Seeing that the phone had been hung up, Maori muttered and continued to go back to the house.

Ye Qiubai reached into his pocket, took out three boxes of biscuits and handed them to Xiaolan and Conan one by one, and said, “It’s not early, let’s eat something.” ”

“Thank you.” Xiaolan thanked and took the biscuit and ate it.

After eating the biscuits, the group waited again, waiting for nearly two hours, the phone thought again, but after a ring, hung up.

Soon the phone came to mind again, and after a ring, the phone hung up again.

Uncle Maori suddenly opened the door and walked out, and said with some impatience: “I can’t bear it anymore, I’ll go to the reception room to take a look.” ”

After that, Uncle Maori walked towards the reception room.

“Ugh.” Suddenly, Ye Qiubai and the three heard a woman’s scream in front.

Hearing this sound, Conan immediately ran over as if he heard the starting gun.

Seeing this, Xiaolan also immediately ran over, and Ye Qiubai saw this, stood up and followed to the front.

After walking over, I saw Uncle Maori and a middle-aged woman sitting on the ground, apparently colliding and falling.

“You, who the hell are you?” The middle-aged woman looked at Uncle Maori and asked.

“I still want to ask who you are?” Uncle Maori also asked.

“We are the servants here.” The two women introduced themselves.

Just as the maid finished speaking, a middle-aged beautiful woman in a kimono walked in and asked, “What is so noisy?” ”

“Ma’am.” The two servants saw the middle-aged beautiful woman and said hello.

“What happened?” The middle-aged beauty asked.

“This man casually walks around our house.” The maid immediately pointed to the Maori uncle and said.

When the middle-aged beauty heard this, she immediately exclaimed, “Is it a thief?” ”

Hearing that the other party thought he was a thief, Uncle Maori immediately got up and explained: “No, no, I am a detective hired by the owner here.” ”

Hearing Uncle Maori’s words, the middle-aged beauty immediately looked at Uncle Maori thoughtfully and said, “Detective? ”

Hearing the beautiful woman’s words, Uncle Maori immediately knew that he had lost his words. After all, she came to investigate the other party’s affair, which explains her identity, isn’t it to tell the other party that the client is investigating her? Therefore, Uncle Maori immediately raised his hands to cover his mouth.

Seeing Uncle Maori like this, Ye Qiubai and Conan are a little speechless, you have said that you have leaked your mouth, what is the use of covering your mouth now.

“What are you doing in our house?” The middle-aged beauty did not panic and asked.

“Please… Please ask your husband directly. Uncle Maori couldn’t tell the other party that he was investigating her affair, and after taking his hands away, Uncle Maori said with a smile.

“Where is my husband?” The middle-aged beauty asked.

“Well, he didn’t come back after he went to the reception room.” Uncle Maori said.

Hearing Uncle Maori’s words, the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at the two servants on the side and said, “Please go and call Mr. to come over.” ”

“Yes.” The two servants said yes and walked to the reception room.

After the two servants left, the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at Uncle Maori and asked, “So how far have you progressed?” ”

“Ugh.” Uncle Maori said stunned.

The middle-aged beautiful woman rushed to the Maori uncle and hurriedly said: “I can pay you double the money, but please help me hide the affair.” ”

This middle-aged beautiful woman also knows her own affairs from her family, and her husband can only investigate her affair by inviting a detective. Why did she marry an old man when she was young? Figure: Is he old and doesn’t bathe? Not for his money, she is now waiting for the old man to die so that she can inherit his inheritance, and the affair is only because it is too boring to be with the old man.

If Uncle Maori gave the old man evidence of her affair, the solution she faced would be that she wouldn’t get a penny, could she not be in a hurry?

After all, for so many years, she has paid her body and youth, isn’t it just waiting for the old man to die in the future.

“Wait, wait, ma’am,” Uncle Maori stammered.

Uncle Maori is also a little speechless at the moment, you said it earlier, now you have already given the photo to the client, you say pay double now, don’t you think it’s too late?

“Ah…” At this moment, two terrified screams came from the reception room on the side, planning the conversation between Uncle Maori and the middle-aged beautiful woman.

When Conan heard these two screams, he immediately ran to the reception room on the side like an arrow off the string, and Uncle Maori couldn’t care about the middle-aged beautiful woman, got up and ran over.

After entering the house, Uncle Maori saw that the client was dead, nailed to the wall by a katana, and held a katana in his hand, as if he had fought someone.

“Xiaolan, call the police immediately.” Uncle Maori said to Xiaolan.

Ye Qiubai handed his eldest brother to Xiaolan and also walked into the living room.

After entering the living room, Ye Qiubai was attracted by the knife marks everywhere in the room. Ye Qiubai had cultivated Xuanxuan’s sword path and was very sensitive to the traces here. Ye Qiubai took the traces around the house into his eyes. After closing my eyes and feeling it, I found that these marks were not left at all during the fight, but deliberately chopped.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiubai couldn’t help but come up with an idiom “want to cover up”.

Then Ye Qiubai looked carefully and saw a cabinet with more than a dozen drawers on the side, and then Ye Qiubai was attracted by this cabinet.

Because Ye Qiubai found that the knife marks on this cabinet were very strange, because the knife marks were not coherent at all.

Looking closely, Ye Qiubai guessed what was going on, this was definitely someone who had adjusted the drawer of the cabinet.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiubai took out the tablet, took a picture of the cabinet in front of him, and then walked out of the living room and handed it over to Uncle Maori and Conan.

“Queen Red, adjust the pattern on this cabinet for me.” Ye Qiubai said to Honghou.

“Yes, master.” Red Queen nodded.

Then I started to adjust the pattern on the cabinet, and in less than ten seconds the pattern was reassembled, so that it looked very smooth.

“Suwa.” Seeing the pattern on the cabinet, Ye Qiubai spoke.

This is the first time that Ye Qiubai has solved the case with his own ability, and this time it is mainly because he is more sensitive to knife marks to find clues so quickly.

After putting away the tablet, Ye Qiubai took out the soul receiver and began to check the memory of the deceased’s soul.

A picture appeared in front of Ye Qiubai, the deceased was talking to a person, the other party was wearing a suit and had a mustache, but the figure looked like a practitioner.

Just as the deceased turned around, suddenly the mustache pulled out the knife on the knife holder on the side and slashed at the back of the deceased. He thought the deceased was dead, and the phone rang beside him.

The deceased took advantage of the other party’s diverted gaze, immediately picked up the katana, and left the other party’s surname on the cabinet. At this time, the murderer also discovered what the deceased did, stabbed the deceased to death, and nailed the other party to the wall, and then the picture ended.

At this moment, a siren sounded, and Officer Twilight came with someone.

“Brother Māori, what is the situation now?” Officer Twilight asked Uncle Maori when he arrived.

“Officer Twilight, Mr. Marudenjiro, the owner of this house, was killed.” Uncle Maori said.

“Officer Twilight, you are here.” Ye Qiubai also walked over to greet Officer Twilight.

“Brother Qiubai, you are also here.” Officer Twilight saw Ye Qiubai and said with a smile.

“Well, come and see with Uncle.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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