Ever since the Konoha ninjas repelled the Sand Ninjas' soldiers and killed about 800 of them, the Sand Ninjas have retreated to the Land of Rivers these days.

On the sixth day, the Sand Ninjas sent many teams to the border of the Land of Fire to investigate.

But the investigation of the Sand Ninja teams was meaningless, which made Huang Huo feel as if they were just sending themselves to death.

Hyuga Fuyuko guessed:"Maybe the Sand Ninjas just want to paralyze us with this, and then gather superior forces to capture Kikyo Castle."

This possibility is not small. Huang Huo knew that the Sand Ninjas and Konoha ninjas would inevitably have another decisive battle. That decisive battle would be called the Battle of Kikyo Castle, which would force the Sand Ninjas to surrender completely.

However, the Battle of Kikyo Castle a few days ago was obviously not the one that Huang Huo knew about.

Hongdou disagreed and said:"How is this possible? Kikyo Castle is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are three thousand Konoha ninjas defending it. I can't think of how the Sand Ninjas can take down Kikyo Castle."

"Rather than saying it was a plan by the Sand Ninja, it would be better to say that the Sand Ninja had run out of tricks."

Relatively speaking, Red Bean was indeed too naive.

You have to know that the Sand Ninja's trump card, the One-tailed Shukaku Jinchuriki, has not yet made a move. It is too early to say that the Sand Ninja has given up this battle.

The ninjas of Team 8 returned to Kikyo Castle to report on their mission.

Orochimaru summoned Konoha's senior ninjas such as Ino-Shika-Chou.

Nara Shikaku summarized the information he had collected and said:

"The Sand Ninjas are constantly taking action, and it seems they want to invade the Land of Fire, so we must be on guard."

Inuzuka Tsumugi snorted coldly:"In my opinion, we might as well rush into the Land of Rivers and kill these Sand Ninjas!" Yamanaka Inoichi was puzzled

:"This is not a good idea, the Third Hokage asked us to defend, and also said not to be greedy and reckless. In addition, reinforcements from the Sand Ninjas should be coming these days."

"The 3,000 ninjas in our Kikyo Castle are only good at defense, but it is difficult to attack."

Inuzuka Tsume glanced at Yamanaka Inoichi with disdain:"Coward, why are you afraid of the Sand Ninja reinforcements? Even if the Sand Ninjas have more reinforcements, it will be difficult for the Konoha Ninjas to work together to destroy them?"

Many Konoha Ninjas at the scene were helpless and said that they really didn't know where Inuzuka Tsume got the courage from.

Although the courage is commendable, it is better to be cautious at this moment.

After listening to the words of these senior ninjas, Orochimaru thought of the old man's advice, and said calmly on the surface:"Then we will do our best to kill the Sand Ninjas who dare to enter the border of the Land of Fire. Other than that, defense is enough."

Another six days later, the Sand Ninja finally found a way to break through the border of the Fire Country.

These are two opposing cliffs, and even with the ninja's jumping ability, it is impossible to jump a distance of nearly 100 meters.

However, it is not completely impossible. Luo Sha used the power of magnetic escape to make a 100-meter-long bridge divided into many sections, and then reassemble it when arriving at the destination.

This place is not close to Kikyo Castle. If the Sand Ninja's speed of crossing the bridge increases, then they can wait until the Konoha ninja arrives here to successfully cross the bridge, and then the Sand Ninja soldiers will enter the heart of the Fire Country.

The goal of plundering resources will be achieved along the way as if there is no one.

On this day, Chiyo and Luo Sha led three thousand Sand Ninjas to quickly break through the border of the Fire Country and came to this hill.

Chiyo took out the space scroll and released the iron plates that had been made in advance.

"Luo Sha, do it!"

Luo Sha didn't say anything more, and immediately burst out magnetic chakra to grab these iron plates.

The iron plates were immediately magnetized and floated, floating between the two hills, connecting each other to form a hundred-meter-long bridge.

"All Sand Ninjas, quickly cross the bridge!"

Luo Sha said, and a sand mat floated in the sky, fully controlling the long iron bridge.

The Sand Ninjas immediately jumped and ran to the opposite hill at full speed.

Chiyo was also the first to cross the bridge, carefully observing the surrounding environment. Many sensory ninjas were also on martial law.

These Sand Ninjas did not want to be besieged by Konoha Ninjas again.

The losses of that siege were engraved in their hearts.

"Fortunately, it seems that the Konoha ninja didn't notice it, or didn't have time to react. Anyway, I have the advantage this time."

When the three thousand sand ninjas crossed the bridge safely, Chiyo finally felt relieved.

"The future of the village depends on today! Plunder the resources of the Land of Fire with all your strength!"

At Chiyo's command, Luosha took the lead.

Three thousand Sand Ninjas shouted and charged, rushing into the heart of the Land of Fire like wolves and tigers.

If the Sand Ninjas' plan succeeds this time, regardless of the losses of the Land of Fire, the Sand Ninja Village will surely make a lot of money. Even without the financial support of the Wind Country Daimyo, the Sand Ninja Village can be passed down.

"After this raid on the Land of Fire, I will be the Fourth Kazekage of the village!"

Luo Sha was thinking so in his heart at this moment. If he could bring enough supplies to the village in trouble, no one would object to his becoming the Kazekage.

It was as if he saw the Kazekage Luo Sha leading the Sand Village to grow and develop.

However, joy turns to sorrow. Luo Sha was not happy for long before he found that the forest he entered was densely covered with detonating talismans.

"Oops, this is a trap set by Konoha!"

This thought immediately popped up in Luosha's mind, and he screamed:

""Detonating Talisman! Sand Ninjas, hurry up, this is a trap!"

However, it was too late. All they heard was the sizzling sound of burning. It was the detonating tags that were ignited.

Boom boom boom boom!

At this moment, the sound of endless explosions resounded through the sky, flames flew everywhere, the earth shook, and the screams of the Sand Ninjas were heard.

"Those damn Konoha bastards can only hide their heads and show their tails!"

"It hurts so much, I’m really going to die this time!"

"Damn it, I haven't accomplished anything yet!"

At this time, the wails of the Sand Ninjas spread across the border of the Land of Fire.

At the moment when the detonating tag exploded, on a hill not far away, Orochimaru smiled calmly:

"Shikaku is indeed a master of foresight, he even figured out the direction of the Sand Ninja's attack"

"Thirty thousand detonating tags are enough to give the Sand Ninja a hard time this time."

So, the actions of the Sand Ninja this time were anticipated by Konoha, or more accurately, by Nara Shikaku. They also calculated three possible directions of attack by the Sand Ninja, and selected three corresponding locations to set up a large number of detonating tags.

It just so happened that the Sand Ninja's plan to cross the bridge this time was also a direction guessed by Nara Shikaku.

In addition, Orochimaru had already led two thousand Konoha ninjas out of Kikyo Castle in advance, and waited patiently on the hilltop relatively close to the three predicted directions.

Nara Shikaku said modestly:"This is my job. It seems that Ebizo, who is good at planning on the Sand Ninja side, didn't come, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to calculate the Sand Ninja's actions so easily."

Sand Ninja Chiyo is indeed a veteran of the battlefield, but after all, he is not as smart as Ebizo. It is understandable that he is suppressed in the field of IQ by Nara Shikaku, who is known as Konoha's super smart man.

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