The Lightless Sea 42

“During the process of following Fang Zhi, did you encounter any other suspicious people?” Xie Ganqing emphasized his tone.

Kui Xin recalled: “No… Everyone is normal, each going their own way.”

Xie Ganqing explained: “If you have read the forum, you should be able to see everyone’s analysis in the past few days. The No. 233 Depriver is in Tonglin City. It was uploaded yesterday.Around noon, Fang Zhi was killed by No. 233 Deprived Person. Fang Zhi and you were killed after three hours of separation. This time interval is neither long nor short. We wonder if it is possible for you to pass by Depriver No. 233 when you followed Fang Zhi. It’s just that you didn’t notice. ”

Kai Xin trembled, and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

She rubbed her arms and stammered, “No, it can’t be such a coincidence, can it? Will Depriver No. 233 find out my identity like you… In case he also has hacking skills…”

“The probability is relatively small, but it’s not impossible.” The bespectacled boy Yu Qiwen said rigorously, “I think you need to be more vigilant during this time to avoid being approached by him.”

Kai Xin’s face turned pale.

Yuan Lu comforted: “Don’t be nervous. When you meet a suspicious person, you can ask the people around you for help. You can also go to the police station. You can tell us, and we will try our best to help you.”

“However, the main scope of our activities is not in Tonglin City. It is very difficult for us to reach you if you ask for help.” Yu Qiwen said honestly, “With the strength of Depriver No. 233, it is difficult for those who are targeted by him to escape, and the police can only do so much. , all we can do now is pray that he doesn’t know you exist.”

Kai Xin looked like he was about to cry.

Yuan Lu stared at Yu Qiwen, his lips moved silently: “Shut up if you can’t speak, you scared the little sister.”

Yu Qiwen looked at Yuan Lu inexplicably, not knowing what mistake he made.

“Relax, I don’t think Depriver No. 233 will continue to act in the near future. His general location has been exposed, and serial killings will make his location more thorough.” Xie Ganqing analyzed, “I think he may will go into hibernation.”

“I hope… I hope so.” Kai Xin burst into tears.

At this moment, Yu Qiwen finally remembered the little social skills he had learned. When others are afraid or sad, they should comfort them appropriately.

So he smiled and said to Kai Xin: “Don’t worry, Depriver No. 233 would not target ordinary players if he had a normal mind. If he wanted to attack, he would only attack players with extraordinary abilities. It is not profitable to kill ordinary players.” , this deal is not worth it… Hey, you probably haven’t awakened, have you?”

Kai Xin looked at Yu Qiwen in horror, shaking his head like a rattle.

“It’s fine if you haven’t awakened.” Yu Qiwen said with a smile.

Xie Ganqing and Yuan Lu exchanged strange looks.

Yuan Lu coughed: “It’s really dangerous for you to live alone now… We plan to build a stronghold in the provincial capital. You seem to be going to college there, right? You can come here often in the future.”

Kai Xin hesitated and said, “Let’s talk about it when we have a chance.”

She neither explicitly refused nor accepted, and her vacillating attitude was fully revealed.

“Actually, we are alumni.” Yu Qiwen said enthusiastically, “I will also be a student there when the term starts.”

Kai Xin was stunned: “…Unexpected.”

“I’ll be a classmate from now on. I’m studying computer. Your major is… what is it?” Yu Qiwen said.

“Artificial intelligence. The job prospects are good. It’s a newly opened major with relatively little competition… My score just happened to be stuck there, and I’m quite interested in this major.” Kui Xin talked a little more about his major, it seems Because of Yu Qiwen’s alumni status, he let go of his guard.

Yuan Lu was satisfied to see that the malicious mark on Kai Xin’s head became lighter again.

She was completely relieved. Originally, the three of them agreed that if they found that Kai Xin was malicious beyond the standard and his identity was suspicious, they would give a secret sign. Now it seems that she is just an ordinary little girl. If she gets closer properly, she will not be disgusted. Even the color of the malicious mark It’s getting lighter a little bit.

However, Yuan Lu didn’t know that Kai Xin’s real thoughts at the moment were similar to hers.

The trio of hackers are indeed ordinary people, and the second-hand preparations can be temporarily cancelled. After becoming alumni with Yu Qiwen, he will be under her nose, and there will be no disturbances. The wind has been too tight lately, since they can be stabilized, there is no need to do anything, just lie down and observe for a while.

“You have asked me many questions, but I haven’t asked you.” Kai Xin changed the topic.

“Ask.” Xie Ganqing said.

“Are you the son of the richest man here?” Kai Xin asked, “You are so rich, and the richest man here is also named Xie, who looks very similar to you.”

