Looking at his right hand, which was shattered into mud and scattered all over the ground, Fan Jin, a man of seven feet, burst into tears.

"My hands are all gone!"

Xu Qingxiang looked at Chen Xiao in disbelief: "Impossible, it's absolutely impossible! The Meridian Yin-Yang line has already reached the crest of the elbow, how can you still fight so well?"

Chen Xiao sneered: "It is true that the acupoints are blocked so that warriors cannot display their strength, but who told you that I am a warrior?"

Xu Qingxiang looked bewildered, isn't Chen Xiao a warrior? Then how can he fight so well?

Obviously, Chen Xiao's ability has exceeded his cognition of this world.

At this moment, a gleam suddenly flashed in Dajun's eyes.

Isn't now the best time to take revenge?

He took out a short knife for self-defense from his pocket, stepped forward quickly in three steps, and aimed at Fan Jin's heart with two blows!

Fan Jin died on the spot with blood bubbling from his mouth, without even having time to say his last words.

Xu Qingxiang panicked and ordered his subordinates loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and do it to me!"

This time he brought a hundred wolf gang members, fifteen of whom are masters of inner strength, and they are all in the basement now.

The strength of these fifteen people should not be underestimated!

He felt that even if he couldn't beat Chen Xiao, he could hold off for a while.

And he can also take advantage of this little time to run away to save his life...

It's a pity that strength is always relative.

Xu Qingxiang didn't know that in front of Chen Xiao, these fifteen inner strength masters were no different from ordinary people.

So when he was about to flee to the door, he saw a black shadow appearing on the stairs.

When he looked up, his heart suddenly turned cold.

The black figure above was Chen Xiao, looking down at him from above.

"Want to run? Go back!"

Chen Xiao kicked Xu Qingxiang in the face, and Xu Qingxiang rolled over and fell down the stairs.

When he stopped, he looked up and found that Chen Xiao was still in front of his eyes.

This time, his whole heart was completely chilled.

Chen Xiao was so elusive that he had no way of escaping.

As for the fifteen internal strength warriors, they were all beaten to the ground, and they could not be counted on at all.

He laughed and said, "Hehe, Chen Xiao, I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe me?"

"Misunderstanding your mother!"

Chen Xiao kicked it out again, and Xu Qing flew out like a rubber ball and hit the wall hard, making him scream in pain.

"Dare to pretend that my aunt lied to me. I won't kill you alive today. It's hard to solve the hatred in my heart!"

Chen Xiao's eyes were sharp and angry.

Xu Qingxiang's scalp tingled with fright from this look.

"You can't kill me! Chen Xiao, you are poisonous, if you kill me, you will die!"

Xu Qingxiang knew that it was useless to beg for mercy now, maybe his attitude was tough enough, and there was still a chance of survival.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong again.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xiao crushed his ankle.

"Threatening me, right? Stop talking nonsense and give me the antidote quickly, or the next kick will be your head. I will do what I say!"

The sound of broken bones came to his ears clearly, Xu Qingxiang was so painful that he almost fainted, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

"It's okay to want an antidote, unless you promise to let me live!"

Xu Qingxiang was still betting that Chen Xiao would not dare to do anything to him in order to understand the medicine.

Unfortunately, he gambled wrong again.

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiao's forty-four-yard foot had already kicked him.


Chen Xiao kicked Xu Qingxiang's head, scarlet blood and white brains scattered all over the floor——

There was silence all around for nearly ten seconds.

Xu Qingxiang, with a thousand faces smiling, just died like this?

Qi Tianhu swallowed, this brother Chen is really ruthless and decisive!

But thinking about it, he dared to tattoo Xiao Tiance's son's face, what else could he not do?

Moreover, in Qi Tianhu's view, decisive killing is definitely a necessary condition for those who achieve great things.

At this point, he is not as good as Chen Xiao.

After Qi Qingfei realized it, she walked over immediately and touched Xu Qingxiang's body.

"What are you looking for?" Chen Xiao asked.

"I'm looking for an antidote!" Qi Qingfei replied.

Chen Xiao didn't speak, but he knew that the antidote probably wouldn't be on Xu Qingxiang.

Because in Xu Qingxiang's plan, the antidote was his last hole card, the one that could save his life at a critical moment.

This kind of hole card must be hidden in a very safe place, rather than carried with you.

He planned well, but Chen Xiao didn't follow his plan.

As Chen Xiao expected, Qi Qingfei touched Xu Qingxiang's whole body, but did not find an antidote.

"Chen Xiao, there is no antidote on him, what should we do?"

Chen smiled and said in relief: "It's okay, I can cure this little poison myself, and I don't need an antidote, it's just a little troublesome at most."

After hearing Chen Xiao's words, Qi Qingfei had no doubts about it, and soon felt relieved.

After all, in her eyes, Chen Xiao is omnipotent.

With the killing of Xu Qingxiang and Fan Jin, the wolf gang's attack also ended in failure.

Chen Xiao didn't participate in the next mopping-up work, it was just a few stragglers, and it was enough for the army to lead people to deal with it.

And Chen Xiao helped Qi Tianhu treat his injury.

After the treatment, most of Qi Tianhu's injuries were healed.

Chen Xiao said: "I will prescribe you side medicine, you take it on time, and then rest for three or four days, and these traumas will heal."

"Brother Chen, I really don't know how to thank you. Logically speaking, my life, Qi Tianhu, should be yours, but..."

Qi Tianhu said guiltily, "Brother Chen, I feel ashamed of you!"

Chen smiled, and said indifferently: "Brother Qi, it's all in the past, so there's no need to mention it again, and if it were me at that time, I would have made the same choice as you."

"Brother Chen, you don't need to comfort me. I didn't do my best to support you at the first time. If I made a mistake, it was a mistake."

"But when I was in danger, you were able to ignore the past and help me out. There are not many people in my life who owed money to me, Old Qi, and you, Old Brother Chen, are definitely one of them!"

Qi Tianhu said solemnly,

"From now on, I, Qi Tianhu, will do my best to go up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil for brother Chen, even if I blink my eyes, I'm nothing!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Brother Qi, you are being serious."

Qi Tianhu hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said: "Brother Chen, there is actually one thing I've been thinking about for a long time, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

Chen Xiao waved his hand: "But it's okay to say, there's no need to haggle and haw with me."

Qi Tianhu said solemnly:

"Brother Chen, I'm getting old and poisonous. My ability is no longer enough to continue to control Jiang Cheng's underground forces. I want to replace me with someone else. That person is ahead of me in every way, no matter his ability or his character. superior."

"And that person is you!"

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