The Lightless Sea 27

Kai Xin regained his composure.

She jumped up from the bed without even wearing slippers, ran to the window and slammed open the curtains. The only street lamp in the dilapidated old community that had not burned out was stubbornly on, illuminating the return of those who returned home late. way home.

Under the dim streetlights are the blurred outlines of trash cans, cracks are everywhere on the slate tile floor, the surveillance cameras in the streets and alleys are working silently, and the whole neighborhood is quiet and there is no one there.

It seems that this is an ordinary night. People go home as usual, sleep peacefully, wait for the sun to rise, eat breakfast and go to work, and start the day step by step.

But Kai Xin knew that the seven-day adventure she experienced was not a dream, but something that really happened to her.

Kai Xin held his breath and said silently in his heart: “System?”

The light curtain of the game panel flashed instantly.

Her skill introduction is displayed on it just as well as the extraordinary ability she acquired during the time travel. The investigation progress of the port bombing case has risen to 25% without knowing it, and all the information can be seen at a glance.

Kai Xin gasped for air, and his heart stopped.

She returned to the first world, but she can still summon the game light curtain. Whether entering the game world or returning to the real world, this game system follows her… So is the boundary between the game and reality still so clear?

No holographic game can be as real as “Crimson Earth”. Kai Xin knows that the world is real, but she must treat it as a game, and try her best to pass the level until the end. The game system is her way of distinguishing games. One of the symbols of reality, let her be firm in her beliefs and not get lost.

But now, she also has a game system in the real world!

People can distinguish between games and life very well, because things in the game can’t be brought into reality, and things in reality can’t be brought into the game. They can be resurrected after dying in the game, and people can wantonly kill NPCs to do what they want. It will not cause psychological burden, but in the real world, everyone is normal, and no one would do that kind of thing.

“Maybe it’s not as bad as I thought…” Kai Xin murmured.

She walked to the desk and took out a utility knife from her stationery bag, and cut her finger without hesitation.

Blood flowed out, and the wound healed within two seconds!

This time, Kai Xin completely lost her sense of luck and left the second world. The extraordinary ability to regenerate flesh and blood is still in her body.

The boundary between games and reality has been broken! The abilities obtained in the game are still valid in the real world. Reality and fantasy, games and reality, the boundaries between them become blurred.This is equivalent to Kaixin originally playing “Cyber ​​Online”, but she quit the game and found that the game system came out, and the reality she was in became “Earth Online”, and the world was gamified.

The first world and the second world, two game fields!

What’s even more frightening is that “Cyber ​​Online” is not a stand-alone game, but an online game, and Kai Xin is not the only player. As many people are playing “Cyber ​​Online”, there are as many people playing “Earth Online”.

If other players also obtain extraordinary abilities in the second world, then they will also bring their abilities back to the first world.

Kai Xin vaguely expected that after tonight, players who had awakened extraordinary abilities would have a huge impact on the order of the first world.

She took a few steps back and sat back on the bed, and took out the silver card from the bedside table.

The words on the card are extremely clear: “The Depriver Kaixin. Number: 233.”

This is like an identity card, an identity mark. The depriver is the occupation, Kai Xin is the real name, and the serial number is the ID number. From the moment I received this silver card, things went wrong.

It is like a passport, giving Kai Xin the qualification to travel around the world.

Kai Xin put down the card, picked up the phone next to the pillow with the screen turned off, and entered the lock screen password.

The phone screen lights up, and the current time is 00:02 on July 27.

She entered the game at zero o’clock and exited the game at zero o’clock. After spending seven days in the game, the time in the real world didn’t seem to move at all, and everything was frozen.

In the class group, there were a few students who stayed up all night chatting in full swing, with messages swiping the screen one after another. Kui Xin caught a glimpse of their chat content related to “Crimson Earth”. They wanted the game official to start the second batch of closed beta as soon as possible, so soon Click to play the game.

play games? It’s almost like playing your life.

Kui smiled hard.

She paused for a moment to log in to the “Crimson Earth” closed beta player forum.

What came into view was the bloody number of survivors: 9630.

After staying in the second world for a week, more than 300 of the 10,000 players died.

After crossing, Kai Xin got the opening game of Wang Bo, and became a second-five boy walking on the wire rope, facing the danger of his life at all times. Chai Jian is also Wang Bo’s start, but if Chai Jian stays in the mental hospital honestly, he will always be alive. Another player, Xi Liang, started as an ordinary person. Although he was a little poor and unlucky to be hit by a car, his life was not in danger.

Kai Xin believes that the number of people who get the king bomb and die immediately after entering the game is a minority, but even so, more than 300 of the 10,000 players died, and there may be a life behind each number.

As the forum slid down, Kai Xin’s fingers froze, her pupils shrank, and her heart beat as fast as when she just returned to the first world.

Three posts marked with the prefix “official” were marked as red and pinned to the top, and the titles of these three posts were all very simple.

