Chapter 1254 Yi Xueying fainted

  The night was already very deep, and everything was silent outside the window, but Ou's house was brightly lit.

  For the Ou family, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

   "It's very late, go to sleep, if there is anything to do, we will solve it tomorrow."

   Ou Yu watched his wife sitting in front of the window sill, staring out of the window in a daze, and reminded with a soft sigh.

  Shu Yirou turned her head, her eyes were so full of tears that she couldn't shed tears, only sad and haggard.

   "Husband, am I a very failed mother?"

Ou Yu walked over, put his big arms around her shoulders, and patted her gently to comfort her, "Whether you are a wife or a mother, you are not blameless. You have done everything you can. It's been well bred."

"But Yaya, why does she still do this? She hates Yueyue, and also hates us. I really don't know that she is so resistant to Yueyue's birth in her heart. I have a great responsibility for her to come to this point. I only care about her. Focusing on cultivating her external excellence, ignoring her inner heart."

  "Selfish and narrow-minded people will always push mistakes and responsibilities to others, while truly outstanding people will constantly reflect on themselves to improve themselves.

  Everyone walks their own path. It is she herself who narrowed the path and got into a dead end. No one is to blame. "

  Bedroom on the third floor.

  Ou Tingyu didn't sleep either. After all, she was her own sister who had loved her for many years. Once she was imprisoned, how could she not feel sad and sad.

  Although Yi Xueying was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyelids open, she still managed not to go to bed.

  My sister-in-law was arrested, and the whole family was so worried that they couldn't sleep. She seemed a little heartless sleeping alone.

  In order to refresh herself, she got up and planned to make two cups of tea. She didn't know whether it was because she hadn't had a good rest in the past few days or because of anemia. As soon as she stood up, her eyes turned dark.


   When she woke up, she was already lying on the bed.

  Ou Tingyu sat on the edge of the bed, lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

  The soft light outlined his profile so handsomely, Yi Xueying couldn't help but stare blankly.

"you're awake?"

  Ou Tingyu turned his head around at some point, his quiet eyes were full of concern and apology.

   "I'm sorry, because of Yueyue and Yaya's affairs, I ignored you during this time, how do you feel?"

  Yi Xueying shook her head, "It's okay, maybe I didn't sleep well."

  Ou Tingyu held her hand, "I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow morning."

   "No, I used to have anemia often like this, just rest for a while and it will be fine."

   "I'll get you a hot cup of sweet milk, drink it and have a good sleep."

"Thanks husband."

  When she finished drinking the milk, Ou Tingyu took the empty cup and put it on the bedside table, "Go to sleep, it's getting late."

  Yi Xueying grabbed him who was about to get up, "Honey, you can accompany me, I can't sleep alone."

  Ou Tingyu paused, then replied lightly, "Okay."

  Although Yi Xueying thought it was unnecessary, she was taken to the hospital by Ou Tingyu when she woke up the next day.

   After a series of examinations, everything else is normal, except that the content of hcg in the blood is much higher than that of ordinary people.

   This made Yi Xueying, who originally thought that there was nothing wrong with her body, nervous.

   "Doctor, is there something wrong with my body?"

   "There is a problem."

  Seeing that the couple's faces were tense, the doctor quickly smiled, "Don't be nervous, it's a good thing. Mrs. Ou, is your period delayed this month?"

  Yi Xueying thought about it seriously, "It's three days behind last month."

  After speaking, she suddenly realized something, and her heart was beating wildly.

  She turned her head to look at Ou Tingyu beside her, and found that Ou Tingyu was also looking at her, with shock, disbelief, and joy in her eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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