“I am indeed.” Xie Ganqing admitted this straightforwardly.

Kui Xin said: “I asked for your names on the phone, but the hacker didn’t say my name, Yu Qiwen, but yours.”

“The three of us were together at the time, and I was the one replying to your message.” Xie Ganqing replied.

There are other reasons he didn’t say. That is, his family has a relatively wide network, and the exposure of a name will not have much impact on him. At worst, he would have more bodyguards when he went out. Yu Qiwen has to go to school in the future, if Kai Xin calls the police if he says his name on the phone, it may cause some trouble.

Kai Xin clicked his tongue: “How old are you, twenty-eight years old? I thought you were busy running the family business and didn’t have time to play games… Could it be that you are a game lover and specially applied for “Crimson Soil”?” The internal test, this is just selected?”

Xie Ganqing: “…my nephew is underage, so he secretly used my ID card when he wanted to play games.”

“Then after receiving the invitation for the internal test, he couldn’t bear his nephew’s begging to sign the game contract. He thought it would not be a big deal to lend the game to his little nephew. Who knew…” Yuan Lu shrugged, “Xie Ganqing and I are cousins.” Brother and sister relationship. Yu Qiwen is a child of my father’s family, the three of us grew up together.”

“I’m so envious, I happened to meet you.”Kai Xin said sullenly, “Can you support each other in the second world?” Much better than players who enter the game alone. ”

“We can also support each other.” Yuan Lu said solemnly, “All players should support each other, we can establish a relationship of equality and cooperation, jointly resist the deprivation in the first world, and share information to survive in the second world. ”

Kai Xin struggled for a few seconds: “I… I’ll think about it again.”

“You come to see us with a similar purpose. I sincerely hope that you will think about it seriously.” Xie Ganqing said, “We have resources and contacts, and we are an excellent team in all aspects.”

“Well, I’ll think about it.” Kai Xin still didn’t immediately agree.

“I still have questions to ask…” She looked at Yu Qiwen curiously, “Aren’t you afraid of being discovered by the relevant departments if you hack into a surveillance system or something? You will be convicted if you are caught!”

“I’m a little scared, but someone must do these things. Although I have mastered hacking techniques beyond an era, there are always all kinds of geniuses in the world. There are not no hackers who are more talented than me. When invading It is possible to be traced back.” Yu Qiwen said, “So I am more cautious, not touching things that shouldn’t be touched, and only looking at things that I have to see and things that must be investigated.”

“So, you are a hacker who knows restraint?” Kai Xin said.

“It can be said like this.” Yu Qiwen said, “Technology is technology, tools are tools, and people are people. People need to use technology and tools to be correct, and they cannot use technology and tools to harm others recklessly. Otherwise, what is the difference between me and a criminal?”

“Okay…my impression of you has changed a little bit, just a little bit.” Kai Xin muttered.

It was almost noon, and Kai Xin took out his phone to check the time.

“I have something to do in the afternoon and I’m going home.” She opened the social software and said, “Add a formal contact information.”

After adding contact information with the three of them one by one, Yuan Lu said, “Would you like to have dinner together, my sister treats you.”

“No.” Kai Xin refused.

“Does artificial intelligence major need a computer? If you need to buy a computer, I can recommend the configuration for you. I understand this very well!” Yu Qiwen said enthusiastically.

“I consulted on the school’s forum, and the seniors and sisters said that if they need a computer, the teacher will take the students to the computer room…” Kui Xin said.

“It’s always more convenient to buy one, the transaction is effective, and you deserve the reward.” Yuan Lu said, “I won’t cheat you, you have to trust us. The part-time job is too tiring, and your grades are so good. If you pay more There will definitely be a better way out if the time is spent on learning.”

Kai Xin glanced at the trio suspiciously, and said, “I will buy the computer when it is time to buy it, and I will use the money when it is time to use it.”

The four of them went downstairs from the passageway of the badminton court.

There were also fewer people in the mall on rainy days. The trio of hackers took the elevator downstairs, and Kai Xin also took the elevator to prevent himself from appearing too sophisticated in avoiding surveillance.

With a ding-dong sound, the elevator stopped on the third floor.

The girl with big bags squeezed into the elevator.

“Sister Xin Xin!” Su Rong said pleasantly, “Are you here to buy things too?”

Su Rong wore a mask on her face, a peaked cap on her head, and a plain mirror.

“Rong Rong?” Kui Xin got stuck, “No, I’m here to see a friend.”

Su Rong raised her eyes and glanced at the people in the elevator. There was a man in his twenties, a beautiful lady in a green dress, and a boy with glasses who were obviously in the same age group as them.

“Hello.” Su Rong said politely.

The trio of hackers also nodded politely in response.