First post: Announcement of the list of dead players.

The second post: the player’s job description.

The third post: Introduction to the basic rules.

Kai Xin didn’t have time to read the posts posted by other players, so she clicked on the first post first.

On the first floor of the post is an endless list. The real names of the players are not announced on the list, only the player numbers and the time of death are announced.

It’s like an obituary, but it has an unexplainable and mysterious feeling.

“Agent No. 1, died on July 27. Agent No. 16, died on July 27. Agent No. 536…”

Kui Xin browsed quickly and found that the number of people who died was the most in the first two days before entering the game, and the number of deaths gradually decreased after that. It may be that the players began to adapt to the world and began to hide themselves after understanding the rules of the second world, so they died. There are fewer people.

When it was drawn to the middle, a line of words protruded from the string of lists. Because the number of words in this line of words was relatively large, it stood out very conspicuously.

This line of text reads: “Proctor No. 1368 was killed by Depriver No. 233 on July 29.”

Kai Xin’s eyes widened in shock.

Depriver No. 233 is herself! The game official actually directly announced the fact that she killed Chai Jian!

Kai Xin was dizzy.

After she exited this post, she looked at the homepage of the forum. After a rough count, there were dozens of posts in different languages ​​with the word “233” written on them. Most of the titles of these posts ended with question marks and exclamation points. There are a whole row of question marks and exclamation points at the end.

After a brief refresh, there are still a steady stream of posts with the word “233” popping up.

Kai Xin can understand Chinese posts, and several titles of the Chinese posts floating on the front page are actually related to her!

“Who is Depriver No. 233??”

“Why did Depriver No. 233 kill his own people?!”

“Is Depriver No. 233 a lunatic? Innate antisocial personality? Is there any mistake? He killed someone! This is not a game, we have entered a real world, and that world is full of living people! Living people!”

“Nimma, I worked so hard to move bricks and earn money to be a social animal in the second world. I was trembling and didn’t dare to surpass in the slightest. Depriver No. 233 is so awesome that I dare to kill people as soon as I come up. The ones I kill are still my own.” fellow.”

Kai Xin covered his forehead, got up and walked around the room a few times to calm his head.

Don’t panic, it’s useless to panic, there are still two of the three official posts that I haven’t read… She must read the official posts first, these posts are often the most informative.

Kai Xin went to the kitchen and poured a glass of cold water into her stomach. After her thoughts cooled down and she regained her composure, she clicked on the second post——Player Jobbusiness description.

The first floor of the post wrote: “There are two major occupations in this game.”

“Depriver, a profession that relies on hunting and killing people with special abilities to deprive them of their extraordinary abilities to gain power.”

“The depriver cannot awaken the extraordinary ability on his own, nor can he obtain power from the potion containing special power to improve himself. The only way for the depriver to improve is to deprive, deprive everyone except himself. The depriver takes away the extraordinary power from others. Ability cannot be upgraded, if you want to continue to improve the deprived extraordinary ability, you can only hunt and kill people with the same ability, so as to achieve ability improvement or evolution.”

“Executor, a profession that walks the world with a human body to gain power comparable to that of a god.”

“A proxy can awaken extraordinary abilities on his own, and can also obtain power from potions that contain special power. Compared with a depriver, a proxy’s extraordinary road is not so bumpy, but the improvement of abilities requires talent and opportunity. You can only stop at a low level in your life, and some people can gain enough power to rival the gods.”

After reading the introduction on the first floor, Kai Xin pursed his lips and had a more specific understanding of the game.

The depriver is a bloody promotion path, while the promotion method of the agent is the traditional “upgrade stream” route.

She read the reply below.

1L: Who is the game official? ! I don’t want to play this game anymore! I want to quit!

4L: Why is it set up like this? ! Is it fun to watch players kill each other?

13L: If you explain these basic instructions before everyone enters the game, you will die? I will blow up your ancestral grave! !

25L: The agent is the prey, right? We enhance our capabilities and then wait to be hunted by the dispossessed?

36L replied to 25L: We can fight back!

48L: How many people in the game are expropriators, and how many are agents? The number of expropriators should be far less than that of agents, right? The more than 300 dead people in the official death list are all performers.

50L: The decapitator doesn’t need to hunt down the players and hunt people from other worlds. All the decapitator brothers and sisters who are spying on the screen, be more or less human, at least don’t harm your compatriots.

56L replied to 50L: Someone is already killing people, look at that depriver No. 233…

60L reply 50L: Can people from another world be killed casually? ? Do you really think of this as a game? Which game kills people? Which game would be so real? Everyone is a living being.

68L replied to 60L: Instead of letting the deprivationists target us, it is better to let them harm people in other worlds. I don’t want to die.

Kai Xin stopped sliding the page, and his gaze was fixed on 85L.

