After Breaking Up, Get The Inheritance Of The God Emperor

Chapter 54 Throwing Into The Sea To Feed The Fish

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly.

But the people around did not respond.

It seems that they have known this rule for a long time.

Even, they also like such rules very much.

After all, they are dignitaries who will not reject any opportunity to show their status.

In today's society, there are many such opportunities.

The difference is that some are unspoken rules.

But the Jiangxin Pavilion of the Jiang family blatantly made it a rule.

Song Anran's apricot eyes were wide open, her brows were upside down, and she angrily reprimanded Jiang Zhenlin:

"Jiang Zhenlin, don't go too far, he is my friend, targeting him is targeting me, are you sure you want to target me?"

Song Anran's words were quite domineering.

Because she said, she will cover Chen Xiao.

What's more, Chen Xiao didn't want to come to today's banquet, she begged Chen Xiao to come.

So now that someone wants to insult Chen Xiao, she naturally won't stand idly by.

Unlike his treatment of Chen Xiao, Jiang Zhenlin's attitude towards Song Anran was very respectful.

"Miss Song, please don't say that, how dare I target you?"

Song Anran's brows just relaxed a little, but in the next second, Jiang Zhenlin changed the subject,

"It's just that Miss Song, the rules are set by my grandfather. If I break the rules, I will be unfilial to my grandfather. You can't force me to be an unfilial son, can you?"


Jiang Zhenlin even moved his grandfather out, even if Song Anran knew that he was playing a scoundrel, there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, Chen Xiao spoke.

"I'm going to go in openly today, and see who dares to stop me!"

The voice was indifferent and flat, but there was a sense of domineering.

These rich people think they are superior to others, thinking that being rich can trample on the dignity of others!

However, in Chen Xiao's eyes, they are not comparable to ordinary working people.

Although ordinary working people live in poverty, they are at least using their labor to create value for society.

And what about these people?

Most of them are descendants of rich people from famous families.

They are just a group of parasites attached to their ancestors' credit books, and will not contribute any value to society except eating, drinking and having fun.

Lin Zhiyin's eyes turned cold.

With Jiang Zhenlin's backing, he became much more courageous.

He stepped forward and spread his legs apart.

He said arrogantly: "Chen Xiao, I didn't say I won't let you in, but you've heard the rules of Jiangxin Pavilion. Poor people and dogs can only go through the dog's hole!"

"There is no dog hole here..."

Lin Zhiyin grinned, and suddenly pointed to his crotch,

"If you have to go, just go through here!"

Chen Xiao's eyes were filled with anger, and he said quietly:

"Lin Zhiyin, you really don't have a long memory! Don't you understand after so many times? I, Chen Xiao, am someone you can't afford!"

Lin Zhiyin looked stern, jumped up and scolded:

"Chen, what are you pretending to be like with me? Do you still dare to beat me? If you dare to touch a finger of mine today, I'll have someone throw you into the sea to feed the fish immediately!"

"Stop talking nonsense, get through here and I will guarantee you nothing wrong today, otherwise, you will never be as good as you!"

As soon as Lin Zhiyin finished speaking, a roar came, which made him shiver violently.

"Who is so bold, dare to let the old man's VIP go through the dog's hole!"

Lin Zhiyin looked back, and saw an old man in a long robe walking towards this side.

Seeing that this person was dressed strangely, he ignored him and started to curse.

"Fuck, where did the crazy old man come from, what is the dog barking here?"

It's good that he doesn't swear, but when he opened his mouth, the old man was furious.

I saw his figure flash,

The distance of more than ten meters was smoothed out in just one breath, and he suddenly arrived in front of Lin Zhiyin.

Without saying a word, the old man kicked out with one kick, which was extremely fierce!

Lin Zhiyin didn't have time to react, he was kicked to the ground in an instant, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the people around were all frightened and screamed.

Lin Zhiyin didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and shouted:

"Brother Jiang, where the hell is this crazy old man, help me kill him!"

At this moment, Jiang Zhenlin's face was ashen with fright, so he didn't care about Lin Zhiyin's life.

He never expected that that ordinary brat would be called a distinguished guest by this old man.

Tremblingly, he cupped his hands at the old man: "Brother Xu is here, and I have lost my way to welcome you, please forgive me."

Lin Zhiyin was dumbfounded, what's going on?

Why is Jiang Zhenlin so respectful to this old man?

It turned out that this old man was none other than Old Ghost Xu, but unfortunately Lin Zhiyin's level was too low to recognize him at all.

Old ghost Xu snorted coldly, and asked in a cold voice, "Boy of the Jiang family, is this person your friend?"

Old ghost Xu was referring to Lin Zhiyin, Jiang Zhenlin immediately denied it:

"No, he dared to insult Mr. Xu, how could he be my friend?"

Lin Zhiyin was dumbfounded and stammered: "Jiang, Brother Jiang, we are the fourth son of Jiang Cheng, how could we not be friends?"

Jiang Zhenlin looked at Lin Zhiyin coldly: "Fucking fourth son Jiang Cheng, you are worthy of the same name as us?"

Lin Zhiyin's face was ashen, and he opened his mouth wide, but his throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't speak.

At this time, old ghost Xu said in a deep voice: "Since you are not your friend, throw it into the sea and feed it to the fish!"


Jiang Zhenlin immediately shouted,

"Come on, throw this man into the sea to feed the fish!"

Four security guards ran over, picked up Lin Zhiyin and went straight to the beach.

"No, Brother Jiang, help me!"

"Brother Jiang, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again next time!"

"Jiang Zhenlin, you bastard, your relatives don't recognize you..."

Lin Zhiyin went from begging for mercy to hysteria in just a few seconds, and as he was carried further and further away, his voice gradually decreased until it disappeared.

"Old Xu, please come inside!"

Jiang Zhenlin said respectfully.

Xu old ghost pointed at Chen Xiao:

"His invitation was given by me personally. Anyone who dares to trouble him will be against me!"

Jiang Zhenlin's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he quickly bowed his head in agreement.

Not far away, Qi Tianhu, Qi Qingfei and Dajun also rushed over. They came with Old Ghost Xu.

"What's going on, Chen Xiao, why are you always in trouble wherever you go?"

Qi Qingfei frowned and asked.

And when she saw Song Anran beside Chen Xiao, her frown deepened.

Today, she changed her usual sassy style, dressed up meticulously, and even put on light makeup.

It's just that compared with Song Anran, she instantly lost a lot of femininity.

Chen Xiao said lightly: "It's just some small troubles."

Qi Tianhu smiled heartily, put his arms around Chen Xiao's shoulders, and said, "Since the matter has been settled, let's go in."

Chen Xiao shrugged and broke away from Qi Tianhu's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Someone said that poor people and dogs can't go through the front door!"

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