"Want to learn swordsmanship and sealing techniques? That's no problem."

Orochimaru said that Uchiha Arakagi was quite knowledgeable, and he actually knew that he was also a master of swordsmanship.

Then he spit out two scrolls.

Uchiha Arakagi didn't mind the dirtiness, and just took the two scrolls.

He opened the scroll of swordsmanship to study first.

In this way, Team 8 carried out three days of D-level missions. Red Bean learned snake-type ninjutsu and summoning techniques, and Hyuga Touko learned the shadow clone technique. With the help of Orochimaru, her soft fist became even more powerful.

Red Bean noticed the convenience of the shadow clone technique and asked to learn it, and Orochimaru readily taught her.

Uchiha Arakagi learned Orochimaru's swordsmanship, and under Orochimaru's careful teaching, he felt that the swordsmanship he used before was smoother. With the increase of practical experience, his strength became stronger.

The three days of D-level missions made Red Bean very annoyed, and he complained many times that he wanted to take on more advanced tasks.

"Team 8 is almost done with their work, but it's time to make these people bleed."

Orochimaru thought so, and today he took Team 8 to accept a C-level mission to eliminate the bandits.

"How come as a ninja, I can't avoid the task of eliminating bandits? Are there only so many bandits in the ninja world?"

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo thought helplessly in his heart.

This was the first time that Uchiha Huanghuo walked out of Konoha. This time, he finally witnessed the difficult survival of the people at the bottom of the ninja world. They were constantly suppressed by the daimyo noble ninjas.

It was normal to be naked and hungry.

In addition, the new wind of war in the ninja world was coming, making it even more difficult for these people at the bottom. Many people could not survive and became bandits to rob houses.

According to Orochimaru, the Fire Country was still good.

The land in the Fire Country was fertile and the resources were extremely abundant. These people at the bottom could still survive if they found a way.

People in small countries in the ninja world had an even harder time.

"Sure enough, the development of this ninja world is very abnormal."

At this time, Uchiha Huanghuo actually thought about whether he could bring the red flame of his previous life to this ninja world.

He came to the place where the target bandits gathered.

These bandits affected the tax revenue of a noble nearby, and the noble went to Konoha to issue a mission to eliminate the bandits.

"Although we have no grudges against each other, in order to complete the mission, we still have to destroy you."

"This damn ninja world is really cruel."

Thinking so in his heart, Uchiha Huanghuo drew his samurai sword.

""Fire Breathing, all concentrated, form one, round dance! Form two, blue sky! Form three, blazing sun red mirror!"

All the moves of Fire Breathing were released, and the high-temperature fire knife took the lives of the bandits one by one.

All Uchiha Huanghuo could do was to give these bandits a quick death.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand! Eight Diagrams Soft Fist!"

Hongdou and Hyuga Touko both used all their strength to kill the thief.

"Run, the Konoha Ninja is coming!"

"I don't want to die! Spare me!···"

"This world is hell!"

"I just want to live, is it that difficult?"

"Eat and drink enough before you die, that's enough!"

No matter how the bandits begged for mercy and cursed, they were inevitably killed.

Soon, under the power of the ninja, all the bandits were wiped out.

Hongdou and Hyuga Fuyuko looked grim, but they barely stood up.

Uchiha Huanghuo, who was also killing for the first time, did not change much.

"I killed someone, but why do I only feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but not any nausea or vomiting?"

"Or was it because I was mentally prepared that I didn't lose my composure?"

"Or am I born cold-hearted and hard-hearted?"

Uchiha Huanghuo wiped the blade calmly. Although the high temperature flame burned away the blood, he still felt that the samurai sword was dirty.

"This is good, I can live better in the ninja world with my cold heart."

Orochimaru observed the changes in the members of Team 8 and found that after the three of them wiped out the bandits, they all had an inexplicable aura, which was called murderous aura.

Ninjas who see blood are more terrifying than ninjas who don't see blood.

This is also the only way to become a qualified ninja.

"A few more bloody missions are needed to hone your skills."

So, Orochimaru led the eighth team of ninjas to continue to accept C-level missions to eliminate bandits or rebellious ninjas.

During one of the missions to eliminate rebellious ninjas, they encountered a senior ninja. This senior ninja knew that he would die, so he became even crazier. This made Huang Huo finally understand what a life-and-death battle was.

In this life-and-death battle, Uchiha Huang Huo also demonstrated the fire escape chakra mode, which made Orochimaru very interested and couldn't help licking his face.

It also made Hongdou and Hyuga Touko realize the gap between them and Uchiha Huang Huo.

After the eighth team of ninjas got used to killing the enemy, they took a vacation to relax.

It is not good to be so tense all the time, so the right way is to combine work and rest.

Uchiha Huang Huo, who returned home, only slept for one night, and he was refreshed the next day and started researching new techniques.

Now Uchiha Huang Huo has two ways to increase his strength. One is the fully concentrated breathing state of fire breathing. This kind of all-weather breathing can be said to make you stronger with breathing. Huang

Huo believes that this fire breathing will absorb the natural energy of the air around the body.

And using natural energy is the sage mode in the ninja world.

"Perhaps the breathing method has reached a certain level, and the pattern is activated, which is the immortal face of the immortal mode."

"And after absorbing enough natural energy to strengthen oneself, what will happen in the end? Will it be a sage body?"

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo is not 100% sure. Now the markings have not been activated, let alone the unknown sage body.

In Huanghuo's previous life memory, if the breathing method of the Demon Slayer world activates the markings, the lungs will rise to 39 degrees Celsius, which will reduce the life span of the person using the breathing method.

However, in the ninja world, Uchiha Huanghuo used the power of the Heat-Heat Fruit to heat his lungs to 39 degrees Celsius, or even higher temperatures, but the markings did not appear.

In this regard, Uchiha Huanghuo guessed that it might be because his talent in sage arts was too poor, and he could not enter the sage mode, so he could not activate the markings.

This is indeed bad. , but Huanghuo never gave up.

After careful consideration, Huanghuo believed that even if his talent in fairy arts was very poor at first, it was true that the fire breathing would absorb natural energy to strengthen the body.

Even if the natural energy absorbed by each breath was extremely thin.

But in the full concentration breathing mode of the fire breathing, the premise of breathing becomes stronger, so day by day, there will always be a day when the body can completely accept the natural energy and can feel the natural energy of the world.

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