Chapter 326

Jing Rui smiled lightly and didn't speak anymore. Seeing that the day was getting warmer, he didn't want to be in the same room with Chen Rui all the time. Now this was his limit.

The matter was discussed, and Aunt Gu's meal was also ready.


The commander is in the White House

Bai Yuming had a cold face when he came back from Gu's house, and first he lost his temper at his wife: "You guys are really not good enough, and you are more than bad, let you find a way to ruin her reputation, you are better, put your own first. Fame goes in."

Madam Bai lost face in the Gu Mansion, and she was in a bad mood at first. Her husband's return has not ended, and she will be a little angry: "You don't know how difficult that bitch is to deal with, you dislike us for not doing well, Then do it yourself."

Seeing her parents quarreling about Xiao Yunyi, Bai Qiulin persuaded, "Father, mother, stop arguing, let's think about what to do?"

Lord Bai lowered his head and pondered for a while: "I don't know if we are right or wrong in taking this step. Now that Cheng Qianhu is backed by the General's Mansion, if we take a wrong step, we will be doomed."

Mr. Bai is now extremely regretful and should not take this matter. He didn't know that Jing Rui was the son of General Cheng, thinking that he was just a small thousand households, and he could make things happen with a little stumbling.

I didn't expect that this person would have a backer in a blink of an eye, and it was the kind that I couldn't afford to offend. I had to change my strategy and start with his fiancée first, but I didn't expect that his wife and daughter would be so useless, not hurting others, but letting them hurt own reputation.

Bai Qiulin promised to shoot Yun Yi today, and it was also her father's promise that if things went well, he would find a way to fulfill her and marry Gu Shaoyang, the second son of the Gu family.

But not only did she fail to complete the task today, she was afraid that what she did today would make the Gu family even more unhappy, and she was very anxious now.

Lord Bai looked at his daughter and frowned, "Then what can you do?"

Bai Qiulin thought for a moment: "I didn't hurt her in the slightest today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find another chance, this matter is not easy to drag on for a long time, even if there is another chance to be killed, if it is still like today, I am afraid that they will also be suspicious of our Bai family. It's better not to do the second, to be ruthless, and to cross the line earlier."

Lord Bai frowned slightly: "You think too simple, that Jing Rui has kung fu, even if he is unmarried and heard that he has also learned martial arts, unless it is better than them, let them find out, then We're not looking to kill ourselves."

Mrs. Bai interjected at this time: "Husband, is it too late to push this matter? If something happened to Cheng Qianhu and the General's Mansion finds out that we did it, then the General's Mansion can spare us?"

Lord Bai shook his head and said, "You think we can stay out of the way now, but I was careless at first, thinking that he is just an exiled military household, and Zuo is just offending talents and causing disasters, it's just a matter of a few words, but in a blink of an eye His identity has changed."

Bai Yuming has a severe headache now, thinking in his heart: Whether this happens or not, the Bai family will not have a good outcome.

If it does, it may be protected by the Princess Jing'an's mansion, and there is still a chance of survival. If the promise is broken, he believes that Princess Jing'an will not let them go.

But if the shot is unsuccessful and the General's House finds out, then the Bai family will still not have a good result. It really feels like riding a tiger.

You shouldn't have been tempted by those verbal benefits in the first place, but now this is a gamble with the life of the family.

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