The Lightless Sea 29

When Kai Xin stepped into Mr. Wang’s house, he smelled a strong aroma of rice.

“Xiao Xin is here, take a seat.” Teacher Wang was choosing dishes on the balcony, “I stewed ribs soup, and later I will make braised pork and garlic vegetables.”

“Let me help you choose dishes, teacher.” Kai Xin moved a chair, “Is there no one at home?”

“My husband’s unit is on a business trip, and my son will stay in school this summer to study.” Teacher Wang said, “I’ll ask my son to pick you up when you go to college.”

“No, I can do it myself.” Kai Xin quickly refused, “Anyway, the university is in the province, and it is quite close to our city. The train will arrive in the afternoon, and there is a direct bus to the school after leaving the train station.”

“That won’t work. You must be accompanied by someone when you go out for the first time. You can go by yourself after you know the way.” Teacher Wang said, “Don’t keep thinking about causing trouble for me. I don’t think it’s troublesome. I told my son Well, he agreed immediately.”

“…Okay.” Kui Xin swallowed the words of rejection, lowered her head and concentrated on choosing dishes.

Teacher Wang said: “Is there any goal that the university wants to achieve?”

“At present, the only goal is to study hard.” Kai Xin said hesitantly, “take the rest slowly, get the certificate of the exam, and then study hard to fight for postgraduate research. The employment prospect of artificial intelligence is quite good… …”

“You’re smart, why don’t you try to be a civil servant?” Mr. Wang suggested.

Kui Xin: “I don’t think so… Didn’t my dad fail to invest and flee abroad with the money? Go to the official website that announced the arrest warrant and search, maybe you can find his fugitive information.”

Teacher Wang was taken aback for a moment, then sighed and muttered, “It’s a crime.”

Kai Xin also felt that the existence of her father was committing crimes.

But what can I do? Her dad is such a trash dad. Although this trash father has mellowly left Kai Xin’s life, he still has a bad influence on Kai Xin.

Kai Xin lived a fairly affluent life when he was a child. His family house was a large villa, and he drove a stylish car when he went back to his hometown in the countryside to visit relatives. Everyone in the village said that there was a big boss in Kai’s village, and he was also a prominent figure in the city.

As a result, Kai Xin’s father drifted away, divorced his wife, and went to live with other women. In the next few years, he gathered a group of cronies and friends to solicit investment, but in the end the investment failed. He directly took the money and ran abroad, even ignoring his parents, relatives and the one, two, three or four mistresses he took care of.

When the rubbish father ran away with the money, Kai Xin was in elementary school.

Later, the villa was auctioned off, the shop was auctioned off, the car was auctioned off, and the debts were still not paid off. My mother left Kai Xin to take care of her grandparents and left.

Fortunately, the grandparents’ house was in their own name, so it was not auctioned off to pay off the debt.

In the past two years, Kai Xin’s grandparents passed away one after another, and no relatives were willing to take over her hot potato. Kai Xin had no financial support, so he entrusted a distant cousin who was working in this cityI got in touch with my mother in other places, and my mother called her 800 yuan a month for living expenses on a regular basis.

As for whether my mother is remarried, whether she is well, which city she lives in, and what she looks like now, Kai Xin has no idea.

The monthly bank transfer records are the only connection between Kai Xin and his mother.

Kai Xin now recalls all kinds of childhood, and finds that she has almost forgotten those past events, whether it is sad or happy, she doesn’t remember them all. Looking back carefully, only numbness and indifference remain in her heart.

Whether it’s “father” or “mother”, in her mind, it’s just a symbolic symbol, a meaningless title, and it’s hard to touch her.

This may be due to the human body’s protective mechanism. Kai Xin remembers that when the accident happened at home, she was also very scared and wronged. She cried all day long, but crying was useless. No one coaxed her. A beating… In the end she stopped crying.

It’s not that she has learned patience and restraint, but that she has no feeling in her heart, nothing at all.

