After a long time, the two girls got out of the car.

Meng Guo drove the car all the way to the door of Jiang Feng's house.

Jiang Feng got out of the car with the two little girls.

"Goodbye, sister!" Lingling and Wanwan waved to Meng Guo.

"Goodbye, little darlings."

Meng Guo watched them walk into the yard before driving away.

It was her first time in Shangjiang Village, and she had nothing to do here.

But she said that just to make Jiang Feng feel at ease.

She hummed a song and drove the car back to the main road.

On the boat.

Jiang Han and the other two drank water and ate some fruit and bread to fill their stomachs.

The task of driving the boat was still handed over to Jiang Wenshan.

But for some reason, Jiang Han felt that the ship was getting farther and farther away from the island.

"Brother-in-law, where are you going?"

Jiang Han felt that Jiang Wenshan had a destination.

"The tide will recede in a while, let's go to the small island next to it."

Jiang Han looked at Jiang Wenshan in surprise, "Brother-in-law, didn't you say that the ship can't be 100 meters away from the island?"

"Well, 100 meters is just a symbolic number, just to tell you not to go too far."

Jiang Han: "..."

"Didn't you say that this ship is too old and we should put safety first?"

"Now the ship looks quite safe. And we are in an archipelago. You can see an island after a short distance. It's far from our island, but it's close to other islands. If the ship falls apart, you can just swim to other islands."

Jiang Han: "..."

He really didn't expect his brother-in-law to be such a brother-in-law.

He has known him for so many years, and he really can't tell.

In the morning, my sister and two children were there, and the boat was moving slowly and steadily, and it kept circling the edge of Jiaowa Island, fearing any accidents.

Now that my sister and two children are gone, the boat is moving fast and still unstable. The main reason is that the boat has long exceeded the range of 100 meters.

It seems that the lives of these grown men are not their lives.

"Don't be afraid. I have seen that if the boat falls apart, even if we can't swim to the island, these planks are still very reliable. At that time, we will each hold a plank. There are many ships coming and going here, and we will be rescued in less than two hours."

Seeing Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai looking at him in astonishment, he explained, "Relax, as long as you don't leave the archipelago and don't go to the ocean, you'll be fine."

Jiang Han drank a sip of water and said nothing.

Zhang Haidai imitated Jiang Han and drank a sip of water and said nothing.

When the few people were silent, they saw a ship about the same size as theirs.

But the operating and living area of ​​the ship was a double-layer structure. Not only is there an air conditioner inside, but there is also a kitchen, bathroom, lounge... and you can walk upstairs and downstairs.

Jiang Han has good eyesight. Through the window, he saw a crew member leisurely making coffee.

Oh my god.

Jiang Han looked at the sun above his head. Their ship didn't even have a shed, let alone air conditioning.

The sun was shining on his body, and he relied on his strong body to bear it.

At this moment, he really wanted to have a comfortable ship.

At this moment, Jiang Han found that the crew member who made coffee had also discovered them.

He looked at their embarrassed appearance of using their bodies to bear the sun, and actually sneered.

Jiang Han was so angry that he raised his middle finger to the crew member.

In Jiang Han's infinite emotion, Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai were taken to a small island not far from Jiaowa Island by Jiang Wenshan.

"Originally, there were two natural villages on this island. Later, the number of people on this island became fewer and fewer, and the remaining people were arranged by relevant personnel to go to the town."

Jiang Han had heard about some of this before.

With the process of urbanization, the number of people in some remote areas has become fewer and fewer, and some villages with few people have disappeared directly.

In terms of scope, this island also belongs to the jurisdiction of Jiaowa Island.

The environment on the island is special. Every time a typhoon comes, the relevant departments have to transfer the residents of these small islands to a safe place.

Although there are few people on these small islands, if there is any accident, it will be very troublesome for the relevant leaders.

So the upper level paid money to settle these people in the town.

Jiang Han looked at the time. There were still 20 minutes before low tide.

They walked around the island.

There are still a few empty buildings and some infrastructure on the island.

Unlike the demolition in other places, the houses here have not been demolished.

Jiang Han glanced at the sea. There are a lot of good things in the sea, but I don't know how much will be left after the tide recedes.

Jiang Wenshan saw a

He picked up the garbage bag and put it into the bag he brought.

"The marine environment has deteriorated. When we were young, we could find a lot of big fish every time we went to the sea. Now it's getting worse every year. Even our island is like this, not to mention those coastal areas."

Jiang Han was not so pessimistic. "Now the country has invested a lot of money in marine governance. In addition, the quality of the people has improved, and the overall marine environment has improved compared with previous years. It will get better and better in the future."

Jiang Wenshan smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Han did not continue to find topics. The gap between people is sometimes greater than that between people and animals.

The three grown men just waited for the sea to recede in silence.

Zhang Haidai could still smoke a few puffs of cigarettes.

Jiang Han and Jiang Wenshan, except for the second-hand smoke, sat on the beach like a sculpture.

Finally, the sea water receded.

Jiang Wenshan saw two cat's eye snails that had not yet had time to lie on the sand.

He quickly put the two cat's eye snails into the bucket.

Jiang Han took two steps and stopped. At this time, there was a black sea bream that the two little girls liked very much at his feet.

But this black sea bream was too small, only half the size of his palm.

It was probably stranded here because it didn't have time to swim away when the tide receded.

Jiang Han avoided the thorns on the back of the black sea bream, picked up the small fish and threw it back into the sea.

Jiang Wenshan picked up several more conches. He was very glad that he came to this island.

Perhaps because no one lived there, the resources on this island were at least much better than the place where they lived.

At this time, he saw a lot of clams again. These clams were densely packed and all grew together.

But there was a lot of mud connected to these clams.

There were so many clams that he couldn't pick them up one by one.

He got a net bag with finer mesh.

Scrape these clams and the mud underneath into the net bag.

He took the net bag to a place with more seawater.

He held the two sides of the net bag and shook the clams in the seawater.

The mud in the clams was shaken out.

The net bag was originally full of clams, but after washing away the mud and sand, only about 1/5 of it remained.

Jiang Wenshan put this 1/5 of clean clams into the bucket.

He scraped the muddy clams several times like before.

When he looked up, he found that Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai were not doing anything, but staring at him as if they were watching a show.

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