The Lightless Sea 04

“Practice inspection security officer Kui Xin, your body has recovered, please leave the recuperation cabin.”

Kai Xin woke up, she opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was the transparent glass cover of the convalescent cabin. On the built-in monitor, her physical status is marked as green health.

What she experienced was not a dream, she did not return to the first world.

A nurse came in and helped Kai Xin open the recuperation cabin, and then took off the infusion tube on the back of her hand and the bandage wrapped around her head.

“You can leave now. Pay attention to rest these two days and don’t do strenuous exercise.” The nurse said kindly, “Remember to submit an application for exemption from training to the captain of your team, otherwise your attendance wages will be deducted.”

“Okay.” Kui Xin nodded quickly with the instinct of a poor ghost.

Don’t forget such an important thing as attendance and wages.

Kai Xin straightened up, with his feet touching the cold metal ground, he stood up and stretched his muscles.

After sleeping in the recuperation barn, Kai Xin was full of energy. She took two steps and saw herself through the reflective metal wall.

Kai Xin had long black hair in the first world. In the second world, her basic appearance was 70% similar to that of the first world, but her long hair had become capable short hair close to the ears. Kai Xin’s complexion tends to be pale, and his figure is thin, which looks a bit slender at first glance.

No injuries can be seen on the outside of the body, and the wounds have healed well.

She stood in the room, at a loss for what to do.

Because she didn’t know where she should go, she didn’t even know where she was. This world is completely foreign to her.

Kai Xin guessed that she was at the headquarters of the Investigation Department. From Dr. Huang’s few words, he could know that there were different teams and departments in the Department of Investigation. Dr. Huang’s badge stated that he was the director of the Medical Office, so Kui Xin might be in the Department of Investigation. Places like medical centers receive surgery and treatment.

Kai Xin learned from the identity setting on the game panel that she herself belongs to the “Seventh Squad of the Field Service Group”.

There wasn’t much time to hesitate, she couldn’t stand still.

Kai Xin adjusted his mood and walked to the metal door.

The metal door opened automatically, revealing the corridor with flashing lights behind it. The corridor was empty.

As Kai Xin stepped into the corridor, a cold mechanical voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

“Practice inspection security officer Kui Xin, the captain of the seventh team to which you belong, Shu Xuyao, has informed you to report to his office. Please follow the green light.”

A row of lights in the corridor turned green, guiding Kai Xin in the direction.

Kai Xin looked around calmly, and saw the monitor mounted on the wall pointing the camera at her.

She paused for a moment, then walked forward according to the green light, and the camera also changed angles following her steps. When Kai Xin walked to the fork in the road, the indicator light of the right passage flashed at the right time, reminding her to go right.

Continuously passing through the long corridor, Kai Xin suddenly saw two people coming from the opposite side. One of the men was wrapped with an emergency bandage on his arm, and there were bloodstains on the bandage, but he didn’t seem to be seriously injured, and he could still walk consciously . The other person surprised Kai Xin a little. He supported the injured man, and Kai Xin could clearly see that his right arm was glowing with a hard gray metallic luster… He was actually equipped with a mechanical arm.

In the cyberpunk world, people will transform their bodies, and the transformed mechanical prosthetics can greatly facilitate people’s work and life. Mechanical transformation of human beings is very common, and natural talents without any transformation are a minority.

Kai Xin is now considered a mechanical transformation person. Although she can’t tell from the outside, she has an indestructible iron skull.

The two men walking across didn’t seem to know Kai Xin, and they didn’t react when they saw her.

Kai Xin thought for a moment, and decided to take a risk and initiate a conversation.

“What’s the matter?” She didn’t use any title, as if she just met a colleague by chance to exchange pleasantries.

Fortunately, the two people on the opposite side also regarded Kai Xin as an ordinary colleague who came to greet each other. The injured man said cursingly: “What else can it be? The port was blasted again. Those turtle sons are really tired. Wait for me When the injuries are cured, take a gun and end them all!”

