After Building A 100 Billion Group, I Was Kicked Out

Chapter 27: Ye Zhe Buys The Zhongfeng Building

"When did I tell a lie?"

"I know that your reputation, Mr. Ye, can't be said in the business circle of Longcheng, but Mr. Ye, it's not that I underestimate you. My project involves two hundred million funds!"

Liu Mingyuan said suspiciously.

In fact, the fact that Ye Zhe was expelled from Ye's group in the past few days has caused a lot of uproar in Longcheng.

It is said that Ye Ming is too ruthless. It was Ye Zhe who worked hard for him to have a net worth of hundreds of billions. As a result, after he kicked Ye Zhe out, Ye Zhe did not get any equity, and he only had millions of funds.

He only has one million funds, how can he buy his own Zhongfeng Building?

If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Zhe's reputation has always been good, Liu Mingyuan would have thought that Ye Zhe was looking for his own happiness.

"As long as you are willing to sell the Zhongfeng Building to me, the money is not a problem. As soon as the contract is signed, I will call you immediately." Ye Zhe said calmly.

Seeing Ye Zhe speaking so seriously, and thinking of Ye Zhe's reputation in the business world, Liu Mingyuan became a little excited: "Mr. Ye, really plan to buy the Zhongfeng Building? You plan to How much did you pay for it?"

"250 million, how much you paid for it, I will pay for it!" Ye Zhe reported a number.

In fact, Liu Mingyuan is now desperate. As he said, if he can't raise any more money today, the Zhongfeng Building will be reclaimed by the bank at a low price, and it will be worthless.

In this case, Ye Zhe could completely cut the price to 200 million, or even less, but Ye Zhe didn't want to take advantage of it.

The reason is very simple: this Liu Mingyuan is also a talent, and now it is only due to bad luck that he fell into such a field.

If he wants to grow and develop in the future, he will definitely need talents like Liu Mingyuan. When he is desperate, he will help him without taking advantage of him, and he may be used by him in the future.

"What? You are willing to pay 250 million!" Liu Mingyuan jumped up in shock.

You know, Zhongfeng Building is a mess right now. After running for so long, no one is willing to pay for it.

And the Ye Group, which has always been rich and powerful, was only willing to pay 20 million.

He thought that even if Ye Zhe really wanted to buy it, he would definitely bargain with him.

As a result, Ye Zhe told himself that he would pay 250 million!

This is simply beyond my imagination.

"However, I can tell you the ugly thing. After I bought the Zhongfeng Building, if it becomes very valuable in the future, don't regret calling me to make trouble!" Ye Zhe said.

This unfinished building will soon appreciate in value, so Ye Zhe is given a preventive shot in advance.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, I, Liu Mingyuan, are not the one who repays revenge for kindness. You are willing to pay my cost at this time. For me, it will solve my bankruptcy crisis. Entong reborn his parents, and Zhongfeng Building is sold to you. , even if the value has increased tenfold in the future, I Liu Mingyuan will only be grateful and congratulated, but will never be jealous...just...just.... .."

Ye Zhe knew what he was worried about and said, "Give me your account number."

After obtaining Liu Mingyuan's bank account, Ye Zhe directly transferred 50 million to it: "Mr. Liu, this 50 million is used as a deposit. After the contract is signed, I will give you another 200 million immediately!"

Seeing that the bank account has increased by 50 million, at this moment, in Liu Mingyuan's eyes, Ye Zhe is like an angel descending from the earth.

I no longer have any worries: "Mr. Ye, you are so loyal! I have worked with so many people, and you are the most cheerful person I have ever met! Okay, let's sign the contract right away!"

Liu Mingyuan went to Ye's door today and planned to sell the Zhongfeng Building, so he brought all the contract documents with him.

Immediately, the contract was immediately laid out, and both parties signed it, and the contract came into effect.

After Ye Zhe got the contract, he didn't delay. He first took Liu Mingyuan to the bank, cashed the check for 470 million, and then transferred the remaining 200 million to Liu Mingyuan's account.

Looking at the 250 million lying on the account, Liu Mingyuan was as unreal as a dream.

You know, if you hadn't met Ye Zhe, you wouldn't be able to raise money yourself. Before 5:30 today, the bank would confiscate all your belongings, including the Zhongfeng Building.

At that time, he was a penniless bankrupt, and even his whole family didn't know where to sleep at night.

But now, because of Ye Zhe's shot, he is still a billionaire after paying off the bank's 100 million loan.

Ye Zhe is his own noble person!

"Mr. Ye, I...I...I don't even know what to say to express my gratitude to you!" If it weren't for the large number of people in the bank, Liu Mingyuan would have Gotta kneel down for Ye Zhe.

"Mr. Liu, you're welcome. Let's talk about business. Maybe I made a lot of money after buying the Zhongfeng Building." Ye Zhe said with a smile.

Liu Mingyuan shook his head and said, "You can't say that, as the saying goes, where troubles show true feelings, I Liu Mingyuan's luck is not good, and I am in this field today, and no one is willing to pay attention to me. It is Mr. Ye who helped me. In the future, any Mr. Ye, you have something useful to me, as long as you open your mouth, I Liu Mingyuan will go through fire and water!"

Liu Mingyuan's tone was grateful, but in his heart he was secretly horrified.

It is said that after Ye Zhe was kicked out of the Ye family, he only had millions of assets.

It's only a few days now, and hundreds of millions are said to be taken out! The speed of this development is simply amazing.

In fact, there are some people in the business circle of Longcheng who have other views on Ye Zhe's business gods: it is said that Ye Zhe relies on the platform of the Ye Group to make great achievements, and it is the Ye Group that made Ye Zhe.

Only now did Liu Mingyuan know: This kind of argument is bullshit!

People really rely on their own ability! It is gold, it will shine everywhere!

Liu Mingyuan estimated that if things continued like this, Ye Zhe would create a behemoth similar to the Ye Group in a few years!


(There are 200 more flowers just now, this is the third update, you continue to vote for flowers, I will continue to update!)

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