Leading to the Final 75-Later Day Talk

As a sick patient, Kai Xin couldn’t go anywhere, so he could only lie on the bed blankly.

I don’t know how many hours after the operation, Yu Hanxue came over and said that she was off work and came to accompany her in bed.

“Then can I eat?” Kai Xin asked.

“No.” Yu Hanxue ruthlessly refused, “I can only drink a little water, and eat something easy to digest, such as millet porridge and milk.”

“Then can I sit up?” Kai Xin asked again.

Yu Hanxue gave her a white look, “Lie down honestly!”

The afternoon passed by like this. Kai Xin rarely experienced such a difficult time. The feeling of lying motionless on the bed was too uncomfortable. After gaining supernatural powers, she recovered in a blink of an eye every time she was injured. Rarely Experience the feeling of being a patient.

Yu Hanxue fed Kai Xin some water, then sat aside and played with her mobile phone.

At seven o’clock in the evening, there was a sudden knock on the door of the ward, and a man with a calm demeanor walked in.

Kai Xin looked up reflexively, and couldn’t help but let out an “ah”.

“Student Kai Xin, are you okay?” The man nodded gently to her, “I came over as soon as I finished my work at the school. It seems that the operation went smoothly?”

“Very well, Teacher Tang.” Kai Xin said these three words in a complicated tone.

In this world, Tang Guan is actually the counselor of Kuixin School… As soon as the word “Tang Teacher” is pronounced, there is no sense of disobedience at all. He is a meticulous and gentle person who is very suitable for being a student counselor. The job was literally made for him.

“I asked your brother about the incident, and I also contacted the traffic police. The driver of the other party is fully responsible. Don’t worry about the medical expenses. If you have any difficulties, you can find the school first, and they will help you pay in advance. We will wait for the other party’s medical expenses later. It’s fine to just call the account.” Tang Guan gave Kai Xin a reassurance, “Call me if you have any difficulties in life…” He looked at Yu Hanxue again and said, “Only your friend will take care of you. Are you too tired? The school can help you find a female student who has free time to come and help, the school is not far from this hospital.”

Under normal circumstances, counselors should first contact the parents of the students, but Tang Guan did not do so.

Kai Xin guessed the reason. Her parents in this world must also be very unreliable. Maybe Liu Boyi told Tang Guan about her family situation, and he thoughtfully avoided this topic.

Tang Guan is here to explain everything, whether it is life or study, he has helped Kai Xin to consider. He said that he does not have to worry about missing the course. He will ask the students to print a copy of the notes and send them a copy of the teaching video. Pass it on.

Kai Xin nodded again and again, and finally said: “I’m sorry, teacher, it’s getting late, you can go back to school first, don’t worry, I will take care of myself.”

Tang Guan glanced at her worriedly: “Okay, call anytime if you need anything.”

After the other party had left, Kai Xin let out a sigh of relief.

This world is good, but there are some aspects that she can’t get used to. Tang Guan was regarded as Kuixin’s subordinate in the Wuguang theory. He followed her leader’s instructions, but now it was reversed. The counselor was already Kuixin’s superior.

“Your counselors are quite nice, much better than those who don’t care about things…” Yu Hanxue scratched her head, “Why is he so young? Did he stay in school after graduating from university?”

Kai Xin was not very clear about this aspect either, so he changed the subject to confuse the problem.

Before it was quiet for a long time, Xi Liang and Liu Boyi arrived with a bag of fruit and a carton of milk. Behind them were two other people who were also old acquaintances of Kai Xin—Lancet and Jinhuan.

As soon as the four of them entered the ward, the space immediately seemed crowded.

“Xiao Xin, how are you?” Liu Boyi put the milk in the cabinet under Kai Xin’s bed and said, “It’s all my fault, it’s late to pack up the exhibits, if we don’t rush to take the bus, it will be fine. I’ll give you I brought a carton of milk to supplement calcium.”

“It’s okay, natural and man-made disasters can’t be stopped.” Kai Xin followed his words.

“Fortunately, it’s just a broken leg. It can be recovered after a few months of recuperation. It’s a blessing in misfortune.” Xi Liang glanced at Kai Xin’s leg in plaster, and put a bag of fruit on the bedside table. If there are notes, I will record them and send them to you, so as to ensure that you will not miss a class.”

