The thatched hut is three, and on the left and right sides are the bedrooms that used to be, and the half that collapsed is where the martial saint once lived.

The other half is the room where Zhu Dao and his senior brother used to live.

Although the house is dilapidated, many things are still there, after all, few people come here.

Zhu Dao entered another room through the dilapidated wall.

There were only two collapsed wooden beds and broken wooden cabinets in the room.

Zhu Dao found a sturdy wooden plank, cleaned the original broken wooden cabinet aside, and then cleaned up a layer of dirt.

Soon a wooden box the size of a sneaker was revealed.

The wooden box was supposed to be red lacquered, but by this time the paint had completely peeled off and become very mottled.

This thing is placed in the outside world, and it is still a small antique.

Taking out the box, Zhu Dao's eyes began to turn red again.

He thought of his senior brother Menjun, the two had been apprentices together since they were children, and they had always been his brother's endless care for him.

And he made a mistake in the end.

Obviously, the senior brother could prove that he hadn't done it, but he just didn't speak.

In the end, the two were driven away by the master together.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry for you.

Zhu Dao trembled and cried, and carefully opened the box.


Zhu Dao was stunned when he saw the contents of the box.

The box was originally used by the two of them to hide some marbles and slingshots and other small toys, because the master was very strict at that time, once the master found the plaything, the lightest was a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

The playthings were still there, but there was an extra letter on them.

The letter is slightly yellowed.

Zhu Dao had already guessed the probable one in his heart, and picked up the letter tremblingly.

There was no handwriting on the envelope.

The letter was taken out and unfolded, and a piece of letter paper was written with most of the handwriting.

It is the handwriting of Master Takeda.

As soon as he read two lines, Zhu Dao knelt down again, howled and cried again, and continued to say Master, I know I was wrong, and I am sorry for Master and Senior Brother.

An old man, who was originally clean and clean, turned into a tearful man at this time, and his face was covered with mud.

Takeda didn't know who stole the notes at the beginning?

Of course not!

Takeda knew best about the character of the two disciples.

But Takeda deliberately drove the two out of the house in order not to really expel them out.

The senior brother is the most wronged and wronged, and Takeda also expressed his guilt for the eldest disciple in the letter.

And all this is for his blessings.

And this letter was not deliberately left for Zhu Dao, but more should have been written to Senior Brother Menjun.

"Senior brother won't come to dig this box at all, because we agreed, and I made a mistake again. Zhu

Dao wiped his nose and cried like a child.

Suddenly, Zhudao's gaze fell on the last paragraph.

"Master knows that his time is running out, and his two major regrets are that he couldn't see you! In addition, the biggest regret is that I can't really worship under the five gates, here for the teacher to tell you, no matter who meets a young man named Chen Ning in the future, as long as you still think of the teacher, you must pay homage to the disciples of the younger generations, the teacher's nine-pole acupuncture is what he taught, but unfortunately the teacher's qualifications are dull, Chen Shi's teaching I can only comprehend one layer, I hope you can have a chance, the teacher did not teach you this acupuncture, one is because the master has not yet understood, and the other is because there is no permission of Master Chen to be a teacher and cannot pass on the ......

without permission." The latter paragraph is very long, but the overall meaning is very simple!

It is to tell them that they must seize the opportunity when they meet Chen Ning in the future.

If you get Chen Ning's appreciation, you will be able to learn a more advanced nine-pole acupuncture technique.

After reading Zhu Dao, he was completely stunned.

It turned out that what Chen Ning said was true!

The Nine-Pole Acupuncture Technique was really taught by him to his master.

And his own apprentice grandson turned out to be ......

"Master, the disciple has completely lost this opportunity, he ...... Master knew that I was a traitor, how could I still pass on the Nine Pole Acupuncture Technique to my disciples, woo woo woo ...... "

Zhu Dao thought of his own actions, and he was still half-forced by Chen Ning to come here to worship, it is estimated that in Chen Ning's heart, he is definitely an uncultivable traitor."

Zhu Dao stayed in the hut for more than half an hour before he staggered out, and then walked silently to the back of the mountain.

Fang Yin and Lan Tian followed with incense and candle offerings.

Takeda's grave is really simple, if it weren't for that tombstone, no one would have thought that there was a former medical saint buried here.


!" "Master!"

As soon as Zhu Dao came here, he couldn't help it again.

knelt directly on the ground and cried bitterly, and Fang Yin followed closely behind.

Even the blue sky silently knelt down and kowtowed in the rear.

This is a generation of holy doctors, and it is worthy of his blue sky worship.

"Master, you, look?" Fang

Yin kowtowed and glanced at the tombstone.

I wanted to see the name of the master.

As a result, after reading Takeda's name, it was natural to see the lower right corner of the tombstone, which was obviously three words that had just been carved recently.

It is obviously not written by the same person as other words, and it seems to have magical powers, which makes people feel relaxed at a glance.

When I saw the name, I immediately roared out like a ghost.

Zhu Dao was a little dissatisfied with the disciple's ghostly scream, glared at him fiercely, and then glanced at the position pointed by Fang Yin.

"This ...... Master, your greatest wish has come true, and Master has officially recognized your status as a disciple!!"

Zhu Dao was slightly stunned after seeing the three words left by Chen Ning, and understood everything slightly.

Obviously, when Chen Ning came to worship Takeda, he finally recognized Takeda's disciple status!

In this regard, Zhu Dao burst into tears of excitement and shouted loudly, wanting the master to know that his wish had come true.

At the same time, I also felt a deep sense of gratitude to Chen Ning in my heart.

And also...... Deep awe!

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