The opportunity to be courteous to the beauty was given up. Godwin secretly gave him a "you are very good" expression, and then said to Annashe whose smile became stiff: "I will help you get it."

Luo Xied just passed by them at this time, without even leaving a glance, and his target was looking directly at the stairs in the castle.

It was almost dinner time, and Khalida came down but there was still no sign of Sera. He wanted to see her.

"Mr. Rose Hill, we will eat on the lawn outside tonight. Can I lead you to your seat first?" Anna Xi clenched her hands, dug her nails into her palms, and smiled on her face.

"No need." Rosehill tilted her head and stared at Roxed's back, "Sela is in the bedroom?"

Anaxi's face froze, "You want to go to her room?"


The well-dressed and dignified Duke sidestepped her with her beautiful face open and followed Luo Xide's pace.

When Eric saw this, he immediately said: "I'm going to see Sierra too. Isn't there a servant to remind her that she wants to have dinner?"

"You're all going to Sera's room?"

Anaxi couldn't believe it. She thought she had heard wrongly. The charm she was blooming at the moment was not even comparable to Sera's face in the bedroom without even showing her face.

"Such an unreasonable thing." She stood up straight and raised her voice, "That is a girl's private bedroom! Gentlemen! Isn't this too inappropriate!"

With Rose Hill's absolute status here, no one dared to offend anyone by obeying her words. He pointed to a maid with his slender leather-gloved fingers, "Come lead the way."

The three of them had obviously been to Sera's bedroom, and they all pretended to be strangers. They walked in unison and let no one pass. They entered the castle under the guidance of the maid and walked upstairs.

Khalida stood in the grass holding a wine glass and holding Xander's arm, with a look of sympathy on her face, "So, what's the use of Sera hiding in the room?"

"Rose Hill is also interested in my girl?" Sander said, "I'll go take a look too."

"Stop joining in the fun. She was still asleep when I came out of Sera's bedroom. They might not wake her up." Khalida grabbed her, "Aren't the beauties in the capital not enough for your entertainment?"

"I have never seen her like this. She has a charming face and the clearest eyes. Not only men like her, but I also like her very much." Sander raised a smile, "If she is willing to follow me."

Khalida interrupted her directly, "It's not certain that Duke Rosehill will marry her, so don't worry about it."

Sera had no idea what was going on outside. Ever since she returned to her room in the evening and chatted with Khalida on the bed for a while, she had dozed off, and in the end she really fell asleep.

The servant wanted to knock on the door to alert the lady inside, but Luo Xied said: "Get out of the way."

Her eyes suddenly went blank, and she obediently took a step away from the three of them and walked down the stairs.

Luo Xied held the handle and asked the two people behind him with a gloomy face: "I just came to see if Sera got up. What are you going to do?"

Eric scoffed: "Of course it's to prevent you from plotting against her."

Sera would mess with her family members when she drank too much. Who knew if she had sobered up? How could he let this fish stay in the same room with her.

Luo Xied sneered, "She was originally mine."

Eric's face darkened, and he suppressed his anger, "Really? Have you succeeded in catching him?"

Rose Hill, who had stolen everyone's heart, had a cold look on her face, and her words struck the souls of both of them, "She is my suitor."



Two sneers at the same time.

Luo Xied opened the door and walked straight in.

Sera, who was still immersed in her dream, was sleeping on the sheets, holding a large pillow in her arms. Her two thin arms like lotus roots were obviously white in the darkness.

The temperature of the fireplace was so high that the tip of her nose was sweating as she slept.

Lifting the curtains on three sides of the bed, I saw the beautiful sleeping face of the girl, which was enough to temporarily calm the flames of all beasts.

Luo Xied knelt down beside her bed and stroked her cheek with his fingertips, suppressing his fierce look and adding a bit of warmth.

"Don't wake her up." Eric lowered his voice and immediately reminded: "Wait until she gets up and ask her what she wants to eat."

"Is it your turn to speak?" Luo Xied snorted coldly and reluctantly pulled his fingers away from her face.

The expressionless Rose Hill came to the other side of the bed. He lowered his eyes, his dark eyes cold, "Are you all pursuing her?"

Feeling the bone-chilling coldness, Sera's eyelashes trembled, and she quietly opened her eyes a crack. After seeing the life-threatening scene in front of her, she suddenly closed them again, and her body became petrified.

"No, she is my girlfriend." Luo Xied's voice was a little proud, "She said she would give me a reward tonight. No surprise, we will be together."

Although he was instantly jealous, Eric still didn't bother to taunt, "You are so confident, she doesn't belong to you."

"Sierra." Rose Hill knew that she was awake, and her cold voice had no fluctuation, "Is there anything you want to explain to me?"

Yesterday, she was still exploring love issues with him, but today she had two fanatical and ambiguous suitors on her butt. What that stinky fish said sounded like she was taking the initiative.

Sierra, who couldn't pretend anymore, had to tremble her eyelids and slowly opened her eyes.

What other moment could be more horrifying than the scene I saw when I woke up now?

There were no lights in the bedroom, but the lights on the lawn outside the window were enough for her to see everyone's faces clearly.

Eric stood at the end of the bed, while Rose Hill and Locide each occupied one side of the bed.

She was caught between her poor four-poster bed and she didn't know what to do.


Sierra rubbed her eyes, pretending not to hear what Rose Hill just said, and slowly sat up with her fingers on the mattress, "Mr. Rose Hill, Eric."

She turned her eyes with a sleepy expression, "And Luxide, why are you in my room."

Before they could answer, she groaned and looked out the window with a bad look on her face, "Are you here to wake me up? It's all my fault for oversleeping."

The cold air on Rose Hill's side was too strong, so she got out of bed directly from Roxide's side, and he thoughtfully brought her shoes.

"It's too dark, let me put it on for you."

"I'll just do it myself. Let's go downstairs for dinner." Sierra stepped into her leather shoes, stood up, and hurried out, "As the host, I can't be late for the dinner."

If she didn't run faster, three pairs of eyes would burn through her back.

"Your zipper is open." Eric reminded from behind.

Sierra paused for a moment, subconsciously touched Xiu's back, and said in embarrassment: "Is there any?"

He came behind her, brushed her skin with his rough fingers intentionally or unintentionally, helped her to zip up the skirt that had slid down a lot, and said in a low voice: "Okay."

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