Kai Xin heard something—this time, Xi Liang was neither Kai Xin’s senior nor Kai Xin’s junior. He and she were in the same class, at the same level, and even had the same major.

At first understanding of this fact, Kui Xin was a little bit dumbfounded, because each world has its own characteristics.

Only the Lancet and Jinhuan who followed in, Kai Xin couldn’t figure out what relationship they had with her.

Xiliang Liu Boyi stayed for a while and then left. At this time, Jin Huan sighed, walked over and said, “I just came back from a business trip yesterday, and I was going to talk to you about your child support case, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen. Son, it’s really unlucky… You take good care of your illness, don’t worry, we still have time.”

Kai Xin suddenly understood that Jin Huan was actually a lawyer in this world… How could such a violent person like him become a lawyer? Kai Xin was a little surprised.

What about the profession of the Lancet? Kai Xin silently cast his eyes on the lancet by the door.

“Oh, I almost forgot to introduce.” Jin Huan slapped his head, “This is a good friend I have known for many years. He is engaged in investment. I told him your major. Didn’t you come up with a business plan before?” Book, do you want to attract investment and sponsorship, I want toWhen you arrive at him, he also happens to be in this city on business, and wants to chat with you face to face… Who knew it would be such an unfortunate coincidence. ”

The Lancet looked like a social elite, and nodded politely to Kai Xin: “I heard from him, you are a talented and thoughtful student, and you are currently in the first year of graduate school, right? Your artificial intelligence entrepreneurial project, I It’s very promising, I can talk about it when I have time. The code name of your project is…’Adam’? It’s a very creative and meaningful name.”

Kai Xin looked confused, “Yes… yes, thank you.”

Jin Huan and Kai Xin seemed to know each other very well, and they didn’t see each other at all. They sat there and said in a homely tone: “After finishing your case, I will resign from the law firm and work in the legal department of my friend’s company.” , I don’t think I can adapt to the current working environment.”

Kai Xin asked suspiciously: “What’s wrong?”

Jin Huan gave Kai Xin a sad look, but said nothing.

The Lancet pondered for a moment, and said: “He has a violent temper, and you can’t rub the sand in his eyes. You must know that. There have been some unpleasant disputes between him and his client…”

“Hey, using the word dispute is too light.” Jin Huan spread his hands.

“That’s true.” The Lancet agreed.

“As a lawyer, you know that I often receive some legal consultations, and occasionally, I also meet some weird people.” Jin Huan said, “When I see these weird people, I can’t help my temper. There is a The man came to ask me how to donate my marital property to the mistress without being recovered by the original spouse, I couldn’t help it, so I asked him directly and said you should be a man for me.”

Kai Xin: “Ah, here.”

“Another time, a mother who abandoned her child was still unwilling to pay child support. She asked me how to avoid this child support. I told her that having a parent like you is the greatest misfortune for a child. Don’t be a parent in the next life.” As Jin Huan said, he became angry, “There is another person, a mental patient in the family ran to the street and chopped someone up. He wanted to sue me, and he didn’t want to give me medical compensation. You can’t control yourself, but if you fail to fulfill your supervisory responsibilities, it’s your problem. If something goes wrong, you don’t want to actively compensate for it, and you only want to evade responsibility. You should accumulate some virtue!”

Kai Xin: “As expected of you!”

Lancet looked at his good brother Jin Huan strangely, “Similar things have happened many, many times. Sometimes when clients come to consult with them, he doesn’t show mercy and is not caught on the spot.” Killing him is already a miracle.”

“Oh, so it’s good to be the company’s legal counsel and stay away from disputes.” Jin Huan concluded, “But you don’t have to worry, Kai Xin, I will make your irresponsible guardian pay the legal price before I leave. ”

Kai Xin was about to applaud. She expressed her support with her eyes: “Come on! I believe in you!”

With the trust and encouragement of the client, Jin Huan revived and left with the Lancet. Before leaving, the Lancet left a contact information for Kai Xin.

“Is your lawyer really reliable?” Yu Hanxue asked Kai Xin suspiciously, “A person like him can really be a lawyer?”