Anyway, I can always find a way to survive. At worst, I will go to an orphanage. When I become an adult, I will find a way to find a job and rent a basement to live in. In modern society, I won’t starve to death.

This is the worst plan Kai Xin made after he became a little more sensible.

The actual situation is much better than her worst plan. She has an old house left by her grandparents. After completing compulsory education, she was admitted to a key high school with excellent grades. She survived with the support of the school and the care of the teachers. After three years of high school, I finally got into a pretty good university after all the hard work.

Hard work pays off, and suffering is temporary. Kai Xin firmly believes in this.

Parents are unreliable, so she relies on herself.

“The teacher never asked, what’s your father’s situation now.” Teacher Wang’s tone was tactful.

“I haven’t been in touch for almost ten years. Maybe he died of a serious illness abroad?” Kui Xin speculated seriously, “I ran away with money, no valid passport, no green card, no social security, and unfamiliar places… I vaguely I remember that my dad is not good at English, and it is possible that he was deceived and sold to mines for mining. Foreign countries can’t help guns, and the probability of encountering accidents is much higher than domestic ones. Maybe he has died in an unknown corner… In short, I Unilaterally believe that my father is no longer alive.”

Teacher Wong:”……?”

This child really wants her father to die…but everyone wants this bastard father to die.

Teacher Wang kindly picked up a chopsticks of braised pork for Kai Xin, served her a bowl of fragrant pork rib soup and said, “Eat more, Xiao Xin, look at you skinny.”

After lunch at the teacher’s house, Kai Xin chatted with her for a while, and after two o’clock, he went to give lectures to the little girl at the address given by the teacher.

In fact, she is not a little girl anymore. She is not much younger than Kai Xin. She took a year off from school due to illness in her freshman year of high school, and she has been unable to keep up with school courses since returning to school.

It was the rebellious period of youth, and she would not listen to what her parents said, so she hired a tutor for her. She was tired of studying and even quarreled with the teacher. Her parents had no choice but to find someone who had good grades and was about her age to teach her, so that she would not be so Resistance to learning.

These days, the fees for tutoring college students in the city where Kuixin lives range from 50 to 100 yuan an hour. Kuixin’s salary is 80 yuan an hour, which is definitely not low.

Kai Xin arrived at the little girl’s house according to the scheduled time.

She rang the doorbell and waited patiently for the door to open.

Kai Xin’s extraordinary hearing heard the slight sound of footsteps coming from behind the door, the peephole was blocked, and someone was looking at her through the peephole.

“Is there anyone? I’m Kui Xin. Teacher Wang Yange introduced me to teach Su Rong.” She explained her purpose.

After waiting for a few seconds, the door still didn’t open. Kai Xin stared at the blocked cat’s eye in bewilderment, and knocked on the door again.

“Rongrong, why don’t you open the door for others?” said the woman in the house.

“I want to confirm who is here.” The girl behind the door muttered.

With a creak, the door opened.

The pretty girl stood in front of the door and looked at Kai Xin: “Hi, I’m Su Rong. I didn’t open the door because I didn’t see who you were.”

“Hello, I’m Kai Xin.” Kai Xin nodded to her.

Su Rong’s mother warmly welcomed Kai Xin into the house with a plate of cut fruit, “Is that right? Come in and sit down, I’m old friends with you, Teacher Wang.”

“Hello, Auntie.” Kui Xin said politely, “The teacher told me that Su Rong mainly wants to supplement her math. My math grades are not bad, and I will try my best to help her consolidate her foundation so that she will not be so strenuous in her third year of high school. .”

“Don’t worry, let’s take a rest first, it’s hot outside, eat some fruit to cool off.” Su Rong’s mother asked Kai Xin to sit on the sofa, “Our family’s Rongrong’s math score is not very good, after changing several tutors, the score is not good. I can’t bring it up, it makes me anxious.”

Su Rong couldn’t help calling out: “Mom!”

Su Rong and Kai Xin are similar in age, but if they stand side by side, anyone will think that Kai Xin is the older one.