“Forget it, wait for the minister’s unified order before acting, don’t die.” The man with the mechanical right arm said coldly.

They swearing and swearing all the way away.

The port exploded again?

Kai Xin glanced at their backs, and followed the green light while thinking.

Two minutes later, Kai Xin stopped in front of a metal door marked “Office of the Seventh Squad of the Field Service Group – Shu Xuyao”.

The door is open, Kui XinpingWith a heartbeat, I walked in.

A circular table came into view, and the suspended light screen projected by the hologram was filled with densely packed words, and a man in a gray-blue uniform stood in front of the light screen and said to Kai Xin without looking back: “Sit. ”

Kai Xin scanned the room, pulled a pulley chair from under the long circular table and sat down.

The man turned around and looked at Kai Xin and said, “Thank you for your hard work. I will give you three days off. You don’t have to go to the training room for training in these three days.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Kui Xin said.

It seems that the man in front of her is her immediate superior, Shu Xuyao, the captain of the seventh team. At present, it seems that he is a good captain who cares about his subordinates, but he even took the initiative to approve the leave.

“You’re welcome. I’m partly responsible for not protecting the team members well.” Shu Xuyao ​​rubbed his brows and said, “Before you go back to rest, you have to go to the criminal investigation team to take notes and tell the details of your attack.”

coming. Kai Xin tensed up, his palms were slightly wet.

As a time traveler, not inheriting any memory from the original body is a huge hidden danger. She really doesn’t know anything.

Before she entered the second world, she was worrying about living expenses. After entering the second world, the things that made her anxious were completely different. What she needed to consider was living.

“Captain…I…” Kai Xin showed hesitation.

“What’s wrong.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at her patiently.

“As for the attack, I don’t remember clearly.” Kai Xin said sincerely, “It seems that I can’t remember many things clearly, and I can’t recall them even if I think about it carefully.”

Shu Xuyao ​​frowned, “Then what do you remember?”

“I remember my identity, the intern security officer of the seventh team.” Kui Xin carefully observed Shu Xuyao’s expression.

Sure enough, Shu Xuyao ​​frowned even tighter.

He glanced at Kai Xin and said, “Adam, help me contact the medical office and ask them to send a doctor over to examine Kai Xin.”

A cold mechanical voice appeared: “Your instructions have been conveyed.”

Adam? The cold mechanical voice belongs to Adam?

Is Adam the name of a super artificial intelligence?

Kai Xin sat on the chair, Shu Xuyao ​​observed her silently, and asked, “I really don’t remember anything?”

“I really don’t remember.” Kui Xin shook his head, “What happened at that time?”

“Only you know what happened.” Shu Xuyao ​​knocked on the table, “You caught up with the suspect who set up an explosive device at the port, but when we arrived, you fell to the ground with a bloody head and the suspect fled. ”

He said in a serious tone: “Kai Xin, we need you to recall, recall the suspect’s physical characteristics, this is very important for our follow-up actions.”

Kai Xin raised his head and said, “I will try my best.”

Adam reminded: “The doctor is already outside the door, do you want to let him in?”

“Let him in.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

The metal door opened silently, and Dr. Huang, an old acquaintance of Kuixin, came in sweating profusely pushing medical equipment: “Captain Shu, what’s the matter? I came here in a hurry just after I had an operation.”

“Kai Xin lost his memory. It may be a sequela caused by brain trauma. Show her.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at Dr. Huang.

Dr. Huang looked at Kai Xin with a little surprise: “Amnesia?”

He non-stop took out a scanner-like thing and placed it on Kai Xin’s head. The light blue beam scanned her from head to toe.

Dr. Huang took out a monitor and looked at the data on it and muttered: “Anesthetics may cause temporary amnesia, but the problem is obviously not in this area, and a rough inspection can’t reveal anything. I’m afraid the security guard Wei Xin needs to call me back. Medical center, I will give her a detailed and comprehensive physical examination.”

“Well, let’s go now.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

“Let’s go, Kai Xin.” Dr. Huang nodded to Kai Xin.

