Chen Xiao had a long dream.

In the dream, he practiced hard for hundreds of years under the seat of God Emperor Canglan.

For hundreds of years, he has learned a whole body of secret techniques.

What Yin-Yang and Five Elements, Qimen Dunjia, and spell formations are all out of the question.

Among them, medical skills are his housekeeping skills.

Can live the dead, flesh and bones.


It wasn't until he opened his eyes and found himself lying on a hospital bed that he realized that everything just now was just a dream.

Dreams are good, but they are dreams after all.

After waking up, Chen Xiao felt his head was empty, and he couldn't remember any secret medical skills.

He guessed that he must have been bullied too badly by Long Yaoyang, that's why he learned the skills in his dream.

He still vaguely remembered that he was beaten badly by Long Yaoyang's gang.

At least two ribs were broken and internal organs were damaged.

But the strange thing is that when he took off his clothes and took a look, he found that his body was intact, without any trace of injury.

It is not easy to survive such a serious injury, and it will take at least a few months to recover.

Why did it suddenly get better?

Just when Chen Xiao was confused, a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"You're awake."

Along with the voice, a nurse came in pushing a cart.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I in the hospital?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Xiao was taken aback by his own voice, which was so dry that it didn't look like his own at all.

The nurse was slightly taken aback: "Hey? Don't you remember? You were seriously injured and you crawled to the hospital by yourself"

Chen Xiao was taken aback again.

Climb here by yourself? How come I have no impression at all?

"You have been in a coma for three days and three nights!"

The little nurse's words directly made Chen Xiao bounce off the hospital bed.

"Wait, how long did you say I was in a coma?"

"Three days and nights!"

The little nurse stretched out three fingers seriously.

"I thought you couldn't survive twenty-four hours, but I didn't expect you to survive. It's a medical miracle... Hey, why are you going, what are you running for?"

Before she finished speaking, Chen Xiao had already rushed out.

When the little nurse chased him out, Chen Xiao's figure had disappeared.

Chen Xiao recognized this hospital, which was Jiang Cheng Hospital where her mother was.

Three days earlier, the doctor had given my mother an ultimatum.

And now, the three-day period has expired.

He was in a coma for three days and three nights in the hospital.

Chen Xiao hated Long Yaoyang to death, and hated herself to death.

If his mother has passed away unfortunately, he will never forgive himself in this life.

Finally, Chen Xiao found his mother in the emergency room.

At this time, the mother's face was already covered with a layer of white sheets.

What this means is self-evident.


With a piercing cry, Chen Xiao rushed forward.

After uncovering the white sheet, mother Liu Zhen had lost her breath.

Her face was distorted, indicating that she was experiencing unbearable pain until she died.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm late, can you open your eyes and see me!"

"Mom, my son is not filial, mom..."

Chen Xiao's tears fell down.

My mother has had a hard time all her life.

Chen Xiao had no father since he was a child, and it was Liu Zhen who raised him alone.

Relying on the meager income from setting up a stall, she supported Chen Xiao until she graduated from university.

I thought I could finally enjoy peace and happiness, but I didn't expect the serious illness to come to my door mercilessly.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the child wants to support but the relatives don't wait.

Regret and pain almost tore Chen Xiao to pieces.

Just at this moment, a voice of dissatisfaction came.

"Your mother has been dead for ten minutes, why did you come?"

Chen Xiao looked up and saw that the person who spoke was Li Youde, who was Liu Zhen's attending physician.

Ten minutes, only ten minutes.

Chen Xiao pulled his hair in pain.

But Li Youde said sarcastically: "What's the use of crying now? What did you do earlier? The mud can't support the wall!"

Chen Xiao was not in the mood to explain anything, nor was he able to refute.

Yes, what did he do long ago?

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to be stupid here, go through the formalities quickly, and send your mother to be cremated."

Li Youde said impatiently.

In his eyes, the life and death of patients is nothing more than a business.

Now the patient is dead, so hurry up and don't waste time.

Chen Xiao looked at Li Youde resentfully, he could have let his mother live.

Just because he didn't collect enough surgery fees, he just watched the patient die.

Is this still a doctor? Isn't it the duty of a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded?

Chen Xiao was going to take one last look at his mother, he touched her hand.

Hands are rough and calloused.

This is the imprint left on her by a difficult life.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he suddenly felt that his mother's pulse was still beating.

Although very faint, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

At the same time, Chen Xiao's body shook violently. He felt an electric current generated in his brain and spread throughout his body.

And the memory that should have existed in his dream suddenly revived.

Among them, there is a way to save the mother.

Seeing Chen Xiao not moving, Li Youde yelled impatiently again.

"What are you still doing in a daze? If you had collected the two hundred thousand earlier, I could have saved your mother's life. Now that everyone is dead, why are you pretending to be a filial son here?"

Chen Xiao raised his head abruptly: "Go find me a pair of silver needles, my mother is not dead, she can still be saved!"

Li Youde was startled for a moment, then looked at Chen Xiao with an unreasonable look, and angrily reprimanded him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The patient is not dead? Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?"

"Ask me to find you a silver needle? What do you think you are?"

"Boy, if you want to mess around and go home, this is not a place for you to make trouble!"


At this time, a silver-haired old man in Tang suit came in surrounded by doctors and nurses.

Hearing the noise, the old man was displeased: "Why are you arguing! This is a hospital, not a vegetable market!"

This old man is extraordinary at first glance.

Because as soon as Li Youde saw him, he immediately changed his face, bowed his knees, nodded and bowed.

"Mr. Ji, listen to my explanation. The family member of the deceased is messing around and insisting that his mother is not dead yet. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Chen Xiao immediately corrected: "I didn't mess around, my mother is not dead, her pulse is still beating, she can still be saved."


Ji Lao froze for a moment, "Let this old man take a look."

While talking, Ji Lao stepped forward and felt Liu Zhen's pulse.

Then, he frowned and shook his head at Chen Xiao.

"Young man, you may know a little bit about medical skills. The deceased did have a slight pulse, but this old man has practiced medicine for decades, and I can tell you responsibly that this situation is absolutely irreversible. The dead is the most serious one. Let her rest in peace .”

Chen Xiao snorted coldly: "Quack doctor, if you can't save me, it doesn't mean I can't either! Go find me a pair of silver needles, I want to save my mother!"

"What did you say?"

Ji Lao was furious.

He has practiced medicine for dozens of years, where would he not be honored as Ji's doctor?

He can't even save people, why is this brat?

Li Youde is even more like mourning his concubine.

"Brat, open your dog eyes and let me see clearly. Standing in front of you is Miracle Doctor Ji, the president of Jiang Cheng Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

"Old Ji's doctor can drown you with every mouthful of saliva. What kind of thing are you to dare to speak wild words and talk nonsense!"

Chen Xiao said disdainfully: "I don't care what kind of genius doctor you are, if you can't cure people, you are a quack doctor!"

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