Jing'an Princess Mansion

After the mother and daughter returned to the mansion, Jiao Yuyan said, "Mother, I was in the General's mansion just now. I got the news that cousin Jing Ting and Lu Chengfeng are going back to Beijing soon. Don't forget about your daughter."

Princess Jing'an looked over and said, "Is it necessary for Lu Chengfeng? Today, you also saw the major general of the General's Mansion. Isn't he a hundred times better than Lu Chengfeng's scholar?"

Jiao Yuyan was a little unhappy: "Mother, I only like Lu Chengfeng, please don't mess with the mandarin ducks, I can't despise that person, his air-conditioning is annoying."

The mother and daughter were conspiring for a long time there, how to get Lu Chengfeng to obey the marriage, and then they separated.

After dinner, Jiao Yuyan felt uncomfortable all over, so she asked the maid to bring water in, but she was itchy not long after she entered the water.

She couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ah, it's so itchy."

This time, the maids who were waiting outside the door were frightened, and rushed in: "County Lord, what's the matter with you?"

It's just that when they saw the face of the county master, they were also startled, and they covered their mouths tightly and didn't cry out.

I heard the big maid next to the county master say: "Don't stand still, go and inform the princess and the doctor."

Seeing that there was a maid running out, she said to the maid who had not yet recovered: "If you don't come here to help, pack and change the clothes for the county master."

At this time, Jiao Yuyan was still screaming, and her hands kept scratching her body. Several maids grabbed her hand: "The county master, you can't scratch it, or it will leave a scar."

Jiao Yuyan cried, "I can't take it anymore, it's so itchy."

In order to dress the princess well, the maids were all very embarrassed.

When the princess came over, this was what she saw: "What's going on?"

The maid next to the county master quickly replied: "Back to the princess, the county master said that she was a little itchy and wanted to take a bath, so the slaves prepared water, but the county master did not enter the water for a while, and it became like this."

Princess Jing'an was also frightened by the way her daughter looked now: "Please go to the government doctor soon."

As soon as she finished shouting, a voice came from outside: "Come, come, the government doctor is here."

The maids hurriedly helped the princess to the bed and lowered the window curtains. After the house checked, they frowned and shook their heads: "That's weird."

The county owner kept calling: "Mother, I'm uncomfortable, it tickles me to death, save me."

But the doctor of the government has not been able to diagnose the reason: "Princess, the servant is incompetent, and the cause cannot be diagnosed, so I can only go and get some ointment first, so that the princess will suffer less."

Princess Jing'an still cared about her only daughter, so she instructed: "Hurry up and take my waist card and go to the palace to ask for an imperial doctor, hurry up."

Mammy Zhang, who was beside her, looked at the maid behind her: "Don't hurry up, take the princess's waist card and let him go to the palace to ask for an imperial doctor."

Princess Jing'an looked at the government doctor who was still waiting for the order: "What are you doing there in a daze, and you haven't picked up the ointment, what a waste."

A group of maids couldn't hold down a county master. It didn't look like she was in bad health. Princess Jing'an felt distressed for a while, so she stepped forward to hold her daughter's hand, but was bitten by the county master.

Princess Jing'an let out an 'ahh' and shook off her daughter's hand, only to feel uncomfortable all over her body. Now she can't take care of her daughter anymore. She looked at Mammy Zhang beside her: "Mammy, help me back to the courtyard, I'm a little uncomfortable. Comfortable."

Mammy Zhang hurriedly sent someone over to help the princess back to the main courtyard, but before she arrived, she instructed: "Hurry up and prepare water."

She forgot that her daughter got the rash because of the bath, and now she wants to take a hot bath to wash away the discomfort.

But she didn't expect that, like her daughter, not long after she entered the water, just like her daughter, her body was extremely itchy, and she screamed.

This time, Mammy Zhang and the maids were quite frightened, how could even the princess be like this, and a group of people were all in a hurry.

Mammy Zhang shouted to the door: "Send someone to wait for someone at the gate of the palace, let them hurry up, and have someone go and ask for a few more imperial doctors, hurry up."

A maid ran to the front yard to spread the word.

When the imperial doctor came, he held on to the princess first, but after checking the pulse, he came to the same conclusion as the palace doctor, there was no sign of poisoning, and he could only use the rash-reducing prescription and ointment to treat it first.

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