“Being able to pass the lawyer’s license test shows that the theoretical level is no problem. If you have such a violent temper and speak so bluntly, you must be a just person yourself, but you don’t know how the other party’s practical skills are.” Conclusion, “Let’s take one step at a time, it’s all like this anyway.”

The night passed peacefully. Yu Hanxue slept on the hospital bed next door, and Kai Xin endured the leg pain and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Yu Hanxue continued her internship. Kai Xin was able to eat, so she fed her some millet porridge bought outside.

A few days later, the pain in Kai Xin’s leg gradually eased, and she was able to sit and rest on the bed. The doctor said that she was recovering well.

When she was bored, she turned on the TV to watch the show. When she turned on the TV today, the sports channel happened to be broadcasting a free kick match.

The host of the competition yelled loudly in English: “Here he is! He is here! This year’s kickboxing champion – Rainier Brandenburg! Congratulations to him for winning the $5 million prize!!”

Rainier, who was covered in sweat on the screen, fell to his knees and raised his arms and shouted. He even tore his clothes to celebrate on the spot. The screams from the audience could blow the roof off… In fact, Kai Xin didn’t understand this kind of celebration. If you score a goal, you tear off your shirt. If you win a game, you tear off your shirt. If you win the championship, you still tear off your shirt… It’s a bit of a waste.

After tuning a program, the next TV station is broadcasting a TV drama trailer, and the girl’s leg also fell? ”

“No uncle, I was in a car accident.” Kai Xin said, “What’s the matter with you?”

“I stepped on the baby’s building blocks, tripped my left foot and fell down on my right foot. I was admitted to the hospital with a broken bone on the spot.” The middle-aged man said sadly, “If you are unlucky, drinking cold water will also clog your teeth.”

The nurse came to give the middle-aged uncle an infusion, and she checked the name: “Wang Feichi, right?”

“Yes, please trouble the doctor.” Wang Feichi smiled.

As soon as Wang Feichi lay down, an old professor with gray hair came into the ward with a lot of young white coats. He nodded to Wang Feichi: “Take the students to see your condition, your ankle The fractures are very typical and very pedagogical.”

Wang Feichi said blankly: “Oh, that’s fine…”

There were a lot of people around, and a few interns were squeezed into a corner and bumped into Kai Xin’s bed.

The young intern quickly lowered his head and said, “Sorry.”

Kai Xin stared at him intently, and recognized that face: “… Amber?”

Amber was taken aback for a moment, lookCome over and ask: “You… do we know each other? How do you know my nickname?”

“I made a mistake.” Kai Xin immediately restrained his expression, “I have a friend named Amber. What a coincidence, your name is also Amber.”

Amber looked at Kai Xin curiously, and wanted to say something, but finally held back, he turned his head and continued to listen carefully to the old professor’s explanation of Wang Feichi’s condition.

After the medical explanation was over, the old professor left the ward with a large group of students. Amber was the last one. She smiled at Kai Xin friendly and said, “Goodbye.”

At noon, Yu Hanxue came to deliver meals, and Kai Xin pretended to be casual and asked, “Is there an intern named Hu Po?”

“Amber? I’ve never heard of it.” Yu Hanxue said, “What does he look like? Tell me.”

Kai Xin remembered that in this world, Amber is the nickname of the other party, so he changed the description: “Uh, black hair and black eyes…it’s pretty pleasing to the eye?”

“What kind of description is this? Do you still want to say that the other party has two eyebrows, two eyes, a nose and a mouth?” Yu Hanxue smiled, “But our hospital does have handsome ones, who are in the same class as me. The orthopedic department has an internship, did you see him when the professor led the students this morning?”

“Yes.” Kui Xin said.

“He’s a twin. My brother is an intern in the psychiatric department. Both brothers are studying medicine, but they applied for different majors.” Yu Hanxue said, “Why? Do you want to know him?”

Kai Xin thought for a while, “No… let’s just let fate.”

In this world, everyone she knows has a normal and ordinary life, with their own goals and trajectories in life.

For the most familiar strangers, Kai Xin neither approached nor stayed away, but just watched silently. Just watching was enough to make people feel comforted.

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