After Building A 100 Billion Group, I Was Kicked Out

Chapter 6: The Shaking Of The Yeh Group

In fact, the fastest way to make money is definitely the stock market.

Unfortunately, its own system identification function cannot identify the profits and losses of stocks on the secondary market.

But now there is a 100% chance of making a 22% profit, and I must seize it.

At present, I have a principal of more than 60 million yuan, and with leverage, I can earn more than 20% of the profit, which is hundreds of millions of yuan!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhe looked at the time for this news.

is tomorrow's news.

In other words, what happened in the news is today!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhe took out his mobile phone and opened the stock trading app.

He opened a securities account very early, and he was usually too busy with work, so he didn't get fired much.

Transfer all his more than 60 million into the stock account, and then wait for the Ye Group's stock to drop by the limit.

At the same time, I thought to myself: According to the description of this future news, then the Ye Group should be in chaos now.


Ye's Group.

Early in the morning, the news that Ye Zhe was fired by the chairman spread within the Ye Group.

At first, many people didn't believe it.

Who is Ye always? That is the merit of the Ye Group!

Without President Ye, where would the Ye Group be today?

How could the chairman do such a stupid thing?

However, when they saw that Ye Hua was sitting in the president's office instead of Ye Zhe, everyone believed it.

"Fuck! President Ye was really fired by the chairman!"

"Mr. Ye is the most important minister of the Ye family! It's really chilling to be fired like this!"

"The chairman appointed Ye Hua as the new president? Is the chairman joking? In terms of ability, Ye Hua can't even match Ye Zhe's toes!"

"The appointment of Ye Hua as president is just burying a mine!"

"We can drink and eat meat with Ye Zong, and with Ye Hua, are you planning to eat shit?"

"I heard that Ye Zong was expelled yesterday, and more than a dozen high-level executives under him resigned with him!"

"The dozen or so high-level executives have the foresight. If the Ye Group loses President Ye, what hope is there? Let's resign too."


"Chairman, within an hour, a total of hundreds of company executives handed in their resignation letters, and hundreds of ordinary employees left directly." In the chairman's office, Ye Hua was reporting the situation to Ye Ming.

While reporting, while wiping sweat.

At this time, he realized that Ye Zhe's influence in the Ye Group was too terrifying.

It is better for hundreds of ordinary employees to resign, the key is more than 100 group executives.

This is equivalent to three-quarters of the top talent of the company.

Once these people leave, I am afraid that within a few hours, the entire company will be paralyzed.

Ye Ming had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Although it was within his expectation that some executives would leave with Ye Zhe, he still underestimated Ye Zhe's influence.

He didn't expect so many people to leave.

However, he was not anxious, just kept looking at the time, as if waiting for something.

Soon, the office door was pushed open and Jiang Lin walked in.

"How about Linlin? Have all the reserve talents we secretly cultivated have arrived?" Ye Ming stood up and stared at Jiang Lin earnestly.

"They are all here. They have lived up to our expectations. They have already taken over the positions of the resigned executives. Although they are still a little unfamiliar, they can completely make the company run normally." Jiang Lin said.

"Completely connected? However, including those who resigned yesterday, a total of more than 110 high-level executives have resigned, and we have only trained more than 80 people." Ye Ming said suspiciously.

"This, I have to thank my dad? If he hadn't temporarily poached more than 30 senior executives for us, where would we find people for more than 30 vacancies?" Jiang Lin rolled her eyes at Ye Ming.

"It's still my future father-in-law who treats me well and helped me so much!" Ye Ming smiled.

Ye Hua next to him was confused: "Chairman, what's going on?"

"Ye Hua, actually three years ago, when I decided to use Ye Zhe to kick him away, I thought that many people would resign with him, so I have secretly trained a group of executives in the past three years. Talent, after Ye Zhe's people follow him and leave, immediately take their place." Ye Ming explained.

"So it is! So, the more than 100 senior executives who resigned have no influence on us at all! Chairman, you are still taller!" Ye Hua flattered.

