The Lightless Sea 10

After Yin Bian bandaged the wound, he staggered to the sofa and sat down.

There was a slight vibrato when he breathed, and he was enduring the pain.

“Tell me about what happened at that time.” Kai Xin walked to the sofa and looked down at him.

Yin Mian smiled, “It seems that the rumors are true, you are just cruel.”

He adjusted his sitting posture and began to talk: “I arrived at the port last night and followed your instructions to investigate the blast site. There are security guards patrolling there. It took me a lot of effort to scan the site data.”

Yinmian took out a metal ball from his pocket and threw it to Kai Xin, she caught it accurately, the metal ball opened in her hand, a beam of light and shadow was projected, and the three-dimensional pattern and data analysis of the explosion site were fully presented before her eyes.

“The range of the explosion is 30 meters. The explosive is estimated to be a homemade petrol bomb…”

Self-made petrol bombs, this equipment is quite simple, using the mechanical dawn to mobilize the ability of the warehouse at the port, when organizing members to act, they will not only use shabby home-made petrol bombs, at least they must be regular ammunition.

From this, it can be deduced that the culprit of this bombing case may not be Mechanical Dawn.

Kai Xin clicked on the projected screen, and another explosion scene appeared. This time the explosion range was smaller, less than ten meters. The explosive was estimated to be a glass Molotov cocktail, and the fuel was ethanol.

Continuously switching the data of the blasting site, Kai Xin can confirm the previous guess.

The culprit of the previous wave of blasting cases was not Mechanical Dawn. There was an invisible third party in the port blasting case.

As for the purpose of this unknown third party, and whether the purpose is related to the Kraken, these need to be investigated further.

The silver-faced operation was really efficient. So much data was obtained in one night, and it must be exhausting to run around all night.

Kai Xin threw the metal ball back into Yinmian’s arms, “Go on and tell me what happened to you.”

“Originally, I wanted to come back and hand it over to you as soon as I got the on-site data, but at this moment I suddenly heard someone screaming. When I rushed to the place where the sound came from, a security guard patrolling the scene had been killed by monsters.” It’s trying to get into that corpse to lay eggs.” Silverface showed a disgusted expression, “I wiped out the monster, but the teammate of the security guard rushed over…he saw me, so I had to put He was killed with the monster, and I disposed of the body.”

“This is the first monster.” Kui Xin said, “You met three last night.”

“Well. The second monster came to the door on its own initiative. It parasitized a dock worker. After being parasitized by it, the worker was skinny and skinny, and he had no nutrients for it to absorb. I guess it is eager to accumulate energy for the next transformation. Change to another host, it met me, and it was ready to parasitize me.” Silver-faced said unhappily, “Tsk, disgusting. It was the second one that got me hurt.”

“The third one.” Kai Xin said.

“There’s nothing to say about the third one. I discovered it as soon as it climbed up the pier from the sea.” Silver-face shrugged, “It didn’t have time to find humans to parasitize, it’s a fragile larva.”

A monster, a monster that lives in the sea, will climb ashore to find a host, and lay eggs in human corpses.

This kind of monster’s combat power is not weak. It can kill security guards who are much stronger than ordinary people, and even wound Yinmian who has extraordinary abilities.

Kai Xin smiled wryly in his heart. She should have known that in a world where cyberpunk and supernatural elements combined, nothing out of the ordinary should come as a surprise.

The degree of danger in the second world was even higher in her mind.

“In the past, we didn’t necessarily encounter one of these monsters in a month. Why are there so many of them suddenly tonight?” Silver said, “We should report to the organization.”

“Well, it’s time to report…” Kui Xin paused, and the communicator in his pocket was vibrating. It was the communicator of the Investigation Department.

The caller—Shu Xuyao ​​was displayed on the screen of the communicator.

She pressed the answer button: “Captain.”

“Kai Xin, how is your recovery?” Shu Xuyao’s voice was a little serious.

“What’s the matter?” Kai Xin could hear something was wrong with his tone.

“Mo Jingtong and Wang Jianmu of the Sixth Team encountered an accident while patrolling the pier last night.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The port patrol position is vacant now, and there is an urgent need to send someone there. Kui Xin, we these daysThere are too many casualties, and there is no manpower to be transferred. If you recover, you’d better come back to perform the mission as soon as possible. ”

“…Okay. I’ll go back to the investigation department tomorrow morning.” Kai Xin said.

Shu Xuyao ​​seemed very busy. He didn’t say a word of nonsense, and hung up the communication after explaining what needed to be explained.

Kai Xin put down the communicator and looked directly at Yinmian who was sitting on the sofa listening to the communication and watching the fun.