Coincidentally, this is not the case.

There are five people in a small elevator, and all five people are players.

“Where’s Auntie?” Kai Xin looked for a topic.

“Mom is shopping on it, I’ll put the things I bought in the car first.” Su Rong complained softly, “I didn’t want to come out, but she insisted that I was too nervous to study, so she wanted to drag me out for a stroll… ”

The elevator stopped on the first floor. Su Rong ran out of the elevator with her package in her hand and said cheerfully, “Goodbye, Sister Xin Xin. The things are too heavy. I’ll leave quickly. Come to my house for dinner when I have time!”

Kai Xin and the trio of hackers also walked out of the elevator.

“I’m leaving first, goodbye.” Kai Xin said goodbye to them, held up an umbrella and turned to walk towards the subway entrance.

“Remember to keep in touch, and let us know if there is any situation.” Yuan Lu waved his hand.

“Let’s go too.” Yu Qiwen said.

The three of them walked to the parking lot, opened the car door and got in.

“I’ve gained something today.” Xie Ganqing meditated in the driver’s seat.

“The harvest is to confirm that Kai Xin is not a depriver.” Yuan Lu stretched his waist, “She hasn’t completely let go of us, give her some time.”

“But the identity of Depriver No. 233 has not been confirmed. He seems to have evaporated without leaving any trace.” Yu Qiwen pulled the seat belt and fastened it meticulously.

Yuan Lu said: “There’s nothing we can do after confirming it. Can we beat him? It’s best to pray that we don’t run into him. It must be a long battle against the depriver.”

“Lu Lu is right.” Xie Ganqing turned the car key and started the engine. “Let’s go home.”

“If we really become a large-scale organization in the future, it is necessary to set up a fixed base and a safe meeting place.” Yu Qiwen said, “There should be very few opportunities to meet offline, but we still need to be prepared. ”

“I’ll take care of this.” Xie Ganqing stepped on the gas pedal.

While the vehicle was driving, Yuan Lu suddenly said, “Would that little girl, Kuixin, have extraordinary abilities?”

Yu Qiwen: “Huh? She denied it.”! ”

“It’s possible.” Xie Ganqing said, “I noticed that she denied it too quickly and panicked.”

“I didn’t see it…” Yu Qiwen said.

“Hmph, the little girl who hasn’t experienced much in the world is a little tender.” Yuan Lu said.

Xie Ganqing: “When you were the same age as her, you put all your emotions on your face. You were much more careless than her.”

Yuan Lu: “…Oh.”

She said: “She knows to hide it, but she has a sneaky eye.”

“Some people have been severely beaten by the society since they were very young, and some people have experienced severe beatings by the society only after graduating from university at the age of 22.” Xie Ganqing said, “The minds are different. You can see the difference in the eyes of these two types of people.”

“Indeed.” Yuan Lu sighed, “The little girl is poor, she won’t have to work hard with the reward we give her.”

For several days in a row, nothing happened.

Kai Xin: “It’s great, today is another peaceful and beautiful day… I like nothing to happen.”

Kui Xin’s life these days is very simple. She gets up early to do morning exercises. After the morning exercises, she eats breakfast at a roadside stall next to the community. home to continue learning.

Going to bed at ten o’clock at night and getting up at six o’clock in the morning, life is very regular, and the work and rest are much more normal than in the second world.

Today is August 2.

The day of returning to the game.

Kui Xin wakes up in the morning and browses the forum as usual

The death list has not been updated, and the official pinned post has not changed, but the forum is filled with an atmosphere of anxiety. The number of posts by players has increased significantly, and prayer posts account for the majority. We are used to living a comfortable life in the first world, and no one wants to go back to the second world.

Kai Xin was in a calm state of mind, and the rhythm of life was not disturbed in the slightest.

As usual, she got up to do morning exercises, went to study, and went to tutor Su Rong.

Su Rong was obviously restless in class, and lost her mind while writing the topic. She had dark circles under her eyes, and she looked haggard, as if she hadn’t slept all night.

“Have you stayed up late?” Kai Xin asked abruptly when she was distracted while writing a question again.

“Ah? Um… I… I couldn’t sleep last night, I had insomnia.” Su Rong scratched at her loose hair. She is a person who pays great attention to her external image, but she didn’t comb her hair well today, and she looks listless.

Kai Xin said: “Then don’t study for now, you can rest for a while. This class will be made up next weekend, and your vacation is gone. You are not in a good state of mind, and you can’t learn it. It’s better not to study.”

“Okay.” Su Rong held her chin and said weakly, “Oh, life is so difficult, I regret my choice at the beginning.”