85L: Is this why the official gave us the six points of advice? Treat the game as the real world, death cannot be resurrected… and, don’t reveal your player’s identity to anyone. Because after the player’s identity is leaked, we will not only attract the suspicion of people in the second world, captivity interrogation and autopsy experiments, but also attract the pursuit of deprivation.

86L replied to 85L: Depriver No. 233 made a bad start. If there are other decapitators, they will probably follow suit No. 233 in hunting down agents. Seven days have passed, and everyone must have some understanding of the Second World. Think about it, is it easier to kill people in the technologically advanced Second World, or is it easier to kill people in the technologically backward First World? If we do not fight back, sooner or later we will fall prey to the deprivation! Don’t think that everything will be fine if you quit the game temporarily, the first world we live in is also a hunting ground! The Hunting Grounds of the Reavers!

In Kai Xin’s view, the second world is cold and cruel.

But the first world also has a tendency to develop into the second world.

She was playing a cyber game, and she was also playing a battle royale. She is the hunter, and the others are the prey. The prey does not want to be killed by the hunter, so they are planning to kill the hunter.

Kai Xin let out a sigh of relief, exited the second post, and started to read the third post about the basic rules of the game.

First floor: “The player can travel between two worlds, but they only have one life. If any world dies, they cannot be resurrected.”

“The cycle between the first world and the second world is seven days. The login time is based on the time zone of Huaguo. The game starts at zero o’clock and ends at zero o’clock.”

“When staying in the first world, if a player dies, the death list will be updated in real time. If the player dies in the second world, the death list will be broadcast uniformly when the player returns.”

“The rest of the rules, please continue to explore.”

Kui Xin read this post carefully, and saw the reply on the first floor: “If the game we participated in is driven by a mastermind behind the scenes, then the mastermind behind the scenes must be from Huaguo, otherwise why does it follow the Huaguo time zone? …”

If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, who is that mastermind behind the scenes? Is it a god?

What is the significance of God choosing so many players to enter the second world? Or is it meaningless at all, just a joke of God?

After reading all the official posts, Kai Xin went back to the forum homepage to read the players’ posts one by one.

“How do I exit the game? Can I call the police? Is it useful to make a report call?!”

1L: Exiting is impossible. When you signed the contract, you already used the opportunity to exit once. If you miss the opportunity, there will be no next time. The official said that there are only two paths to take: game clearance and character death.

2L: If you are not afraid of being caught as a guinea pig if your identity is exposed, then go to the police. I don’t think governments are capable of dealing with such weird things. This is not a war. This is the meeting and fusion of two worlds. We are the pioneersFor those who experience it, it is enough to live a good life in another world with a Buddhist mood and not cause trouble. If you can feel the brilliance of high technology, I think it is worth it, so it is a tourist.

The 2L player has such a good mentality… Kui Xin decided to learn from him.

“Did any dead players come out and say something? Is it really dead? I can’t believe it…”

1L: Why do you squeak when you’re dead! I’m leaning towards them being really dead.

“How to obtain extraordinary abilities? Has anyone awakened and passed on their experience?”

After a few floors of meaningless irrigation, an effective reply finally came.

12L: I’m awakened, but I don’t think I have much experience to pass on, because I fell down and then awakened, so I won’t reveal my superpowers so as not to be targeted.

13L: What kind of shocking good luck is this upstairs!

“I think we have traveled to a parallel world. The arguments are as follows.”

1L (landlord): My name in the second world is exactly the same as my name in the real world. As a member of 10,000 players, I don’t think I’m an exception. I believe that other people’s names should be the same as mine. One world is the same.

2L (host): Although my appearance is not exactly the same as that in the first world, it is very similar, about 70% or 80% similar! And the most important point is that my personality in the second world is very similar to that in the first world, even my hobbies are the same! There is no such coincidence in the world. I don’t think I entered the game, but traveled to my own body in the parallel world.

3L: What you said is correct, landlord. I’m going to tell you that I have parents in the second world and my first world parents died in a car accident a month ago and guess what? My parents in both worlds look exactly the same! Living habits and speaking tone are also very similar! I cried when I saw them in the past. I don’t want to quit this game at all. This is a gift from God and a compensation from fate. I can’t treat that world as fake, it’s real! I believe it is true!

4L (landlord) replied to 3L: Bless you, friend.

5L: I also have parents and relatives in the second world, but they are different from my relatives in the first world. Maybe the third floor is a rare exception.

6L: The appearances of our two worlds are too similar, and it is very easy to expose our identities. Everyone should be careful.

“When I returned to the first world, I pooped on the toilet. Now the question is, can I continue to poop if I travel back to the second world?”

1L: Going through zero and returning to zero, the time hasn’t changed in any way, don’t worry, you’ll be able to finish this shit after you go back.

Kai Xin refreshed the forum again.

Many new posts popped up.

The title of one of the posts caught her attention.

“Public Enemy of Players – Depriver No. 233, no one should have any objections to me, right?”

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