Because Kai Xin’s eyes and temperament are too mature, she already has the appearance of a real adult, while Su Rong lives in a happy family and has not stepped into the society, so she looks like a teenager from head to toe , with a trace of youthful childishness on his face, he is not very good at hiding emotions.

“I’ll discuss her learning progress with Su Rong later.” Kui Xin thought for a while, “Why don’t we try to teach for a day today, we also need to adapt to each other’s teaching and learning methods.”

Su Rong’s mother readily agreed.

Kai Xin is really not very good at dealing with elders. She has very little experience in getting along with elders.No more, she stood up and said, “Sister Xinxin and I are going to study in the room, Mom, didn’t you say that time is precious?”

She felt awkward to call her Teacher Kui Xin, since Mingming’s age is not much different, but it would be disrespectful not to call her that way, so Su Rong cleverly called “Sister Xin Xin” as a compromise.

The daughter took the initiative to study, Su Rong’s mother was overjoyed, and said quickly: “Okay, okay, you go, turn on the air conditioner, and bring the fruit plate into the house to eat.”

Kui Xinru was pardoned, and hurriedly followed Su Rong out of the living room.

“Why do adults always have so much to say?” Su Rong closed the door of her room, “Forget it, don’t worry, let’s study. To be honest, I got 30 points in the final math exam… 20 of them Points are covered.”

“I heard from Mr. Wang that you don’t like mathematics?” Kai Xin asked obliquely.

That’s not what Teacher Wang said in her original words. Her original words were “Su Rong is a bit tired of studying.” Of course, Kai Xin couldn’t say that she was tired of studying in front of Su Rong, so she changed the way of asking.

Su Rong blushed: “I don’t like it…”

Kai Xin took Su Rong’s math textbook, which was as clean as a blank sheet of paper. She didn’t make a single note in the book, and didn’t draw a single wrong question. She said, “There is only one year left before the college entrance examination. Raise your math score to one level.” More than a hundred is unrealistic, but there is still hope for 60 to 70 efforts.”

Most people in the world are not geniuses, most of them are people with average IQ. Su Rong is not a genius. Her high school math foundation is infinitely equal to zero. It really makes Kai Xin a little headache to raise her grades.

“Are you an art examinee?” Kai Xin asked, “How long do you spend studying art every day? I’ll help you arrange time to do the questions.”

“I’m studying acting.” Su Rong said hesitantly, “I don’t want to be an art student anymore, I want to take the ordinary college entrance examination.”

“Have you discussed it with your parents?” Kai Xin asked doubtfully.

“No, no.” Su Rong said, “I used to want to be a star… Now I don’t think being a star is very good… Well, if I had to choose, I would like to have an ordinary job.”

Kai Xin could only say: “It’s a bit difficult to take the ordinary college entrance examination route with your grades.”

Su Rong said depressedly: “I know… I’ll try my best to learn, Sister Xin Xin. There is still one year left, if you don’t work hard, you will never know where your limit is.”

This is a sincere expression of the spirit of struggle… Kui Xin can’t tell that Su Rong is tired of studying. Teacher Wang wouldn’t lie to her about being tired of studying. Could it be that Su Rong figured it out by herself?

In fact, for no reason, Kai Xin felt that Su Rong looked a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember it when he thought about it carefully.

Su Rong’s appearance is very good. If she puts on makeup carefully, she is as beautiful as a star.

Celebrity? !

A flash of inspiration flashed in Kai Xin’s mind, and he suddenly remembered where he had seen Su Rong’s face – it was on the projection advertising screen of the Second World.

She used to observe the billboards on the street with novelty. She had seen countless real or virtual faces, and Su Rong’s face was mixed among them. She looked very similar to a certain advertising star in the second world. up!

No wonder when Kai Xin came to visit her home, she looked suspiciously at the cat’s eyes. No wonder a child who was tired of studying changed his mind overnight and suddenly became motivated and wanted to study hard. It turned out that he had experienced the ruthless baptism of the second world.

Kui Xin believes that Su Rong is probably also a player!

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