The Lightless Sea 19

“Ancient, the legacy of the ancient gods?” Kai Xin only thought it was absurd.

Are there cult groups in another world? She hasn’t had time to understand this knowledge, so she must look it up when she goes back.

“They think so.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Alien creatures have existed since ancient times, and this can be seen from the widely circulated folklore. However, it is undeniable that alien creatures and the creatures in nature that we usually see There are so many differences … they just don’t look like species that our planet could have bred.”

“It’s true…they look disgusting.” Kai Xin complained, “I won’t be able to eat at noon.”

“The federal government passed a bill 30 years ago, and all religious beliefs and religious groups are considered illegal. The era of chaos and ignorance has passed. In the past, people worshiped nature and imagined that gods ruled the world. Now the brilliance of science has dispelled chaos. , we don’t need gods to guide mankind forward, technology should guide mankind.” ShuXu Yao said, “But all kinds of secret sects are always dead but not dead. If they are quiet and honest, the investigation department will not be able to find them. It’s a pity that they never learn to be honest.”

Kai Xin looked at the human lying on the cell floor and said, “Does he belong to a secret sect?”

“Yes. The third team of the field service team raided their meeting place a week ago. At that time, he was conducting a ceremony of taking the blood of the gods hosted by several believers.” The smile on Shu Xuyao’s lips was a little mocking. Grasp.”

“Do all people with different blood have physical mutations?” Kui Xin observed the prisoners in the cell. “He doesn’t seem to live long. Could it be that people with different blood have a short lifespan?”

Shu Xuyao ​​pondered and said: “The investigation department will keep records of the captured people with different blood. According to the records, the body of every person with different blood will mutate, but the degree of mutation can be mild or severe. The body of the person with different blood in front of him is deformed. It’s only moderate.”

“That severe distortion is so disgusting.” Kai Xin murmured.

“You can ask Adam to apply for viewing of these records. There are pictures and videos of the mutation process.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Don’t watch them before or after meals. You will either lose your appetite or spit out the contents of your stomach.”

Kai Xin clicked his tongue: “Thank you for your reminder, Captain.”

“We have not conducted any research on the lifespan of people with different blood. What I can tell you is that none of the people with different blood caught by us can live beyond a month.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “This mutation is irreversible. The doctors and the prisoners themselves could only watch helplessly as their bodies turned into deformed monsters little by little, until they were beyond recognition.”

“It’s terrible…” Kui Xin exhaled, “Have they acquired extraordinary abilities after paying such a high price?”

“Maybe it’s obtained.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Through observation and experiments, we found that people with different blood recover very quickly after injury, faster than high-level awakened people with excellent physical fitness, and their physical strength has also improved. It is two to three times that of ordinary people – this is just the data we have obtained based on the captured alien blood, and the price for obtaining these abilities is their lifespan decays rapidly and their bodies are deformed. Judging from the current records, they It seems that there are no various extraordinary abilities born like the awakened ones, and only the physical fitness is improved.”

“Aren’t there any individuals who survived successfully?” Kai Xin said, “Their sacrifices and harvests are simply out of proportion. Why do they continue to take divine blood?”

“People who believe in science can’t understand the fanaticism of religious believers, and it may seem worthwhile to them.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Maybe there are individuals who survived after taking the blood of the gods, and they were convinced of this when they interrogated these people with different blood. Undoubtedly, they believed that their failure was due to the fact that God did not accept them, and that their death was offering their blood, flesh and spirit to the ancient gods, helping the sleeping gods to revive.”

Kai Xin pondered: “I don’t know if the surviving individuals have extraordinary abilities with different effects like the awakened ones? Can’t we catch one and interrogate him?”

“It’s hard to catch, they’ve always been good at hiding, and the real leaders of the religious order never appear in front of the stage.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, his face sank slightly: “That is to say, all the religious members and alien blood people we caught before, They are all small and peripheral members of the secret order, and the real core has never been revealed.”

Kai Xin was extremely surprised when he heard this.

As a government department, the Investigation Department has considerable power.

The super artificial intelligence Adam has terrifying computing power, and can quickly screen the entire city to monitor and lock suspects. If necessary, it can also remotely control the reconnaissance drone, track traces of a person from the Internet, and assist the investigation department to lay a net. .

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside the Investigation Department, and there are a lot of awakened and even high-level awakened people. Can this not catch the core members of the secret sect?

“The induction training is almost finished, Kuixin.” Shu Xuyao ​​turned around, facing her and said gently and solemnly, “We want to maintain the city’s law and order, eliminate alien creatures, and fight those forces hidden in the shadow of society. Every day in the future, you will have to fulfill your duties as a security guard.”

He looked like he had high hopes for Kai Xin, and Kai Xin smiled and said, “I will do it, captain.”

Fulfillment of duties depends on the situation. It is absolutely unacceptable to die in order to perform duties. The true meaning of life is to let others go first when things happen, and to look at the situation by yourself before making the next step.

“We can leave now.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

After returning to the elevator, Kai Xin kept thinking.

People with different blood, awakened people.

These two are different occupations and different ways of power.

And Kai Xin remembers that the introduction of her game system on “Depriver” is: “A profession that relies on hunting people with special abilities and taking away their extraordinary abilities to gain power.”