Mo Jingtong and Wang Jianmu belong to the field service team and belong to the sixth team next door. Kai Xin has read their information. Silverface witnessed one of them being killed by a monster last night, and then killed the other who came to check.

“If you go to the port to patrol, wouldn’t it be much more convenient for me to act there?” Yinmian said excitedly, “It will be very convenient for us to arrange explosive devices at the port. Ha, good luck, the person killed last night was not in vain Kill, it happened to belong to your field team.”

“Yeah, you killed people in our team, so no one was available in the field team, and my three-day vacation was shortened to one day.” Kui Xin said, “Going to work means that I have to stay with my teammates for a long time, and I can’t make it in time. Communicate with you and draw up a plan.”

Yin Mian was taken aback, “I didn’t expect this…it was all an accident.”

“I don’t expect you to be able to think of it.” Kui Xin raised his forehead, “Forget it, accidents are always inevitable. It’s not your fault. The plan has to be changed at any time according to the situation. If there is an emergency, you can’t get in touch.” Me, you can handle it yourself, you don’t have to wait for my order, remember to report to me later.”

“Okay.” Yin Mian nodded.

She has less time to adjust. She stayed up all night reading materials last night, and now she has to go to sleep to recharge her batteries.

“I’m going to get busy. Don’t move around until you recover from your injury.” Kai Xin said.

“Wait!” Yin Mian called to stop Kai Xin.

“What’s wrong?” Kui Xin turned around.

“I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?” He asked seriously. “I ran all night and didn’t sleep or eat. I’m very prone to hunger after using my ability.”

Kai Xin pondered: “There are no ingredients in the kitchen, you can order takeaway, and order one for me by the way.”

Yinmian: “…OK, I’ll order.”

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.

Xi Liang, dressed in the uniform of a delivery worker, appeared at the door, “Hi, your grandmother… ah, senior sister! So you live here!”

Kai Xin didn’t expect that Xi Liang was working part-time as a food delivery worker, so she was taken aback: “Are you working and studying?”

“Yes, to make money to go to college, I just don’t know if I can earn enough…I’m afraid there is little hope.” Xi Liang handed over the takeaway bag, “I have another order to go, see you, senior!”

Kai Xin waved at him and closed the door.

“Who is he?” Silver Face asked.

“A boy who was admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Black Sea College. The person I play is also a graduate of Black Sea College.” Kai Xin took out a takeaway box.

“Mechanical department? It’s the talent that the organization needs.” Yin Mian stopped busy unpacking the tableware, “How is his family?”

“Not too good. My parents run a convenience store.” Kai Xin said.

Yinmian suddenly realized, “You know him so well? You’re already considering recruiting him, right?”

It turns out that the Mechanical Dawn organization will absorb newcomers?

“Don’t be too hasty.” Kai Xin remained calm.

“You’re right, we need to observe him for a while longer.” Yin Nian opened the takeaway box.

“However, people from poor families are easier to recruit. They are easily moved by money.” Kai Xin said suddenly, “As long as you pay a small favor, you can bind the other party’s interests.”

“Report the information about the frequent appearance of port monsters together with the name of the boy who was admitted to Black Sea College. If he is qualified, the organization will send someone to contact him.” Yin Mian said.

“Okay, you write the report.” Kai Xin commanded him rudely, “That boy’s name is Xi Liang.”

Yin Mian endured and endured, and finally swallowed this breath: “I write as I write…Anyway, I have nothing to do while recuperating.”

After eating takeaway, Yin Mian carefully wrote the report submitted to the organization and handed it to Kai Xin for review. After she nodded, Yin Mian sent it with confidence.

The report written by Yin Mian was approved by Kai Xin, and he was very satisfied. From the silver-faced report, Kai Xin saw the common format of reporting to the Mechanical Dawn Organization, and she was also very satisfied.

She noticed that the word “monster” was not used in the silver-faced report, but “variant creature”. She believed that “variant creature” was the official written title of “monster”.

Kai Xin went back to the room, while Yin Mian curled up with a thin blanket to rest on the sofa.

He closed his eyes, a bunch of white hair sticking out from under the blanket, like a cat that got under the covers and thought it was well hidden.

Kui Xin looked back at Yin Mian’s words and deeds, and commented on him in his heart: “Except for being obedient and having superpowers, he is completely like a stupid cat in other respects.”

I haven’t finished reading part of the materials from the Investigation Department, and the time left is not enough to support Kai Xin to read the materials seriously. She browsed roughly, focusing on the passages related to “monsters” and “alien creatures”.

At the end of the materials, there is a paragraph like this: The emergency team of the Investigation Department has an unknown leader and uncertain members. The office is located on the third basement floor of the Investigation Building. The main duty of this stealth team is to covertly eliminate the alien creatures that appear everywhere.

