Previously, Ye Zhe had always had an illusion.

I think this is a joke between my brother and myself.

He and his eldest brother are more like brothers than they can talk about anything, and the two brothers do like to make small jokes.

Until the big brother appeared in person.

Looking at this former harmonious and amiable eldest brother, he now speaks to himself in a resolute tone with a cold attitude.

Ye Zhe's heart was cold.

"Why?" Ye Zhe asked in a deep voice.

"Why? You still have the face to ask me why?"

"Since you took office as the CEO, have you taken me as a big brother in your eyes?"

"Now, all the big and small affairs of the company are decided by you. Everyone looks at your face and acts. Under your glory, who will put me in the eyes of the chairman? I, the chairman, have been taken You've been on the air for years!"

Hearing Ye Ming's seemingly righteous words, the dozen or so executives of the company shook their heads.

When did Mr. Ye ignore the chairman?

Although they are not brothers, Mr. Ye respects the chairman more than his eldest brother!

And Mr. Ye is never greedy for merit. When facing praise from others, Mr. Ye always said that he was under the leadership of his elder brother.

As for the power of the chairman of the board, it is a joke.

Which of the company's resolutions and trends cannot be implemented unless Mr. Ye personally handed it over to the chairman for review and signed by the chairman?

The chairman said so, it is completely a crime, why do you have no words!

Ye Ming continued:

"Now, when it comes to the Ye Group, the first thing that comes to your mind is you, Ye Zhe, not my chairman, Ye Ming!"

"I don't want to live in your shadow forever!"

"So, only if you leave the Ye Group, I want to prove to people that without you Ye Zhe, I can do the same as Ye Ming!"

Ye Ming's words left Ye Zhe speechless.

He has always been loyal to Ye Ming, but he didn't expect that this eldest brother would have such an idea.

However, since he talked about this, it would be boring to stay.

"Brother, since you said that, I have nothing to say. Ye's group can have what it is today, and I also have a share of my efforts. I can leave. Before I leave, you should give me the share that belongs to me. Bar."

It can be said that Ye Zhe's efforts were completely the result of Ye Zhe's hard work.

He's been kicked out now, and it's not too much to want a little equity.

did not expect.......

"Your share? Are you kidding? The Ye Group was founded by my father, what does it have to do with you? As for the efforts you mentioned, haven't they been given to you in the form of salary and bonuses? Where is it now? And your share?" Ye Ming said with a funny face.

Hearing this, Ye Zhe suddenly turned gloomy.

At the beginning, when he took over the Ye family, the market value was only one billion.

Still owe the bank billions in loans.

If he didn't have himself, Ye Ming would have already gone bankrupt and had to sleep in Qiaodong to beg for food.

It was himself that made him one of the top ten richest people in Longcheng.

Now, he not only kicked himself out, but also wiped out all his contributions to the Ye family.

As a human being, can you be any more shameless?

Seeing Ye Zhe staring at him with red eyes, Ye Ming said disdainfully: "Ye Zhe, money, you can't get a penny, but before you go, I have a big gift for you here!"

Ye Ming clapped his palm.

A graceful figure walked into the conference room.

Jiang Lin, Ye Zhe's fiancee.

The two have been in love for three years and are planning to get married three months later.

But now, Jiang Lin came over, snuggled in Ye Ming's arms, and behaved intimately.

At this scene, the dozen high-level executives were stunned!

Isn't Jiang Lin the fiancee of President Ye?

The love between the two was seen by the whole company.

And the two also announced their wedding news three months later.

What's going on now?

Seeing his fiancee fall into Ye Ming's arms like a bird, Ye Zhe seemed to have lost something important.

"Jiang Lin, this...what's going on?" Ye Zhe pointed at Jiang Lin, and lost the strength to speak.

Seeing the unbelievable pain on Ye Zhe's face, Jiang Lin said with a smile, "Ye Zhe, don't you think that I really like you?"

