After Crossing, My Husband and I Were Reborn Together

Chapter 344 The Righteous Action The Responsibility

Chapter 344 The Responsibilities of the Righteous Action

She first went back to her workstation and used her mind to arrange some pills in the space, and put them into five porcelain jars, and then she closed her hands.

I thought to myself: to be able to come here, maybe this is my mission, so I called the medical assistant outside and told him to help prepare some needed medicinal materials, and then I went to the meeting hall of the hospital.

Looking at the doctors who were still blaming each other, he volunteered and said, "You all have families and mouths and concerns, so let me go this time."

Everyone was a little embarrassed when they heard Yunyi's words. Doctor Qiu, who had questioned Yunyi before, stood up: "There are so many doctors in our hospital, how can you let a weak woman pass by."

Yun Yi said solemnly: "Doctor Qiu, I know that everyone takes care of me on weekdays, but you all know the seriousness of this disease. Let me boast, except for Doctor Xing in our hospital, my medical skills should be Above everyone else, that's how things are settled.

Besides, most of the patients there are women. It would be more convenient for me to help in the past. Don't feel bad about it. This is our responsibility. We must not let cholera spread to Gu's residence. "

Doctor Qiu sighed, knowing that Yunyi made a righteous move after watching them quarrel endlessly, and said with some guilt: "Then you have to be more careful."

Yun Yi didn't delay any longer, she simply packed up, and took the things prepared by the medical assistant to the car sent by Gu Fu to pick him up.

First, I instructed the driver to turn to the guardhouse, and had Jing Rui and Xiao Chenrui be called out.

What happened in the Gu Mansion, only the doctors of the medical center knew, they did not tell the outside world, and they also kept the doctors in the medical center silent, so as not to cause panic in the military household area.

Yun Yi handed the two people what was in her hand: "There are five porcelain bottles in it, you each take one bottle and put it on your body for use, and let grandma keep the rest. In case of emergency, you can take one first. "

Jing Rui asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Yun Yi looked around and said in a low voice, "Someone in Gu Mansion has contracted cholera. Doctor Xing and Doctor Xu are both there, because most of the infected people in the mansion are women, so I am going to Gu Mansion now, I guess it will be there. Stay a few days."

Jing Rui stretched out his hand and grabbed Yun Yi's arm, and said in a bad tone, "Did someone from Gu's call you over by name?"

The other arm was also grabbed by Xiao Chenrui: "Can you not go?"

Yun Yi stretched out her hand and patted her brother's hand: "I believe you can understand the duty of my sister."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jing Rui: "Doctor Xing needs help to spread the word. I am going there myself, and it has nothing to do with the Gu family."

Jing Rui said with a cold face, "Where are the other people in the hospital?"

Yun Yi knew that they were worried about themselves: "Don't worry, I'm sure, and I have to get over it. I have a prescription for cholera. I can't let this infectious disease get out of Gu's house, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Jing Rui's hand tightly grasped Yun Yi's sleeve, and wanted to speak out to stop her, but he knew she was right. If the disease spread from Gu's house, not only would Gu's house be unable to explain it to the top in the future, but the most important thing was that she was right. It is the people of northern Xinjiang who are going to be in dire straits.

Xiao Chenrui also knew that he should not stop him, but he was unwilling to let go of his sister's arm.

Yun Yi looked at them: "Take care of Brother Hao and grandmother, don't worry about me."

Seeing that their emotions were calm, they said: "This infectious disease can also be prevented in advance. First of all, you should wash your hands before and after meals, and boil the drinking water before drinking. Do a good job, of course, personal hygiene can not be left behind.

If the health center finds patients with fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, they should isolate them as soon as possible, and do not let them come into contact with others. If necessary, they can be disinfected with quicklime, remember? "

The two nodded at the same time, and said at the same time: "Remember."

Yun Yi looked at the frowning brows of the two, and suddenly laughed: "You two, don't be like this, the flies can be caught between your brows. I'll be fine, it's getting late, I'm going to pass."

Yun Yi got on the carriage: "I'm leaving, go back and tell Brother Hao and grandmother that I'm going to Tongling City on errands, and I'll be back in a few days."

The two watched Yun Yi's carriage go away, and then turned back to the guardhouse with a solemn expression, and they were about to get busy.

(End of this chapter)

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