

Jiang Wenshan also took his fishing rod.

Four adults and two children started fishing on this wooden boat.

Jiang Han took a look and found that the fish in this area are mainly mullets, followed by sea bass.

The sea bass here are still relatively large, and mullets can't be much bigger.

A three-jin mullet is already considered a big fish.

This is good, suitable for two little girls to fish.

The two little girls, because of yesterday's experience, are very skilled in all aspects today.

And the luck was particularly good.

As soon as he cast the rod, the fish took the bait.

Jiang Wenshan's eyebrows twitched unconsciously, and he unconsciously remembered the horrible scene yesterday.

Yesterday, he didn't catch a single fish until he got home.

He unconsciously looked at Jiang Han twice more.

Whether Jiang Han's attitude was serious or not was one thing, but his fishing skills should be good.

Otherwise, how could he catch so many yellow-legged mullets with his two daughters.

Jiang Feng still knew some basic fishing skills.

When she saw her daughter's hook was bitten, she helped to lift the rod. Jiang Feng easily lifted the one-pound mullet.

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