"You don't pee and take care of yourself, you're just a poor boy, if it wasn't for Ye Ming's father to take care of you, you wouldn't be a shit!"

"However, Jiang Lin is also a dignified eldest daughter. Will she marry you, a person without any noble blood? If it wasn't for Ye Ming's intentional arrangement, I wouldn't have given you a second look!"

Jiang Lin's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Ye Zhe's chest hard.

"Deliberately arranged? What was arranged?" Ye Zhe looked at Ye Ming.

"Ye Zhe, since this is the case, let me tell you the truth."

Ye Ming cleared his throat and continued: "Actually, more than three years ago, you spent half a year putting the company on the right track. The whole company praised you, and I thought you were a threat!"

"At that time, I wanted to kick you out!"

"However, you were very popular at the time. It was too unstable for the situation to kick you out prematurely. What's more, I have to admit that you are a business genius, and it is up to you to continue to develop the scale of the company. For me, there is too much What a lot of benefits!"

"However, I was afraid that you would have a different opinion in the process, so I arranged for Jiang Lin to meet and fall in love with you, and let her monitor you!"

"I didn't expect that you have been loyal and loyal for the past three years. This is really beyond my expectations."

"However, thanks to your efforts, the market value of Ye's Group has reached 100 billion, and it has become the first of the Dragon City, and you have no use value anymore!"

After Ye Ming finished speaking, he laughed unscrupulously.

It's that scheming smile.

He doesn't mind telling the conspiracy of the past few years in public.

Because, he is now the chairman of the Hundred Billion Group, and after driving out Ye Zhe, he is alone, and no one is afraid!

In the past three and a half years, Ye Ming has enjoyed the great achievements that Ye Zhe brought to him, and at the same time, because of Ye Zhe's outstanding performance, he has become a big stone in Ye Ming's heart.

Today, I finally got rid of the stone in my heart.

After listening to the dozen or so executives of the company, they were first shocked and then angry!

Mr. Ye worked hard for the Ye family in the past three years, but it turned out that it was just a game for the chairman.

Mr. Ye, it's not worth it!

And Ye Zhe, after hearing Ye Ming's words, only felt that his eyes were dark, and he had to hold on to the chair to stand.

[Ding, I feel that the host has suffered a major blow, and the system has been upgraded! 】

The system's voice made Ye Zhe calm down a little, but seeing Ye Ming's smug smile, his heart was still a little chilled.

He didn't expect that this big brother, who had always trusted him the most, was so deep in the city.

There is such a good way!

And Jiang Lin, the splash person!

It was actually a chess piece that Ye Ming placed beside him.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhe felt sad for himself.

The Ye's Group, from going bankrupt to the current market value of hundreds of billions, is the result of his hard work and hardships that ordinary people can't imagine in the past three and a half years.

Now, he was kicked out.

There was nothing he could do.

Because the Ye Group was founded by his adoptive father, Ye Zhengyan, he went too suddenly and did not have a will.

Therefore, Ye Ming is the only heir of the Ye Group.

As an adopted son, he has no right to inherit.

And in the past few years, because of his trust in Ye Ming, he didn't give himself back at all.

Even, he only cared about building a prosperous country for Ye's family, and he didn't even keep a little share of Ye's group for himself.

A brother who used to be his most trusted brother.

A woman who used to be his favorite.

Being played by these two people together!

Ye Zhe was furious, but laughed instead.

"Ye Ming! Jiang Lin! You two men and women, do you think you're playing with me like this? I, Ye Zhe, can't die! Sooner or later, I'll make you pay the price!"

"Hahaha, Ye Zhe, then we will wait for you!" Ye Ming hugged Jiang Lin and laughed.

Although, he admits that Ye Zhe has great business skills.

But he is now the leader of the 100 billion group.

And Ye Zhe, who lost the platform of the Ye Group, has become nothing to be afraid of.

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