The term “special ability person” does not only refer to “awakened person”. Does this mean that if Kaixin kills a person with different blood, he can still deprive him of his power and use?

“Are you thinking about alien creatures?” Shu Xuyao’s concerned voice rang in her ears.

“No.” Kai Xin came back to his senses, “I’m wondering how much my salary will increase after I become a full-time employee.”

“…” Shu Xuyao ​​fell silent.

“Captain.” Kai Xin looked into his eyes and asked, “How can I become an awakened one?”

“Be lucky enough.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The birth of an awakened person has no rules at all. Sometimes they wake up after sleeping, and sometimes they wake up suddenly after suffering a major stimulus. It is difficult for me to give you any experience in this regard. After all, I I am not an awakened one.”

Kai Xinshunzui asked: “Who are the awakened people in the investigation department?much? ”

Maintain appropriate curiosity and ask appropriate questions. Although Shu Xuyao ​​couldn’t answer some questions, her behavior did not arouse suspicion. Curiosity is human nature, and it is logical to ask the boss for gossip because of curiosity.

Sure enough, Shu Xuyao ​​didn’t answer her, but said: “This is a secret, you will know when you are promoted to the captain’s position.”

Kai Xin smiled and said, “Then I will work hard and strive to be equal to the captain.”

When going to the staff cafeteria for lunch, Kai Xin deliberately avoided all red and green foods, so as not to have bad associations and cause loss of appetite.

But even so, she still ate very little. She just sat there chewing and swallowing mechanically, forcing herself to eat. She had to train in the afternoon and needed enough energy for support.

The training time passed unexpectedly fast.

After Kui Xin had basic fighting training and shooting training, she started to run with loads. She was so tired that she was panting from carrying a load of tens of kilograms. Her clothes were all soaked, and she wanted to collapse on the ground and roll her eyes.

The coach on the side of the training field pinched his watch and said in amazement: “Good willpower! I got such a good result in the first test, and I ran five kilometers in no time! Try running another eight kilometers? Hey, don’t worry about it.” The devil’s eyes are looking at me, what’s wrong with trying to break through your limit? If you don’t try hard, you will never know where the limit is!”

Kai Xin said intermittently: “I… Let’s talk about it tomorrow. Our field team will have a meeting in half an hour.”

The coach regretfully let Kai Xin go.

For newcomers who have just joined the Investigation Department, there will be special personnel to train them. Today is the first day of formal training, and Kui is so tired that he wants to vomit blood.

I think the class she was most afraid of back then was physical education. She didn’t like running, so when physical education came, what Kai Xin looked forward to most was that the teacher would take up the physical education class. She would rather do an extra paper than run. Willing to go to gym class.

The past is like a passing cloud, but Kai Xin achieved a self-breakthrough and started training on his own initiative under the pressure of survival.

Kai Xin collapsed on the ground and rested for three minutes, stood up, shuffled unsteadily back to the elevator room, and planned to go back to the lounge to take a shower.

She is sweating all over her body now, it is really indecent to go to a meeting.

It took Kai Xin ten minutes to take a shower. Fortunately, her short hair was easy to blow dry and didn’t take much effort. After blow drying her hair, she changed into her uniform and ran to the meeting room by elevator.

The meeting room was almost full, and Kai Xin saw Lan Lan waving to her with sharp eyes, so she walked over quickly and sat down in the empty seat beside him.

There are forty or fifty people in the conference room, all members of various teams. The field service team is usually a team of five to seven people. The team members have their own division of labor, and the tasks are performed in the form of a team. When encountering more difficult tasks, multi-team cooperation will be adopted.

“A lot of people.” Kui Xin looked around.

As the team leader, Shu Xuyao ​​sat in the front row, a little far away from them.

“Today is the conference, and all the teams are here.” Lan Lan said.

Liu Kangyun in front looked back at Kai Xin and said, “Have you completed the induction training, Kai Xin?”

“It’s finished… I’m impressed.” Kai Xin’s expression was indescribable, “It’s not delicious for lunch.”

Jiang Ming, who had just been discharged from the hospital, said: “It’s so normal, I’ve got used to it, and I might see even more disgusting scenes when I go on missions in the future.”

“It’s true.” Kai Xin sighed.

After a few pleasantries, they fell silent, and the meeting was about to start.

Wei Zhi, the head of the field service team, stepped onto the conference stage, scanned everyone with sharp eyes, and directly omitted the opening remarks to get to the point: “Recently gang riots in the port have been frequent, causing us many casualties. The vacancies need to be adjusted in the area responsible for the field inspection team.”

Those who can enter the field service team are all people with excellent combat literacy. The field service team faces the most dangers and suffers the most casualties.

However, some of the casualties of the Port Coastal Security Team may be attributed to Silver Face, because he killed two members of the Sixth Team when he went to investigate.

“The Seventh Squad.” Wei Zhi looked at Shu Xuyao, “Tomorrow we will be transferred to the port in the harbor area, and we will carry out coastal patrol missions with the Fifth Squad and the Sixth Squad that originally belonged to the Coastal Security Team.”

Shu Xuyao ​​stood up and saluted: “Yes, I promise to complete the task.”

This is really… Just as I was about to doze off, someone gave me a pillow.

Kai Xin thought to himself calmly.

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