After Breaking Up, Get The Inheritance Of The God Emperor

Chapter 16 Could It Be Such A Coincidence?

"Mr. Chen, your trouble has been solved, please come with me now."

Brother Jun's words are still polite, but there is an undeniable taste.

Chen Xiao frowned slightly: "I don't seem to know you."

As soon as the words were finished, the car door opened, and a familiar voice came over.

"Master Chen, it's me!"

Elder Ji got out of the car and said apologetically, "It's urgent and I didn't have time to say hello to Master Chen. Please forgive me, Master Chen!"

Chen Xiao understood as soon as he saw Elder Ji: "It's because your friend is sick?"


Ji Lao nodded.

His friend was seriously ill, and he wanted to ask Chen Xiao to help.

I was also afraid that speaking on the phone would not be taken seriously enough, so I went to visit directly.

"Well, yes."

Chen Xiao had already agreed to Ji Lao before.

Now that everyone has come to him, he naturally has no reason to refuse.

"But before I go with you, I have to take my mother home."

Brother Jun showed displeasure: "Mr. Chen, the situation is urgent, please come with us immediately."

Chen Xiao's face darkened: "No matter how urgent your business is, it's not as important as me sending my mother home."


Brother Jun couldn't figure out how this kid was so bold, couldn't his actions just now be enough to deter him?

However, when he wanted to say something again, Chen Xiao had already pushed the snack cart on the road.

Fortunately, it is not far from Chen Xiao's home.

In less than ten minutes, Chen Xiao sent his mother home.

After that, he got into Brother Jun's car.

At this time, Brother Jun's face has become quite ugly.

But after all, he has to ask for help now, so he can only endure it.

He secretly said in his heart: "This kid's medical skills should be as miraculous as Ji Lao said, otherwise, he will be overwhelmed and walk around!"

With a kick of the gas pedal, the car started to speed up.

The situation is urgent, and he is racing against time.

In the back of the car, Chen Xiao chatted with Ji Lao.

Chen Xiao asked: "Mr. Ji, if I'm not mistaken, your sick old friend is Mr. Hu?"

Ji Lao nodded: "Yes, it's him."

Chen Xiao asked again: "I think this Lord Tiger's name is Qi Tianhu, right?"

Before Elder Ji could speak, Brother Jun suddenly became furious: "You bastard, how can you call Lord Tiger by his name?"

Chen Xiao snorted coldly, took out Qi Tianhu's business card and threw it away.

The strength of this hand was very precise, and the business card flew directly in front of Brother Jun.

"Master Tiger's business card?"

Brother Jun's complexion changed drastically at that time.

And his eyes gradually changed from shock to respect.

Because he knew that Lord Tiger would only give business cards to special and distinguished friends.

He also knew that Master Hu gave a business card to a young man last night.

And that young man is Lord Tiger's savior!

"Mr. Chen, are you Lord Tiger's savior?"

Brother Jun's attitude towards Chen Xiao was reversed 180 degrees, and even the title changed from "you" to "you".

Chen Xiao nodded: "It's me."

Brother Jun immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I didn't know it was you just now, I really deserve to die, I offended you so much, please punish me!"

Chen Xiao waved his hand: "Forget it, those who don't know are not guilty."

Now it was Ji Laofa's turn to be confused: "Master Chen, what's going on?"

"I have seen your old friend, and I know where he is sick."

Chen Xiao was too lazy to talk.

After saying this sentence, he slowly closed his eyes, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Hearing the words, Dajun was invigorated: Lord Tiger is finally saved!

In the north of Jiang Cheng, there is a Longjing Mountain with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and the car winds up the mountain.

There is a 100-acre flat land halfway up the mountain, where a manor-style villa rises.

The clouds and mist are lingering, like a fairyland.

Here is Qi Tianhu's home.

Even though Chen Xiao guessed that Qi Tianhu's status was either rich or noble.

But seeing this manor, there was still a look of shock in his eyes.

When Brother Jun parked his car in Curry, a red Maserati also parked beside it.

The three of Chen Xiao got out of the car, and two people got off the red Maserati.

Chen Xiao met those two people's eyes, and was a little surprised at the time.

Could it be such a coincidence?

Qi Qingfei is here Chen Xiao is not surprised.

After all, this is their home.

And the person next to Qi Qingfei turned out to be Lin Zhiyin, the young doctor she had seen in Li Ziqing's ward before.

Lin Zhiyin was also surprised when he saw Chen Xiao.

Isn't this the little nurse? How could he be here?

Qi Qingfei's face was very ugly after seeing Chen Xiao, and he looked at Elder Ji and asked.

"Uncle Ji, this kid is the master medical doctor you mentioned?"

Ji Lao stroked his beard and said: "Exactly, Qing Fei, this is Master Chen Xiaochen."

Qi Qingfei had a look of hatred on his face: "Master Shit, Uncle Ji, this is the person who cursed my dad, said him, said him..."

Chen Xiao said calmly: "Did I say something wrong? If I said something wrong, I'm afraid Mr. Ji wouldn't be in such a hurry to invite me over, would he?"

Thinking of his father lying unconscious on the bed, Qi Qingfei snorted viciously, but had nothing to say.

Lin Zhiyin came over and said: "Qing Fei, this kid is just a little nurse pretending to be a ghost, you don't want to ask him to see Uncle Qi's doctor!"

Qi Qingfei's expression was cold: "Obviously, I didn't invite you here."

Elder Ji snorted angrily: "Lin Zhiyin, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I have seen Master Chen's magic needle skills with my own eyes. Why do you say that he is pretending to be a ghost?"

He has long since disliked this kid.

After eating foreign ink for several years, I don't pay attention to my ancestors.

Opening his mouth and shutting his mouth, he can't do without the Maple Leaf Royal Medical College. I really don't know what this kid is thinking.

Since foreign countries are so good, why come back?

Lin Zhiyin didn't dare to provoke Ji Lao, so he smiled embarrassingly and said.

"It's useless to talk too much, use your ability to speak, let's see who can cure Uncle Qi's illness today!"

Ji Lao snorted: "Hmph, let's wait and see!"

In the room, Qi Tianhu was lying on the big bed.

The bedside is filled with various advanced medical instruments and equipment.

Those who don't know may mistakenly think that this is the intensive care unit of the hospital.

At this time, Qi Tianhu's eyes were closed tightly, his face was livid.

If it weren't for the occasional painful moan, people might think he was dead.

Brother Jun drove out the idlers and others, and made a small bow to Chen: "Master Chen, please take care of me!"

Chen Xiao was about to step forward, but Qi Qingfei stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I can't trust this person, let Brother Lin come first."

Chen Xiao curled his lips into a smile and raised his eyebrows, but he was not angry.

"Then let him come first."

Afterwards, he sat beside him and drank tea in his spare time.

Lin Zhiyin went forward to check and analyze, and then gave Qi Tianhu medicine and infusion.

After a while of operation, it seems quite professional.

And Chen Xiao laughed while drinking tea.

Qi Qingfei said displeased: "What are you laughing at?"

Chen Xiao shook his head lightly and sighed.

"I'm laughing at you, I just told the truth, you just say I'm cursing your dad."

"But this person is about to kill your father, but you are still indifferent. Do you think it's ridiculous?!"

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