At this moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

It wasn't until Old Ghost Xu's screams resounded throughout the rooftop that everyone finally realized what had happened.

Everyone gasped, old ghost Xu beat Qi Tianhu half to death, and Chen Xiao broke his thigh so easily?

Why is this kid so powerful? Isn't he just a little nurse?

And his mother is just a pancake seller, why does he have such a strong kung fu?

Others couldn't figure it out, and Old Ghost Xu himself couldn't figure it out even more.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Boy, what kind of enchantment did you use, you plotted against the old man!"

Old Ghost Xu looked flustered and resentful.

He is nicknamed Ghost Foot Seven, and 80% of his kung fu is in his legs.

Now that his right leg was broken by Chen Xiao, it can be said that most of his kung fu was wasted.

He couldn't accept this fact.

What made him even more unacceptable was that the one who defeated him was still an unknown pawn!

"Hehe, with your meager skills, are you worthy of my assassination?"

Chen Xiao sneered disdainfully.

His gaze was exactly the same as that of Old Ghost Xu when he looked at Qi Tianhu a few minutes ago.

Old Ghost Xu grinned his teeth in pain and was sweating profusely, but his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"You brat, what are you doing?"

"You are not even a martial artist in the Qi realm, why do you look down on the old man's kung fu?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but sneer: "A martial artist in the air state? In front of me, he's just a chicken and a dog!"

Warriors, after all, cannot be compared with those who cultivate immortals.

Even if Chen Xiao couldn't transform his energy into form, he was as easy as killing a chicken!

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiao directly stepped over Old Ghost Xu.

Extremely domineering, extremely contemptuous!

Old Ghost Xu is just an appetizer, Chen Xiao has only one real goal, and that is Xiao Li!

He has never been a magnanimous person, and Xiao Li just threatened to kill him, which has violated his bottom line.

But what made him a little curious was that Xiao Li didn't show a trace of fear at this time.

Xiao Li's eyes only showed slight astonishment, but more of it was playful and provocative!

The two looked at each other, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

The guests didn't dare to breathe, and secretly guessed in their hearts: This Chen Xiao, won't make a move against Xiao Li, will he?

That is the son of the military god, even if this kid can fight, he will not be the opponent of the military god!

Did he die?

Chen Xiao didn't speak yet, neither did Xiao Li.

But Jiang Zhenlin spoke first.

He only heard him yelling: "Security, arrest this kid for me! Protect Young Master Xiao quickly!"

Although Qi Tianhu's people were responsible for the security of the dinner, Jiangxin Pavilion itself still had a security team.

Although the quality can't compare with Qi Tianhu's people, the victory lies in the number of people.

The security guards ran over, and there was a crowd, but they were full of momentum!

Jiang Zhenlin's face was tense, as if he was facing an enemy, but his heart was already full of joy.

If he protected Xiao Li well today, it would definitely be a great achievement.

In the future, if you get connected with the Xiao family, you may even be appreciated by the army god of the Northern Territory!

At that time, the Jiang family will not be allowed to walk sideways in Jiang Cheng?

No, little Jiang Cheng won't be able to accommodate the Jiang family until then!

As for Chen Xiao, he didn't pay attention at all.

No matter how much he can fight, so what? There are so many people in the security team, and they can't deal with him alone?

However, he underestimated the deterrent power of a master against ordinary people, and overestimated the courage of his security guards.

Only Chen Xiao yelled: "I see who dares to stop me today!"

The security guards backed away in fright. Although they were not able to escape, none of them dared to challenge Chen Xiao.

Jiang Zhenlin cursed secretly that he really raised a bunch of trash, he shouted loudly:

"Damn it, give it to me. Whoever can catch this kid will be rewarded with a million dollars. Anyone who dares to do it will be rewarded. The starting point is 10,000 yuan!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man!

Don't say one million, it's ten thousand yuan, and that's their salary for a few months!

The security guards' eyes were red, and they rushed towards Chen Xiao like a flood, as if Chen Xiao was not a person, but a pile of money.

The first person to rush to Chen Xiao was the security captain. He was two meters tall, dark and strong, and had been a mercenary abroad when he was young.

He opened his mouth wide, showing his white teeth, and threw his arms at Chen Xiao, imagining that he would get a million!

Chen Xiao spread his legs slightly, steadied his horse, and pushed the security captain's chest with his palm!


Chen Xiao's palm looked limp, as if it had no strength.

However, when it hit the security captain, he felt as if he was hit by ten cows at the same time.

The beating caused him to fly backwards with a bang, the old blood spurting out of his mouth, drawing a red line in the air.

However, this was not over yet, the security captain fell into the crowd, and the people he touched also flew backwards one after another...

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

Chen Xiao knocked down a bunch of people with just one palm.

This trick is called Ge Shan Da Niu.

It's not about beating a cow, it's about beating a herd of cows!

The next thing is easy.

Chen Xiao rushed towards the security guard, as if he was in no man's land.

It's like the full-level boss in the game, frantically harvesting the players in Novice Village...

Every punch was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, at least making several people unable to get up again.

However, in just ten seconds, Chen Xiao had resolved the battle.

No one in the group of security guards could stand up.

Even if there were still some who could stand up, they didn't dare to stand up and offend Chen Xiao, a lunatic.

The guests present have collectively fallen into a sluggish state.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, even if they were killed, they wouldn't believe this scene was real.

After all, movies don't dare to act like this anymore!

However, Chen Xiao himself seemed dissatisfied, he looked down and his brows were tightly furrowed.

Afterwards, his eyes shot at Jiang Zhenlin, as sharp as electricity!

Jiang Zhenlin trembled violently in fright, his little face was so pale that there was no blood left.

Now he didn't dare to mention anything about protecting Xiao Li, it would be good if he could save his own life.

"come here!"

Chen Xiao hooked his fingers at Jiang Zhenlin.

Jiang Zhenlin flinched: "You, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xiao pointed to his clothes, which were covered with blood.

"My clothes are dirty, you have to pay me!"

Jiang Zhenlin was about to cry, your clothes are dirty, what does that have to do with me.

And your clothes are only dirty, look at the group of security guards, which one didn't see blood?

But at this moment, he didn't dare to reason with Chen Xiao.

"I'll pay, I'll pay, I'll pay you ten times the price!"

Jiang Zhenlin nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, but said in his heart that Chen Xiao is really a cannon.

As far as his clothes are concerned, they look cheap at first glance.

I'm afraid that the total amount will not exceed 1,000 yuan, even if the compensation is ten times the original price, it is only a matter of 10,000 yuan!

However, Chen Xiao shook his head after hearing his proposal.

"You don't need to pay ten times the compensation, I don't want people to say that I bullied you."

"You can compensate according to the original price. If you pay 20 million yuan, this matter will be considered a failure!"

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