"Madam, Madam, please let go, Madam"

Feeling like he was about to be suffocated to death, Liu Ji immediately begged for mercy as soon as his mouth was freed.

What's more, this was in the Lotus Courtyard, not at home. Didn't he lose face by being dragged along like this? !

Gong Liangliao coughed twice and suppressed his smile. After all, he was still protecting the calf and said to Qin Yao in a gentle voice:

"Yao Niang, please spare him."

Qin Yao laughed, her arm strength increased, and she strangled Liu Ji's slender and delicate neck with a warning tone, and then she suddenly let go.

"How many times have I told you, don't make any noise if you have nothing to do!"

As soon as the arm around his neck was withdrawn, Liu Ji immediately bent over and started to cough. While coughing, he hid behind the teacher. He blushed and nodded repeatedly, "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore."

Gong Liangliao clicked his tongue twice and signaled the boy to get Liu Ji a glass of water. When Qin Yao was putting down the bacon and had no time to pay attention, he hurriedly asked:

"Are you okay? What do you mean by provoking this fierce wife of yours? Do you know what your name is? Injuring the enemy eight hundred and damaging yourself a thousand! Even if you want to attract the attention of your fierce wife, you don't have to sacrifice your life. ah."

Gong Liangxiao shook his head, saying that he couldn't understand the way young people get along with each other emotionally.

Liu Ji drank two mouthfuls of water and calmed down. This ability to recover was really enviable to Shitou and his fellow guards.

Qin Yao had put away her things and returned. She did not ask why Gong Liangliao decided to return to the capital. She said hello with a smile and went to the backyard with Shitou and other guards to help prepare for her return to the capital.

Liu Ji stayed, with his eyes glued to her back. He tilted his head towards the backyard when no one was there, but was knocked back by Gong Liangxuan.

"Teacher, why are you hitting me?" Liu Ji covered his head. His head was turned around, but his eyes were slanted, and he was still paying attention to what was going on in the backyard.

Gong Liangxiao was furious. After making the decision to return to Beijing, the person he was most worried about was Liu Ji, his light-boned apprentice.

Knowing Qin Yao's strength, the old man didn't expect him to be able to rehabilitate his husband. He only hoped that he would be less of a monster and stabilize his character, so as not to die before him at some point.

"Do you know why my master decided to return to Beijing?" Gong Liangliao took the initiative to ask the question that Liu Ji wanted to know most.

Sure enough, only in this way could this weak man withdraw his mind from the backyard and squat down in front of him to listen carefully.

In the front hall, the conversation between the master and the apprentice could be heard. Qin Yao could hear it if she pricked her ears slightly in the backyard. But because she knew that Liu Ji would definitely report to her alone when she returned, she focused all her attention on it. The Qi family's luggage is ready.

"The snow will get deeper in three days. You'd better bring shovels and other snow removal tools with you in the car. My husband can't bear the cold. I'll go home later and ask Awang to bring the wolf skin from home. You ask the maids to make blankets. It's time to cover it up sir."

After talking about Gong Liangxiao, Qin Yao went to check Qi Xianguan's luggage again. Since it was still autumn when he came to the village, he only had two pieces of fur clothing to keep out the cold.

Qin Yao asked the maid who took care of Qi Xianguan, "Are you going back to Beijing directly? Are you going back to the Qi family's ancestral home on the way?"

The maid replied: "Young Master said, I will escort you back to the capital directly and not go to the ancestral home."

Qin Yao nodded to express her understanding, and asked the maid to wait for the wolf skin to be delivered, and then make a cloak for Qi Xianguan to prevent wind.

He also looked at the dry food prepared by the cook. The guards and servants ate wheat cakes. The master's food was freshly prepared and he could buy it with the local people in various villages and towns along the way.

Qin Yao thought of the entourage and Bai He's gang. The husband's freedom would definitely be restricted to some extent. Plus, the weather was bad, and he didn't know what would happen on the way.

But the productivity here is low, there is no convenient brewed food at all, and there is no way to make it in a short time. In order to ensure balanced nutrition, Qin Yao asked the cook to go to the Liu family’s old house and ask Zhang for two jars of pickled vegetables. , she will pay the money later.

Watching the cook go to the Liu family's old house, Qin Yao stood in the courtyard and thought about all the details she could think of, and then returned to the front hall after making sure there were no omissions.

Gong Liangliao, Liu Ji, Qi Xianguan, master and disciple have finished chatting.

When Qin Yao arrived, Liu Jizheng and his little senior brother hugged each other and said goodbye. That scene was really sad for those who heard it and shed tears for those who saw it.

Qin Yao swept her nose with her fingertips without catching a cold, and waited patiently for the two brothers to complete their respective rituals.

Liu Ji: "Senior brother, please don't forget me when you go to the capital!"

Qi Xianguan: "Don't worry, junior brother, I write to you from time to time for the brotherhood."

Liu Ji: "No, that's not what I mean, junior brother. What I want to say is, as long as we live in wealth and honor, don't forget each other."

Qi Xianguan was startled, pushed away Liu Ji who was hugging him tightly, and sighed helplessly, "Okay."

After getting the answer he wanted, Liu Ji wiped away the frozen tears from the corners of his eyes, stood up with satisfaction, bowed to the teacher, and followed his wife home obediently.

On the way, before Qin Yao could ask, Liu Ji had already told her the contents of his conversation with Gong Liangliao word for word.

The reason why he suddenly decided to return to Beijing in three days was because Gong Liangxiao suddenly had an idea.

"The teacher said that he decided to return to Beijing while he still has some effect to pave a bright road for my and my junior brother's career!" Liu Ji recounted excitedly.

Ever since he learned the truth, he no longer felt worried or scared at all.

Facts have proved that the teacher still loves his dear disciple.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji was a little moved. He raised his handsome face to face the howling north wind. The chill hit him and successfully suppressed his vain emotions.

Qin Yao sighed lightly, Gong Liangliao was really considerate of his rogue disciple.

How can the power struggle in the court be easy? Gong Liangxiao is now disabled. For those who are in power, there are very few things he can use.

Under the old man's calm smile, there was a raging will to die.

There was sudden silence around him. Liu Ji turned around suspiciously and found that Qin Yao had not followed and was still standing there staring at the Lotus Courtyard in a daze.

"Madam, what are you looking at?" Liu Ji stepped back, stood in front of her and asked, "Are you also reluctant to let go of your junior brother and teacher?"

He knew that Lady Mighty was actually the most soft-hearted. Otherwise, she could have just stood by and watched yesterday, but she would not have taken action to seriously injure Hei Qi and save him and his teacher.

Qin Yao retracted her gaze and looked at him. Liu Jideng felt a little guilty and tried weakly:

"Madam, there's nothing you want to do to me? For example, beat me with your sandbag-sized fists or something?"

Yin Le reminded him that Qin Yao was very angry and the consequences would be serious.

But the expected fist did not hit his face.

Qin Yao glanced at him lightly. Her handsome face was blown by the cold north wind. Her skin color became whiter and her lips looked redder. Her peach blossom eyes were as clear as the ice crystals in the river. There was only her reflection inside, which was invisible. A little bit of petty calculation and selfishness.

This man's appearance is so frighteningly stable!

Qin Yao raised her chin slightly and said, "Go home." She was already too angry.

"Oh, oh!" Liu Ji was flattered and hurried to follow. (End of chapter)

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