Kai Xin stood up from the chair, “I’m sorry, doctor.”

“No trouble, that’s where the responsibility lies.” Dr. Huang said, “Captain Shu, I will report to you immediately when the result comes out.”

Kai Xin was speechless all the way, and followed Dr. Huang in the corridor. Dr. Huang chattered: “There were many casualties in the port bombing case. Several people had mechanical limb transplants, and a few had bionic internal organs replaced. I have a day today.” After five or six surgeries, my eyes are still closed.”

“Kai Xin, you are lucky.” Dr. Huang sighed, “How many of them were not saved? You are so young, but you survived. Sigh, when will the gangs in Heihai City be cleaned up? Doing this and that twice in three days, this time even the economic lifeline port of Heihai City is going to be bombed.”

It’s strange that Dr. Huang is good at acting… If Kai Xin knew his identity as a young man, he would have thought that this kind-hearted doctor was so conscientious and concerned about the country and the people.

Consciously or unintentionally, he revealed something to Kai Xin, and Kai Xin accepted it completely and kept it in his heart.

If this is a game, every word the NPC prompts may be of great help to the game clearance.

After arriving in the medical room, Dr. Huang pressed his watch, and the lights in the medical room dimmed immediately.

“Adam is everywhere, and you need to use a device to avoid its monitoring to be able to communicate freely, otherwise it may monitor us.” Doctor Huang put away his benevolent look, “I didn’t expect your strategy to pretend to be amnesia… But surprisingly effective.”

He spoke to Kai Xin outside like an elder to a junior, and when he was in a place where Adam was not monitoring him, he spoke to Kai Xin with a respectful demeanor. Kui Xin belongs to the core backbone in Dawn of Machinery, and his level is higher than him.

Dr. Huang is a double-faced man with two faces.

Kai Xin touched it subconsciously.In her pocket, the silver bracelet communicator and data chip that Dr. Huang gave her are all in her pocket. She suspects that the silver bracelet also carries a similar function, and if used correctly, it can block the monitoring of artificial intelligence Adam.

“Can you forge the medical report for me?” Kai Xin asked proactively.

“Of course.” Dr. Huang said with a smile, “I brought you to the medical room just to do this.”

Half an hour later, the fake medical report was released.

Kai Xin walked out of the medical room with the medical examination report and returned to Shu Xuyao’s office.

Shu Xuyao ​​stared at Kai Xin’s physical examination report several times, and his gaze was fixed on the last line of the report’s medical advice column: “Proper rest can help memory recovery.”

“Go back,” he sighed, and said helplessly, “If there are any signs of memory recovery, come and report to me immediately. Your vacation is still three days.”

Kui Xin said, “Of order, Captain.”

When she walked out of Shu Xuyao’s office, she felt like the big stone on her chest fell to the ground.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Kai Xin’s back.

She knew that she had already passed the first hurdle and saved herself without arousing suspicion from others. The next challenge would only be more difficult than this.

You know, this is a world with highly advanced technology and extraordinary power.

“Task trigger.”

A light curtain that only Kai Xin could see suddenly appeared.

“[Mission Description]: The simple and honest Heihai City is an important port city of the Federation, and it is also the lair occupied by many gang forces. Now Heihai City is shrouded in conspiracy, and unknown minions have extended here. You need to investigate this conspiracy clearly. ”

“You can choose to accept the mission, or you can choose to reject the mission.”

“Rejecting may allow you to take less risk, but accepting may have unexpected rich rewards.”

“[Task Content]: Investigate the bombing case at the port in Heihai City.”

Kai Xin thought of the sixth piece of advice to keep in mind before entering the game.

——Everything has a price.

The gifts of fate have always been secretly priced, and if you want to get them, you have to bear risks.

Kai Xin is a level passer who fumbled his way forward in the second world, and he is also an explorer of the new world. There are dangers and opportunities before her.

Now the fork in the road of fate is at your feet.

Kai Xin chose to accept the task.

“You have accepted the mission.”

“[Task Progress]: 0%.”

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