"Hehe, this is my high level, this was also the idea that Linlin gave me to keep this backhand, but I still sold Ye Zhe at a low price. I didn't expect that in recent years, most of the company's executives have It's all his son-in-law! And I only prepared 80 talents, if it wasn't for the help of my future father-in-law, it would almost be impossible to play!" Ye Ming said bitterly.

"My father is helping you this way, not for me, huh, I don't know if you will be nice to me in the future." Jiang Lin snorted at this time.

Facing Jiang Lin, Ye Ming immediately changed his pleasing face: "Lin Lin, what you said, you worked hard for me by Ye Zhe's side for three years, and now you are helping me like this, I am not good to you, but to whom? I have reserved the position of deputy director for you."

"Deputy Director? This position is too high. I'm afraid that some people will not accept it." Jiang Lin pouted.

"Director Jiang, you are far-sighted, everything in the future is in your calculations, if you are not the deputy director, who else is qualified?" Ye Hua flattered lightly.

At this time, the secretary pushed open the door and came in: "Chairman, all the shareholders are present, waiting for you to hold the shareholders' meeting."

With so much turmoil in the company, shareholders called for a general meeting.

Since Jiang Lin and Ye Hua are not shareholders and are not members of the board of directors, they are not eligible to participate.

Ye Ming went alone.

At the shareholders meeting, more than a dozen shareholders unanimously condemned Ye Ming.

"Director Ye, the expulsion of Ye Zhe is such a big deal, why didn't you hold a shareholders meeting to discuss it with our shareholders, and then execute it privately?"

"Ye Zhe helped us support us by himself. If you fire him now, what will the people outside say?"

"Ye Dong, you are too confused!"

"What's even more confusing is that you actually let Ye Hua take Ye Zhe's place. Who is Ye Hua? He's just a sycophant who can talk shit. What does he compare to Ye Zhe?"

In the face of accusations from all shareholders, Ye Ming had a calm face and didn't say a word.

However, shareholders are not taken seriously at all.

"Director Ye, we all feel that with Ye Zhe, our company's performance will be prosperous. If you do this, you will harm the interests of all our shareholders. Therefore, we ask you to invite Ye Zhe back!" A shareholder representative proposed demanded.

"Since I've fired him, why not bring him back? What do you think I am the chairman of?"

"I don't see Ye Zhe, you, the chairman, are nothing at all!" a shareholder said.

"Hehe, Ye Zhe is the one who opens and closes. Do you still have a sensible leader like me in your eyes? Let me tell you, Ye Zhe will never be allowed to take half a step in the future! Let the meeting go!"

Ye Ming went out angrily.

He holds more than 50% of the shares and is the single largest shareholder of the Ye Group.

Anything can not be discussed with shareholders, and they have the right to make decisions privately.

The shareholders were stunned when they saw Ye Ming walking out like this.

Many shareholders began to discuss together.

To be honest, the reason why the shareholders invested in the Ye Group at the beginning was because of Ye Zhe's business talent.

It was Ye Zhe, who doubled the value of their equity by hundreds of times!

With Ye Zhe, they don't have to do anything every year, and the annual dividends alone are enough to live a fairy life.

Is this uncomfortable?

As a result, now Ye Ming drove Ye Zhe away.

Without Ye Zhe's Ye Group, what's the future?

Don't look at the current market value of Ye's group of hundreds of billions, but without a good operator, it will be very fast to step up.

In the past, there was Ye Zhe, who could take everyone to take off.

But now, relying on Ye Ming and Ye Hua?

These two people, in everyone's mind, one is a straw bag, the other is a flatterer.

Rely on these two people to fly everyone? Do not make jokes.

Since Ye Ming was unwilling to invite Ye Zhe back, many shareholders began to discuss whether it was time to cash out the equity in their hands.

Because the Ye Group is now headed by Ye Ming, the equity in its hands will depreciate sooner or later.

(The data is too miserable, there is no flower and no evaluation ticket, who will give me some flowers and evaluation tickets, I have ten updates today!)

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