Chapter 314 Why are you here

The next day, Yun Yi was busy making secret pills in the hospital, but she heard someone say, "Sir, are you here to find Dr. Xiao?"

Yun Yi looked up and saw Jing Rui walking in: "Why did you come here?"

Jing Rui walked to her side: "Come and ask you something."

Yun Yi quickened the movements on his hands: "Then wait for me for a while, I'll finish these pills, or they will lose their stickiness after a while, and they won't be rubbed enough, so they won't fit evenly."

Jing Rui pulled up the stool and sat beside her: "It's okay, it's not urgent for you to do your job."

Yun Yi kept moving: "Then tell me, I'm listening."

Jing Rui took out a post: "This is what Commander Gu gave me this morning, let me take it with you."

Yun Yi glanced at the thing in his hand: "This commander Gu seems to be a thousand-year-old fox, does he want you to make your own choices?"

The corner of Jing Rui's mouth curled into a smile: "So I couldn't wait to come here at noon, just to speak with facts and let them see how much I care about you."

Yun Yi put the rubbed pills aside, then brought a medicine board over, and continued the action of rubbing the pills before: "But it's normal to think about it, but it's very cautious to do things."

Jing Rui nodded, then looked at Yun Yi: "Why don't you leave these things to other people in the hospital?"

As Yun Yi made it, he replied: "This pill will be coated with sugar for a while. After the ointment is out of the pot, it should be rubbed in a quarter of an hour and put into the sugar-coated pot, otherwise the effect will be reduced by half. Don't worry about them doing it, it's not easy to get one of these herbs together."

Jing Rui watched her skillfully rubbing the pills. After she finished rubbing, she put the wet Chinese pills in the sugar-coated pot, added water and turned them for a quarter of an hour, and then took out the wet Chinese pills.

Jing Rui has been watching her operation: "This must not be broken?"

Yun Yi laughed: "How come, after drying for three to six hours, you have to put a layer of coating on the outside, then heat and air dry, and then you can put it away after drying."

Jing Rui nodded and said, "It turns out that making pills is so troublesome, and there are so many things to pay attention to."

Yun Yi was doing what he was doing: "That is, you can't save the process, you can't be lazy, or the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced, so you can't do anything with luck, you can only get what you pay for, and you can't deceive people. ."

Until Yun Yi was done, Jing Rui handed the post to Yun Yi: "Then do you want to go to a banquet the day after tomorrow?"

"Since everyone has sent messages, of course I'm going. Could it be that you don't want me to go?"

Jing Rui stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of Yunyi's nose: "You, you know how to bully me. If you don't want you to go, how can I run over after my errands."

"That's fine. Of course I'm going to swear my sovereignty."

"I'm not thinking, you were the most annoying to attend these banquets before, and want to come over and see what you mean?"

"Can it be the same now as before? What identity did you have before, and what identity do you have now? Hey, I feel sad when I think about it. I never saluted many people in my last life. Now I'm afraid that I have to salute when I see someone. Really drunk."

"Then why don't you go to participate, so as not to make you unhappy with those who are unclear."

"In the future, when you ascend to a high position, I may not go, but if I don't go now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face."

Jing Rui looked at Yun Yi, reached out and touched her hair: "If someone dares to show your face, you can go back directly, I have everything."

(End of this chapter)

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