"Fishing, is there any fish in the river?" The old man's eyes lit up when he heard it. Although they have Zamian now, their life is a little bit better than before.

But there is no oil star, no meat, and it is very difficult to be hungry after a meal.

If there were fish, it would be more or less meaty.

"Go, take a look." Hearing this, Tian Jingzhong immediately followed them outside with a fish basket.

When I got to the river, I found that only aquatic plants had grown, and I couldn't see fish at all.

Then he thought of something, reluctantly took out a piece of pancake with mixed noodles from his bosom, broke it into pieces and put it in the fish basket, then sank the fish basket into the river.

At the same time, shopkeeper Liu got the news, first went to the tenants to watch them share eggs and noodles, and then ran to Xin'an Village.

After confirming that there was something there, he asked Hu Chun puzzledly: "I also burned incense yesterday, why didn't there be any movement.

Why did you get so much food all at once? "

After hearing this, Hu Chun told him what Gu Chengrui said yesterday: "It may be because of sincerity, if the heart is not sincere, the mother goddess may not hear the prayer.

Another thing is, you don't seem to be short of food.

I also heard that the tenants on the Zhuangzi also went to worship in groups, and just like us, they kowtowed in three times at a time, but they didn't get much. "

"Is that so?" Shopkeeper Liu felt a little guilty after hearing what he said.

After all, when he worshiped yesterday, he was really skeptical, and he didn't believe in the words of the mother goddess appearing.

"I can only think of these two reasons." Hu Chun nodded.

At this time, Gu Chengrui came over with the money and gave it to Hu Chun.

After learning the reason for shopkeeper Liu's visit, he remembered what Zhou Ying said, nodded in agreement and said, "I think what Hu Chun said makes sense, why don't you go over sincerely and try?"

"I'm just going to buy incense now, do you want to go together?" Hu Chun looked at shopkeeper Liu and asked.

"Go, go buy incense first, and then talk about the rest." Shopkeeper Liu hesitated for a moment but nodded.

Afterwards, the two rushed to the town together.

When I was buying incense in the shop, I also heard that the refugees got fish baskets and are now fishing, and someone found wild ducks in the reeds by the river.

After the two looked at each other, they turned to the pier on the way back, just in time to see Tian Jingzhong and others picking up the fish basket, and hurried over to take a look.

There are not only palm-sized fish, but also more loach and eels.

Shopkeeper Liu said with a serious face: "It seems that there are quite a few loaches and eels in this river.

This is not a good thing, this thing is very good at drilling holes, if it destroys the dam, it will be troublesome. "

"Indeed, all their natural enemies are probably dead now, and those who are not dead are probably hiding, causing these things to flood." Tian Jingzhong nodded in agreement.

Then he took a fish basket and said to the old man among the refugees: "I took a fish basket and asked someone to make it up according to this, and send it back after they learn it."

"You can use it.

We actually know how to make this up, but we don’t know why the Mother Goddess specially gave us this. Now that we know it, we go to the mountains to find things and make it up. "The old man shook his head.

"Is there another meaning?" Shopkeeper Liu asked thoughtfully.

"What?" Tian Jingzhong asked curiously.

"Giving a man a fish is not as good as giving a man a fish. It is to let people support themselves as much as possible and not rely too much on her."

"How did you come up with such an idea?"

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