There are many secrets in the Investigation Department, such as the mysterious emergency response team. There are also many weird things in the second world, such as the “monsters” and alien creatures in the silver-faced mouth.

There wasn’t much rest time left, so Kai Xin put down the bracelet and forced himself to fall asleep.

Kui Xin slept for eight hours.

After the set alarm clock rang, she got up from the bed, washed and changed.

Kai XinI took a handful of cold water and slapped it on my face, stared at myself in the mirror for a while, and said to myself: “Fear will stop people from moving forward.”

She can’t stand still, whether in the first world or the second world, she can’t stand still.

Kai Xin pushed open the toilet door and walked to the living room, just in time to catch a glimpse of Yin Mian crawling in from the balcony while pulling on the window.

“I went to buy ingredients in the morning, and it’s too expensive to order takeaway.” Yin Mian looked at Kai Xin expectantly with a big bag and a small bag.

“Well, it seems like we should have breakfast.” Kai Xin said, “Put the extra food in the refrigerator.”

For the sake of his spending money on food, Kai Xin’s tolerance limit for him can be increased appropriately.

She simply made two breakfasts, and Yin Mian consciously packed up the dishes to wash after eating.

While washing, he asked, “I’m almost recovering from my injury. What instructions do you have today?”

So fast? Kaixin thought in disbelief.

Does everyone with extraordinary abilities have such resilience? Yinmian didn’t recover from his injuries with the help of a high-tech recuperation room, but he still recovered very quickly, not as fast as a human being.

“Not yet.” Kui Xin changed his shoes at the door. “If I am assigned to patrol the port area, I will give you instructions. If not, it will be determined. You can move freely during this period.”

She put on her umbrella and pushed the door out.

The rain in Heihai City has lasted for a long time, and it is simply a city of rain. Kai Xin waited at the tram waiting point, and the tram arrived on time a minute later.

During the day, Heihai City lost its neon lights and holographic projection advertisements, and became much simpler. Looking around, all the buildings are dark gray in the hazy rain, which makes people feel depressing.

Dozens of minutes later, Kai Xin arrived at the building of the Investigation Department.

“Welcome back, intern security officer Kui Xin. Please put your umbrella on the public umbrella stand.” Adam’s voice reached her ears.

Kai Xin Yiyan put down the umbrella and took the elevator to Shu Xuyao’s office.

She knocked on the door.

“Please come in.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

The door opened, and Kai Xin’s heart skipped a beat the moment he entered. There were four or five people in the office, and they were all members of the seventh team. Seeing Kai Xin coming in, they all turned their heads to look at her.

“Okay, no need to talk nonsense.” Shu Xuyao ​​knocked on the table to attract the team members’ attention, “Sit down, Kai Xin, we’re going to start talking about the objectives of this mission.”

Kai Xin walked to an empty seat and pulled out the wheelchair to sit down.

Shu Xuyao ​​turned on the holographic projection device, and a realistic three-dimensional portrait was projected in the air.

“This is our goal this time. Chai Jian, a sixth-level citizen, was convicted of first-degree murder, but because he has mental illness, he did not serve in prison, but was treated in Heihai Municipal Mental Hospital.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, ” Just last night, he escaped, after attacking his psychotherapist.”

“How did he do it?” The man sitting on Kai Xin’s left asked, “Is his psychotherapist alive?”

“His psychotherapist was slightly injured, but nothing serious.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “As for how he escaped…According to the analysis, he is most likely awakened.”

“Awakened? He became an awakened person with extraordinary abilities?” Everyone in the seventh team showed a look of surprise.

“Adam judged that what he awakened was a non-lethal supernatural ability. The nursing equipment in the mental hospital was not damaged by violence. He probably escaped with his own supernatural ability.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Our task is to hunt him down and bring him to justice. If he resisted fiercely or threatened the safety of ordinary people during the process, we can kill him on the spot.”

“I have a question.” Kai Xin said, “Is this patient mentally stable? Did he have any signs or abnormal reactions before he fled and attacked the therapist?”

“Indeed.” Shu Xuyao ​​frowned, “The hospital provided us with Chai Jian’s treatment video. He insisted that he was not sick, and he repeatedly emphasized to the doctor that he was not from Heihai City. He believed that he was from a man named ‘Jinling’. ‘city of……”

“That’s still very sick.” A team member laughed.

His words won the echo of the rest of the people.

But Kai Xin didn’t have the heart to go along with them and make himself look like a gregarious person.

In Jinling, escaped mentally ill prisoner Chai Jian said he was from Jinling.

Chai Jian is also a player in the first world!


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