Then Inuzuka Tale came back to his senses and shouted:"Konoha ninjas, it's time to destroy the Sand Ninja Camp!"

""Kuromaru, beastman clone! Yatongya!"

Kuromaru immediately changed into Inuzuka Claw's appearance. Inuzuka Claw and the beastman clone released the Yatongya technique, spinning quickly and immediately killing their way into the camp through the gap left by the explosion.

Six hundred Konoha ninjas immediately followed Inuzuka Claw and killed the enemy along the way.

"Huang Huo, I found the warehouse where the camp's supplies are stored. It's over there. Follow me!"

Hyuga Touko's Byakugan's clairvoyance once again worked.

Uchiha Huang Huo and Hong Dou followed their teammates.

The important task of raiding the Sand Ninja camp, in addition to killing the Sand Ninjas guarding the city, was to destroy the supplies looted by the Sand Ninjas, which was enough to make the Sand Ninjas heartbroken for a long time.

They might even be devastated. At the moment when the camp gate was blown up by the thermobaric bomb, all the Sand Ninjas in the city were affected by the explosion.

Many Sand Ninjas had buzzing heads, and they didn't come back to their senses when they were killed by the Konoha ninjas.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack! The Konoha ninjas are coming!"

""Oh no! The city gate has been blown up!"

The Sand Ninjas guarding the city finally came to their senses and immediately gathered to kill the Konoha Ninjas. The

Sand Ninja Ye Cang, who was also guarding the city, was furious and killed seven or eight Konoha Ninjas with a Scorch Release fireball. Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Oh no, the supplies in the camp are in danger!"

Ye Cang thought that the Konoha ninja would come to raid the camp, so they would definitely not forget to destroy the supplies in the camp.

"Those materials were collected by the Sand Ninja with great effort. They contain the future of the village and must not be destroyed by the Konoha Ninja!"

In Ye Cang's heart, these materials are not only the rations of the Sand Ninja on the front line, but also the necessities for the development of the village.

Thinking of this, Ye Cang immediately ordered the Sand Ninja on the scene to intercept the enemy, but she personally dealt with the enemies that might appear in the camp warehouse.

At this moment, the ninjas of Team 8 had already arrived at the camp warehouse with the power of the Byakugan.

Looking at such a large warehouse, Uchiha Huanghuo sighed that the Sand Ninja was indeed conscientious and responsible, and actually plundered so many materials from the not-so-rich River Country.

"It's a pity that there are not enough seal scrolls. Otherwise, these materials can be taken away, and wouldn't it be a small fortune?"

However, now I have to destroy these materials with my own hands.

"The power of the Heat-Heat Fruit, 1500 degrees Celsius, Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

A 1500 degree Celsius, 10-meter diameter great fireball was formed, and the next second it burned the supplies.

A large amount of supplies were burned in a few breaths.

In order to speed up the burning speed, Uchiha Huanghuo released eight high-temperature fireballs again.

Hongdou on the side also used the Fire Style Ninjutsu to speed up the progress.

At this moment, if the thermobaric bomb is used, it can indeed destroy the supplies on the scene in an instant, but the explosive power of the thermobaric bomb will also affect the Konoha ninjas who have entered the camp.

"An enemy has been found, and his chakra temperature is very high!"

The alert Hyuga Touko saw a Sand Ninja running towards this side with the power of the Byakugan.

Hearing the prompt, Uchiha Huanghuo's mind moved slightly, and the power of the Heat-Heat Fruit was activated, and his eyes turned slightly red.

"The power of the Heat-Heat Fruit, thermal imaging!"

Originally, thermal perception can sense the temperature changes around the body, so it can sense the temperature of living people.

Thermal imaging is the evolved power of thermal perception, which must be used in the Fire Chakra mode. It can not only sense the temperature of the surrounding area, but also see the temperature imaging of living people with your own eyes.

Living people within a radius of one kilometer, even if they are hiding behind an object, can also"see" the person in the temperature imaging.

To a certain extent, it can be compared to the perspective power of the Byakugan.

"There really is an enemy here. His chakra temperature is much higher than that of a normal ninja. He should be the famous Sand Ninja, the Burning Release Ye Cang."

Uchiha Huanghuo guessed the identity of the person who came, wondering why the Burning Release Ninja Ye Cang would guard the house. Shouldn't such an important fighting force follow the Sand Ninja soldiers into the Land of Fire?

"It's a little troublesome, but the problem shouldn't be too big."

At this moment, Sand Ninja Ye Cang saw the warehouse burning with flames. This scene clearly showed that the materials in the warehouse were destroyed.

"The damn Konoha ninja actually destroyed the future of the village!"

"Go to hell, Scorch Release Fireball Technique!"

The extremely angry Sand Ninja Ye Cang fired six Scorch Release Fireballs, and it was fair that each ninja in Team 8 received two.

"Soft Fist Bagua Huitian! Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Hinata Touko successfully deflected two Scorch Release fireballs, but the many snakes summoned by Hongdou were burned by the Scorch Release fireballs.

""Fire Breathing, full concentration, Flame Dance!"

Uchiha Huang Huo used the 12-type Flame Dance to extinguish the two Scorch Release fireballs.

Then, Huo Shunshen and Flame Dance saved his teammate Hongdou who was in danger.

"Red Bean, this is the second time I've saved you. How could you be so stupid as to take on the Scorch Fireball?"

"A true ninja should have the courage to fight against all enemies!"

Although Hongdou was scared at the moment, she was still very stubborn.

Uchiha Huanghuo was helpless, waved his hand and said:"Okay, Dongzi, Hongdou, you go first, this Scorch Release Ninja is not something you can fight against."

"You go first. With my strength, even if I can't win, it's not difficult to escape."

Hinata Fuyuko knew that participating in this battle with her strength would be tantamount to committing suicide.

"So be careful of Huanghuo, don't die."

After saying that, he dragged Hongdou, who still wanted to stay, away.

"Damn it! You've ruined the future of the village, and you're still trying to escape from me? Stay here and be buried with these supplies!···"

However, before the angry Sand Ninja Yekura could release the Scorch Release Fireball, he was interrupted by Uchiha Arakawa's Fire Flash and One-Shaped Round Dance.

In the Fire Release Chakra Mode, the power of the swordsmanship moves used is increased by 10 times.

Before Arakawa arrived, a three-meter-long high-temperature flaming sword chopped over.

"This terrifying Fiery Sword Technique will kill me even if I get hit."

Ye Cang had no choice but to dodge this sword move, but was met with the continuous sword attack from Huang Huo.

"Dragon's Nest Flash! Arrogance! Shiranui! Round Dance! Flame Tiger! Purgatory!"

Countless high-temperature flames swept through Sand Ninja Ye Cang, leaving her no time to care about the two people who escaped.

"This pair of Sharingan, such exquisite fire swordsmanship"

"Are you the Uchiha ninja from last time? Konoha's genius must be killed!"

"His whole body was bathed in flames. This should be imitating the Lightning Chakra mode of the Third Raikage. If this person is allowed to grow steadily, he will definitely become a Kage, which adds to the reason why he must be killed."The

Sand Ninja Ye Cang, who had gathered his mind, also recognized Uchiha Huang Huo, thinking that since the supplies in the camp warehouse could not be avoided from being destroyed, it would be good to kill a Konoha genius at this moment.

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