“Each has its own difficulties.” Kui Xin pulled over the paper and circled wrong questions for Su Rong, “Do you regret taking the art student route?”

Su Rong reacted slowly for a while before nodding.

Kai Xin said: “It’s useless to regret, I can only redouble my efforts to make up for it.”

“Sister Xin Xin, we are about the same age. You are much more stable than me. My mother praised you two days ago and asked me to learn more from you.” Su Rong said, “Oh, sometimes I watch you Like my mother…Of course I don’t mean that you look like my mother on the outside, I mean that you are on the inside…uh, as reliable and stable as the elders, I have never seen a peer like you. ”

Kai Xin thought for a while: “You live alone for a few years, leave your parents to take care of you, and do everything by yourself, and you will soon become like me.”

Su Rong’s mother vaguely mentioned the situation in Kai Xin’s family to her, saying that it was not very good.

She cleverly skipped this topic, dragged Kai Xin into the living room, stuffed her with a large bag of snacks and said, “Class is over, let’s watch TV and have snacks, do you want to watch a movie?”

“You can watch anything.” Kui Xin pinched a piece of potato chips and put them in his mouth.

She seldom eats snacks. In order to maintain her body’s nutrition, she only buys what she must eat. She doesn’t buy snacks once in a few months, and she doesn’t even drink milk tea. The days when Kai Xin drank milk tea the most were when he was working in a milk tea shop, because the boss said that the employee benefit is to drink milk tea casually.

The leisure time in the afternoon passed quickly, and night came.

Kai Xin walked home in the afterglow of the setting sun.

After eating some dinner indiscriminately, she took out a copy of “Criminal Investigation Scene Investigation” bought in a physical store and gnawed on it with difficulty.

The criminal investigation textbooks of the first world and the second world are very different, but there are some similarities in some of the most basic theoretical things. It is better to learn than not to learn. If you don’t learn anything, go back to the first The second world continues to learn.

Time passed quickly, and when Kai Xinding’s watch rang, it was already half past eleven at night.

She will enter the game in half an hour.

Kai Xin stood up, stretched his limbs, and meditated.

She is in a critical state in the second world, and the alien creature scythe is attacking her frantically.

After staying in the first world for seven days, it is difficult for her mentality to return to the state it was seven days ago, but even so, she still has to experience the feeling of recalling the battle, keep her focus focused, and let her muscles and nerves In a tense state, so as to adapt to the battle as soon as possible, so as not to be accidentally cut off by the scythe demon.

Kai Xin turned off all the lights in the room.

In the second world, she is patrolling the port, and the environment is very dark, but at the moment the lights are on in her bedroom, and the environment is bright. Suddenly changing from light to dark will make it difficult for her to adapt, and the darkness can help her avoid the transition of the light environment.

Kai Xin set a watch on her mobile phone again. This time she set the watch at 23:59:58, two seconds away from 00:00, leaving enough time for reaction.

She stood by the window and closed her eyes, recalling the several crises she had experienced.The dangerous battle makes the spirit tense to the extreme.

When she was in a good state, she opened her eyes and looked at the night view of Tonglin City.

“I’m going back to Heihai City…” Kai Xin murmured in his heart.

Before returning to Heihai City, she wanted to take another look at the neon lights of her familiar hometown.


Kai Xin’s cell phone buzzed and vibrated, and the alarm clock rang. At the same time, Kai Xin’s heartbeat quickened, but in an instant, the darkness engulfed her in a world where she couldn’t see her fingers!

She smelled the smell of blood and the salty sea flavor in her breath. She heard the sound of the wind, the whistling of tentacles, the shouts of teammates Lan Lan and Jiang Ming, and the urgent voice of captain Shu Xuyao ​​in the communicator.

She felt the pain and itching of the wound in her waist and abdomen. The wound healed rapidly under the effect of blood and flesh regeneration, and the pain stimulated her nerves.

After returning to this body, Kai Xin rolled on the spot, dodging the sickle demon’s hook and bone blade at the moment of life and death.

“Clang—” Its hook-shaped bone blade hit the container behind Kai Xin, and was slightly embedded in it.

Regardless of the injury to his abdomen, Kai Xin pulled out a knife from his thigh and cut it from bottom to top.

With a swish sound, the sickle demon’s soft tentacles shattered, and the hooked bone blade was firmly embedded in the container. It let out an ear-piercing whine, and blue-green blood splashed out, and white spots appeared where the green blood spattered. Smoke, like a strong corrosive acid.

Kai Xin’s face and body were also sprayed. Holes were corroded in her battle suit, and white smoke rose from her skin.

She had no time to take care of it, so she took advantage of this gap to reload the bullet, looked at the Scythe Demon with cold eyes, and raised her gun to shoot at it.

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